Counsellor - Camilla Jackson

Monday: 09:00 - 20:00
Tuesday: 09:00 - 20:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 20:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 20:00
Friday: 09:00 - 20:00
Saturday: 09:00 - 20:00
Sunday: 09:00 - 20:00

About Counsellor - Camilla Jackson

I am a counsellor and ‘YOU’ is my therapeutic practice tailor made to help your individual needs. Through a 1 on 1 discussion in person or through skype, I will help YOU define and solve your challenges whatever they are.

Counsellor - Camilla Jackson Description

I am a counsellor and ‘YOU’ is my therapeutic practice tailor made to help your individual needs. Through a 1 on 1 discussion in person or through skype, I will help YOU define and solve your challenges whatever they are.



Your actions speak volumes! & so does the behavior of others!
Sometimes it is more useful to use your eyes more that your ears.
Pay attention to your judgement & never doubt yourself after.
... Wishing you a great start to a week where your senses are sharpened and your exchanges are more beneficial🌞🌞🌞
#judgement #actions #speakingforyou #attention #selfbelief #donotbetakenadvantageof
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I have written about this before on my website and yet feel it a reoccurring issue we all face, so worth readdressing; Are you aware of your EXPECTATIONS?
If you want to feel bad... Have expectations that 9 times out of 10 lead to disappointments
... If you want to feel good... Be open to accept what comes and change what you don't like with an AGREEMENT.
If the agreement is broken, revaluate the agreement, and if broken again reconsider whether the person you made it with is abiding by the same rules as you.
#expectations #psychology #happiness #disappointments #promises #selfcontrol…/5-ben efits-having-no-expe…
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Want to find happiness? you already possess it, it just needs to be let out!
#happiness #journey #attitude #withinyou


Have you ever considered that the outside world could merely be a reflection of your internal world?
Do you like the way you view people and their actions? how you see the world around you? and how you view yourself?
If not! do something about it! change your internal world but understanding more of yourself through YOU!
... This article by #jenniferkass summarisies it perfectly!…/every- relationship-is-a-mi…
#love #selfawareness #mirror #relationships
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Want to have a great week?! you can! the only person who can stop you, is yourself!
Learn how to control your mind and better your everyday attitude through knowing yourself better...
If you have a minute check out this great article on the importance of personal growth...
... #you #personalgrowth #everyday #happiness #contentment #within #selfesteem #selfbelief…/the-most-important -part-of-personal-gr…
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There are certain uncertainties in life which we might not always understand the 'why', but they are so, this is one of them....
'What you see in others is a reflection of how you see a side of yourself' - personal belief
Can you invest more positivity, compassion and time understanding who is close to you? to better improve and understand yourself?
... #happiness #growth #development #life
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Begin or continue, but always quest to understand who YOU are first, before thinking the issues lie else where..
'The world around is merely a mirror of your world within' -personal belief
#selfreflection #innerhappiness #truth #selfbelief #empowerment #happiness #you


On my short break to India I have been reminded of the importance in having trust in ourselves.
Sometimes you need to gain distance to hear your own thoughts, but always listen to them as they are your truth!
Stay tuned into YOU no matter what.
... Whilst in gorgeous spiritual retreat of Auroville in Puducherry.
#faith #kindness #mediation #gentleness #goodness #india
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Would you like to start this new week feeling different? My suggestion would be to start with altering what you eat and drink, because everything starts from within! Feeling different inside can motivate you to think and break bad habits!
#newweek #detox #health #mentalhealth #mindcontrol... -detox
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'One door closes and another opens', right? So if you find yourself in one relationship that is coming to an end and you wish for another love, this article shares some interesting tips...
#relationship #newrelationship #findlove #bestfriend #soulmate
...…/7-tru sted-tips-finding-lo…
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#positivity #reflection #happiness #youareincontrol


Deeply embarrassed by what you said or did after a big night on the booze? ever wonder what the drunken conversation meant?
Here is an enlightening article to hopefully relieve any of your paranoia.
#morningafter #drunk #bignight #hangover #regrets #paranoia
...…/…/da1c4739f cb4a4729e459b40099fae31
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How was your weekend? did you end up doing the same thing you always do? are you tired of doing the same thing? Do you want to break a cycle?
Start the new week with a new mind set! break your cycles that don't work for you and start developing new ones..
... Here are some useful tips to help YOU
#breakthecycle #badhabits #change #growth #appreciation…/how-b reak-repetitive-cycl…
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Are you happy? truly happy all the time? is it possible to be happy all the time? does one need to be?
NO, would be my answer, its more important to be in control of ones mind to know how to moderate your mood through the swings and turns in life..
Learn the wonders of your mind through talking to the right person! here is why YOU can help you...
... #selfhelp #listening #therapy #mindfulness #control #happiness #wellbeing fits-therapy
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Do you think yourself perfect? mmm...probably the contrary!
Do you ever have thoughts that you are just not skinny enough? smart enough or good looking enough to be in that relationship or job?
My advice, STOP these pointless thoughts! they won't take you anywhere positive!
... Gain perspective and stay aligned with reality!
#selfimagine #insecure #skinny #notskinnyenough #imperfect #perfection #realism ody-image-be-your…/
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Some of my bullet point beliefs.....
*When we are cloudy inside everything is grey on the outside. *Happiness comes from within. *When we are good with ourselves we can be good with others. ... *Never neglect your personal needs, its not selfish, its self care. *We are our own personal responsible before others become part of our care.
Feeling abit off balanced with your #selfesteem ? read this good article to aid YOU.
If you need extra assistance just reach out, I am here to help...:)
#selfcare #selfbelief #reflection #priority #self #confidence 74
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Is it not fascinating how with one person we can feel energised, inspired & indestructible, whilst in the company of another person we can feel completely useless, flawed, insecure & drained?
Do you have someone in your life that zaps your energy & converts it into a negative feeling? I say life is too short! and negativity is harmful! gravitate towards the heaters not the drainers! (metaphorically)..and learn how to keep the toxicity of people out of your life.
... #drains #positivity #negativity #energy #mind #negativepeople #howtostaymentallyhealthy…/why-negative-peopl e-are-literally-kill…
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Do you repeat the same relationship mistakes time & time again? Do you feel you never get past first base with someone before it goes soar?
If you have come to the self realisation that there is one constant in all situations and that is you, don't worry! its the best news! because you are in CONTROL to change the next interaction! its just about becoming more aware of YOU and learning some tools/techniques to avoid further heart ache...
... Contact YOU now for your personal sound board and a space to be redirected with the attention you need.
In the meantime you might find this an interesting read...
#selfmatters #relationships #love #sabotaging #selfbelief #positivechange…/the-h idden-reasons-we-don…
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What do I think of Camilla? I think she is a beautiful person inside and out! I have known Camilla for many years. She has been a volunteer for my nonprofit The Foundation for Photo/Art in Hospitals almost from the beginning. Although Camilla is a busy woman with her own work, she finds time to dedicate her energy and talents to helping hospitals around the world become more calming environments for healing through art. She has been a terrific fundraiser for the Foundation as well as enthusiastically giving me support when I sometimes feel overwhelmed with all the work required for running a successful nonprofit. Camilla is the best and I'm grateful to have her as my beautiful friend!


The most important thing to know about Camilla is that she is authentic and genuine in all her relationships. As a therapist myself I know Camilla has the natural love, care, empathy and intuition it takes to help people through the challenges they face.


Keen insight and invaluable advice- highly recommend!


I really appreciate the attentive listening and the great insights I get from Camilla. Her wisdom and empathy never fail to provide the right input at the right time. Absolutely reliable!


Camilla you were made for this job!! You are fantastic!


Camilla is such a talented therapist! she helped me tremendously to understand myself and gain more confidence and in turn improve my relationships.

She has a natural ability to just tune into you and assist you with whatever you throw at her!

I will forever be grateful to her for the assistance and guidance she shared that has made my life so much richer and happier!


Camilla is one of the most amazing people I know.

Sure, I'm her brother and you might expect me to write that. But how many siblings really feel that way about their younger (less attractive) sibling?

She really has the biggest heart. So much space and time to absorb the challenges and ambitions of countless people that come into her life.

I'm really happy she's found an amazing professional outlet to share her experience, wisdom, knowledge and sincerity with the world.

The little bit of the world she touches, is all the better for it.

I hope everyone has a chance to experience it too. x


Camilla is a warm hearted and sincere psychologist and she helped me through a particularly rough period in my life. She made a huge impact and difference for me. I know I can always count on Camilla for those tough periods in life when you need someone with the tools, experience and insight to help you. I still use the exercises she gave me and am continuing to benefit and feel happier.


Camilla is a great listener, passionate for life and her job, she is very understanding! I couldn't recommend her highly enough!

More about Counsellor - Camilla Jackson

Monday: 09:00 - 20:00
Tuesday: 09:00 - 20:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 20:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 20:00
Friday: 09:00 - 20:00
Saturday: 09:00 - 20:00
Sunday: 09:00 - 20:00