
About Courierrefund.Com

If you ship with FedEx UPS or DHL then we will reduce your shipping bills by claiming back refunds for late delivery, lost parcels and more - automatically



Find out how parcel auditing can reduce your FedEx, UPS and DHL bills by up to 9% arcel-audit-compa…/


Address correction surcharges levied by FedEx, UPS and DHL, cost your business money and time. But did you know that many of the address correction fees you're charged are invalid? Find out how to identify the invalid fees and get refunds for them. -for-invalid-addr…/


Many shippers now use corrugated boxes to reduce the rate of damaged in transit incidents. Should your company make the switch from traditional cardboard boxes? Check out out latest blog post about this topic. age-in-transit-wi…/


Are you keeping your delivery partners "honest"? If not, then you're leaving thousands of pounds on the table. And who will hold your courier company accountable if not you? Read more about this in our latest blog post: ld-your-courier-p…/


Using CourierRefund to audit all your UPS, FedEx and DHL courier invoices and secure refunds for you is so effortless. You don't do anything - our software platform does it all for you. No follow up from you required - checkout our latest blog post which explains it all. ot-required-track…/


Our latest blog post:
Delivery worldwide in 2 days!
Shoppers the top 8 ecommerce countries in the world expect delivery within 1 - 3 days. For online retailers outside the top 8 countries who want to attract these shoppers, how can they meet their delivery demands? Our latest blog post explores this.
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UK specific: The growth in the logistics industry is amazing, a million more employees will be needed over the next 4-8 years. But it's feared there wont be a big enough logistics talent pool to meet the demand. The predicted shortfall in available talent is has prompted a number of initiatives targeted at children as young as 14 with a view to persuading them to become a logistics professional. istics-going-need…/

More about Courierrefund.Com

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