Colchester Buddhist Centre

About Colchester Buddhist Centre

Colchester Buddhist Centre is at the heart of a thriving, friendly community of practicing Buddhists. We run regular free meditation classes, events, retreats, festivals and study groups.

Colchester Buddhist Centre Description

All of our main meditation and Buddhism classes are free of charge and there is no need to book - just show up!

Newcomers Night: Introduction to meditation and Buddhism
Every Wednesday, 7pm - 9: 30pm /newcomers-night /

Lunchtime Drop-In: Introduction to meditation
Every Friday, 1pm - 2pm /dropin /

Dharma Morning: Meditation and Buddhism
Every Saturday, 11am - 1pm /sangha-morning /

Sangha Night: Meditation practice and Dharma teaching for people familiar with our meditation practices
Every Thursday, 7pm - 9: 30pm /dharma-night /



We start about 9.00 but wonŌĆÖt go to the shrine room until after 10.00 so people can arrive a little later than 9.00 if they want.


A hearty sardu (congratulations) to our shiny new mitras Andrew and Bryony ­¤Æø­¤ÆÖŌØż!!! Yesterday was a wonderful evening of celebration and joy ­¤Äē­¤Äē­¤Äē


Make 2019 the year you transform your mind.
Come and visit us on our open day to find out how meditation and Buddhism can help youŌĆ” - Find more meaning in life - Let go of anxieties... - Develop compassion and kindness towards others - Take control of emotions and thoughts
Half hour meditation tasters will be run at 12pm, 1:30pm and 3:00pm - but you're welcome to come at any time during the day.Ō Ć”/open-day-jan-2019/
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Men's Day open to all men; 10.00-16.00 on Sunday 20th January 2019.
T he theme is Going Deeper in Meditation and there will be workshops and presentations on working in meditation as well as opportunities to discuss your practice with others.
... Please bring vegan or vegetarian food to share.
Day led by Gunasara, Harsharatna, ksanativajra, Kusaladana and Srikirti.
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Come and spend a weekend with our thriving, friendly local community (aka ŌĆ£SanghaŌĆØ) in beautiful surroundings.
A chance to be quiet, meditate and reflect - time just for you, away from the hustle and bustle of daily life...
Retreats are an integral part of a Buddhist life - discover and experience one for yourself.
... This is is a great first retreat experience if youŌĆÖve not been before! Or, if you are regular - come, practise and spend time together deepen precious friendships.
May be your family or friends could get this for you as your Christmas present?
Book your place here : ŌĆ”/sangha-retreat-ŌĆ”/
We look forward to seeing you there! ŌÖź’ĖÅ
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Come and spend a weekend with our thriving, friendly local community (aka ŌĆ£SanghaŌĆØ) in beautiful surroundings.
A chance to be quiet, meditate and reflect - time just for you, away from the hustle and bustle of daily life...
Retreats are an integral part of a Buddhist life - discover and experience one for yourself.
... This is is a great first retreat experience if youŌĆÖve not been before! Or, if you are regular - come, practise and spend time together deepen precious friendships.
May be your family or friends could get this for you as your Christmas present?
Book your place here : ŌĆ”/sangha-retreat-ŌĆ”/
We look forward to seeing you there! ŌÖź’ĖÅ
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Aviva Community Fund News!
Congratulations we are a finalist
Our project has received enough votes to make it through to the finals.
... Thanks for all your votes!!
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Any takers...a New Chair for the Colchester Buddhist Centre?ŌĆ”/new-cha ir-colchester-buddhiŌĆ”


Do join us for this Sundays Sangha Day Celebrations, the last festival day in our current year! All are welcome X
10:30am Introduction 11:00am A talk by Amalaketu; 12:00pm Discussion Groups... 1:00pm Lunch (Bring Vegan food to share) 2:30pm 2 short talks - Gunasara and Anavajja 3:30pm Puja with Mitra Re-affirmations 5:00pm Clear up and depart
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ItŌĆÖs the last weekend of voting, please spare us a few minutes of time to help our Colchester and Clacton classes get new cushions and mats! Many thanks. ng/project/ŌĆ”/4-1188


Arrangements at Colchester Buddhist Centre for Bhante's funeral on Saturday 10th November.
This is to let you know the arrangements for Bhante's funeral on Saturday.
We have been advised that streaming of the funeral service may not be of high quality, or in fact may not happen at all, although of course we will stream this if possible. The current intention then is for our Centre to host a day to mark this occasion, with doors opening at midday for a 12:30 start. Doors will... be secured during the duration.The day will finish at 4:30 if the streaming occurs, if not earlier. Atulyamati will lead a Puja if streaming is not possible. All are welcome to attend, and if you need more information please do let us know.
A minibus will be travelling from the Centre early on Saturday morning for those who wish to be present at the event itself, although almost all places have now been allocated so if you would still like to travel to Adhisthana please contact Sthiranaga directly by email or phone: 07538397946
Yours in the Dharma,
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User ife-appealŌĆ”


(From Adhisthana):
Dear friends
We are writing about arrangements for visiting Adhisthana to sit with Bhante's body during the vigil period.
... Bhante's body is now at Adhisthana and from Tuesday 6th to Friday 9th there will be the opportunity to come and spend time with the physical remains of our precious teacher.
There will be a 24 hour vigil in the main Adhisthana shrine-room and Bhante's body will be in the Amitabha shrine-room.
The Amitabha shrine-room can only hold 15 people at a time so we need to co-ordinate when and in what number people visit Adhisthana and we have to ask you to book a time. We will do our absolute best to facilitate your visit but you may have to exercise patience.
You are welcome to book a slot (or 2 if there are enough of you) in the Amitabha shrineroom to sit with Bhante's body, do puja, meditate etc.
You will also be welcome to join the ongoing vigil in the main shrine-room which will have meditation and mantra chanting on the hour.
Please book directly by email with Aparajita and Nandavajra - not through Adhisthana - and copy us both in. One of us will get back to you promptly. and

More about Colchester Buddhist Centre

Colchester Buddhist Centre is located at 2 Portland Road, CO2 7EH Colchester, Essex