
About Copyrightcoins

CCIM is a blockchain-enabled cryptocurrency built to provide more money, faster, to all online copyright owners, without an intermediary.

Copyrightcoins Description

CopyrightCoins (CCIM) and its use in any ecosystem of digital content distribution are here to provide more money, faster, to all online copyright owners, without an intermediary.

CCIM is a blockchain-enabled cryptocurrency built over the last 3 years, managed and controlled within our closed ecosystem, and it cannot be mined publicly.

CCIM evolves within a decentralised, secure and immutable ecosystem. Accurate metadata for any piece of content and all related transactions (including readership and payments transactions) are recorded onto a blockchain. Combined with our in-house tokenised nanopayments, it guarantees near-instant payment and drastically reduced management fees. With our distributed ledger technology, single streams are licensed - accurate reporting is automatic.

Regardless of the online content being paid for, the premise is simple:

1 click = 1 licence = 1 payment



With a 20/20 vision for the New Year


CopyrightCoins - The currency of royalties...


We already have a German bank account😃


CopyrightCoins — A currency that is 100% digital and protected against inflation?
The “old-style” cryptocurrencies are speculative assets and will probably die a slow death as they are replaced by stablecoins. Can an asset that serves no purpose in the real economy survive in the long run? Probably not.
...Continue reading


After 3 weeks on Isle of Man, I am now packing up and closing the office. I have been a long trip (mainly because of 10 days flat out with the flu). One thing for sure is that I know a LOT more about the business environment on the Island now. Consequently, NIM is strategically posed to help the Manx (local name for the Island) government became the first country in the world that supports the future of the Internet. Creating a regulated registration and trade of Copyrights.
...Full support for "More money, faster - to Copyright owners..."
CopyrightCoins is fast becoming the only currency in the world with real intrinsic value (including fiat) simply because it is ALWAYS based upon the royalty payments flowing through the system. The biggest risk is that people stop listening to music...
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We have now received the official letter of support from the Blockchain Isle of Man. We are now in a position to initiate the move to the Isle of Man of the New Internet Media Holding anticipating a legislated initiative from The Isle of Man government that will end in a full regulated registration and trade of copyrights.
As you undoubtedly are aware by now, we have a fully developed solution for registration and trade of copyright all ready to be implemented including KYC/A...ML and transfer of CopyrightCoins (CCIM) to fiat into a bank of your choice.
The recently initiated presentation showing the flow of money/CCIM and licensing models. With a market cap of 25 Billion CopyrightCoins (24 Billion currently in escrow) - it is an interesting "what-if" exercise as the potential market for content royalties on the internet is 116 Billion € today growing with some 26% year on year...
The Internet Music team have successfully presented our solutions to high profile songwriters and artists in Europe, and we are ready to move forward with exclusive arrangements!
Dear Mr. Pettersen,
Minister Skelly and the Blockchain Isle of Man team enjoyed meeting you during your visit to the Island. I wanted to follow up on your discussions and outline what the next steps are.
As you know, the Department aims to support both new businesses and growth businesses. In parallel, the aim for the Digital Agency is to support growth in blockchain and have consequently launched Blockchain Isle of Man. Through your successful application to Blockchain Isle of Man, we understand that you wish to remove the pain points within the consumer-creator market by breaking down the barriers to the creation and distribution of digital content. Your business New Internet Media plans to do this by providing the technology platform to assist production, distribution and monetisation of the content derived from the copyright.
We find this to be a very exciting proposition. To that end, Digital Isle of Man will explore the possibility of establishing a mechanism to facilitate the registration and trade of copyrights. As you are aware, an accepted applicant into Blockchain Isle of Man is required to establish a physical presence here and create jobs, which is the fundamental remit of the Department for Enterprise.
I hope this is helpful and would again stress that we are keen to see you choose the Isle of Man. Through Blockchain Isle of Man, we look forward to supporting New Internet Media.
Have a great day!
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