Cornerstone Maths Project

About Cornerstone Maths Project

Improving maths learning using digital visualisation tools. Rolling out across 100 UK schools in 2013 /14. Funded by SRI International & Li Ka Shing Foundation.



Retweeted GLOW (@GLOWMaths):
Exciting year ahead with plans for schools to work with @Just_Maths, @thecmsp, @CSMaths, @furthermaths, @joboaler, @Nat_Numeracy, @NCETM ...


Retweeted Laura T (@mathsatschool):
London Maths teachers, get your Dept involved in free CPD @CSMaths #mathschat @NuffieldFound @LGfL


#rED2015 Book your place now for @NuffieldFound @LGfL @ucl Action Research project for London 2ndry maths teachers


Help make it happen for Number Rumbler: brain-fizzing, fun family game on @indiegogo


Places now available on our free Oct PD days on Linear Functions for London 2ndry maths teachers. #mathschat


Order tickets via Eventbrite: aths-nuffield-proj…
This is a taster session aimed at teachers of key stage 3 mathematics, heads of mathematics departments and senior leaders from London secondary schools to find out more about the Cornerstone Maths Nuffield Project.
... 16:15-16:30 Arrival and registration
16:30 - 16:45 Overview of the project and its objectives.
16:45 - 17:15 Hands-on session with the Cornerstone Maths online curriculum units of work.
17:15 - 17:45 Q&A session
17:45 Close
See More


Order tickets via Eventbrite: efbevent
This is a taster session aimed at teachers of key stage 3 mathematics, heads of mathematics departments and senior leaders from London secondary schools to find out more about the Cornerstone Maths Nuffield Project.
... 16:45-17:00 Arrival and registration
17:00 - 17:15 Overview of the project and its objectives.
17:15 - 17:45 Hands-on session with the Cornerstone Maths online curriculum units of work.
17:45 - 18:15 Q&A session
18:15 Close
See More


Order tickets via Eventbrite: f=efbevent
This is a taster session aimed at teachers of key stage 3 mathematics, heads of mathematics departments and senior leaders from London secondary schools to find out more about the Cornerstone Maths Nuffield Project.
... 16:15 - 16:30 Arrival and registration (Refreshments will be provided)
16:30 - 16:45 Overview of the project and its objectives.
16:45 - 17:15 Hands-on session with the Cornerstone Maths online curriculum units of work.
17:15 - 17:45 Q&A session with existing Cornerstone Maths project schools.
17:45 Close
See More


Happy New Year from the Cornerstone Maths project.


Cornerstone Maths teachers in the London Knowledge Lab today for CPD on Unit 3: Patterns and Expressions.


Our latest newsletter is available to download here with updates on schools, hubs, sustainability and a report on a Royal visit to Cornerstone Maths at the London Knowledge Lab.

More about Cornerstone Maths Project

Cornerstone Maths Project is located at London Knowledge Lab, 23 Emerald Street, WC1N 3QS London, United Kingdom
+44 (0)2079115577