
About Coinworks

"Enabling FinTech and Digial Currency"

Coinworks Description

The story of bitcoin is well known – a revolutionary new form of money that turned its early adopters into millionaires. What is less well known is the breakthrough technology behind bitcoin – a ground-breaking system of record-keeping known as the blockchain. Blockchain technology has a myriad of potential applications that go beyond alternative money systems with potential applications in law, accountancy, trade, financial markets, registration, and social networking. Some even argue it will change the way the internet currently works.
Coinworks Limited has been established to invest early in the cycle in a small and focused portfolio of leading edge companies within the digital currency, blockchain and fintech ecosystem. Coinworks anticipates an early listing on the Alternative Investment Market of the London Stock Exchange.
Coinworks will work with the companies it invests in to accelerate commercialisation of their products and services, effectively offering an incubation service in addition to seed capital. This will involve active monitoring as an advisor to the company, help with managing professional services and appropriately structuring the business to allow the founders to focus on product development and commercialisation of the product.
Currently the company is in discussions to make investments in 3 businesses. Following the listing of Coinworks on AIM the directors anticipate investing in a portfolio of 7-10 companies. These companies are likely to be involved in various sectors within the digital currency space including remittance and money transfers, market making, micropayments, security, and payment processing.
Coinworks believes that as the sector matures opportunities will arise to develop the Company into an investment manager and merchant bank for the sector.

More about Coinworks

Coinworks is located at 49 Albemarle Street, W1S 4JR London, United Kingdom