Craig Fookes - Hypnotherapy And Mindfulness Tuition

Monday: 10:00 - 21:00
Tuesday: 10:00 - 21:00
Wednesday: 10:00 - 21:00
Thursday: 10:00 - 21:00
Friday: 10:00 - 21:00
Saturday: 10:00 - 15:00
Sunday: -

About Craig Fookes - Hypnotherapy And Mindfulness Tuition

Craig Fookes is a professional clinical hypnotherapist and personal coach helping clients make positive and lasting changes across a wide range of issues and challenges.

Craig Fookes - Hypnotherapy And Mindfulness Tuition Description

My Story: -
Essentially, my story is the reason why I have changed career and become a therapist.

I worked in financial services for a little under 15 years and had my own small but reasonably successful business. This was incredibly stressful and coupled with several romantic break-ups, I developed symptoms of anxiety and depression; and ultimately suicidal thoughts.

In a relatively short space of time, I had completely changed from someone that was able to deal with running a business, stressful situations, and the pressures of modern life easily; to simply not being able to cope.

I sought professional help and I was able to see the real and immeasurable benefit of talking about my thoughts, my feelings, and my emotional state with an empathetic professional individual.

This process ignited a passion in me to help others that are experiencing challenges and I decided that I would retrain, change my career, and find a firm to take over my business as I believe that this is my calling. That my experiences, and more recently, my extensive professional training can be used to help others.

What do I do?
I work with clients across a wide range of issues and challenges. I spend time with my clients to get a deep understanding of what their challenges are, and what they are looking to achieve. With the therapy that I provide; we look back to see how these problems have arisen, and equally importantly, to look at how they want their life to be once we have successfully worked together.

The main issues that I work with clients on are: -
Suicidal thoughts

I am also experienced to work with clients to help with: -
Stopping smoking
Weight control
Relationship issues or breakdown
Fears and Phobias
Chronic pain management

How do I help?
I wholeheartedly believe that therapy is a collaborative process and there is no-size, fits-all approach. My training is focussed on hypnotherapy; however, it covers a range of “talking-therapy” approaches, including personal /life coaching, NLP techniques, mindfulness, and meditation.

In working closely together with my clients, together we develop a programme of therapy that best suits their needs, aims, and objectives.
Hypnotherapy is an incredibly powerful therapeutic technique which helps to you make changes at the deepest parts of your subconscious mind. It is a deeply relaxing, daydream-like experience in which you remain totally in control and aware throughout.

What does it cost?
I offer (up-to) 2 hour intensive sessions that ordinarily includes a completely personalised hypnotherapy experience which is initially priced at £85. 00 per session.

Many of my clients start to experience benefits and changes after just one session. However, for the purposes of an example, a smoking cessation programme is 2 or 3 sessions on average; which for average smoker than they spend on cigarettes in a month!

Get in touch!
If you have any questions, please do message me or feel free to call on 01206 752108, or 07900 366780 anytime. If I am with other clients, I will get back to you as soon as possible.



#asktwice (some adult content)


Thank you to everyone that joined me today for the #wholehour on meditation and mindfulness for #worldmentalhealthday


To support #WorldMentalHealthDay and the #WholeHour campaign - I’ll be taking the hour to share EVERYTHING I know about mindfulness and meditation on Facebook live. Completely free of charge.
World Mental Health Day is Wednesday 10 October 2018
Meditation is scientifically proven to reduce stress, help manage anxiety and depression, help with physical conditions such as high blood pressure and chronic pain, it can also help you get better quality sleep.
... Meditation is easy, free, and you can practice pretty much anywhere (other than driving/using machinery etc 🤓)
It doesn’t have to be spiritual or require to change any of your beliefs, it is a simple way to help you brain and body deeply relax and process all the stresses and strains of Day-to-Day life.
Once you have learned the basic techniques, you can develop your own mindfulness/meditation technique and just 10 minutes practice a day will make a big difference in your life.
Seems needless to say, but I am a BIG fan, and it’s something that I really encourage all of my clients, particularly those experiencing symptoms of anxiety, depression, and those looking to make changes to their diet and lose weight.
Please let me know you are coming by selecting “interested” on the event below
Look forward to seeing you then - Craig 🤓🙏🏻
See More


** “Mojo” recovery and restoration service **
Hypnotherapy is helping my clients find their lost MOJO and restore their “YEAH BABY YEAH” and bin off the “meh, maybe, meh”
Symptoms of lost mojo can include:-
... 1. General feeling of ‘meh’. 2. Stressed/Tired/Not sleeping well. 3. Wanting to do ‘stuff’ but can’t be bothered. 4. But then not really being sure about what ‘stuff’ you actually want. 5. Thinking ‘if I just win the lottery’ 6. Thinking ‘will everyone just £@(& OFF for a bit’ 7. Monday mornings are a total drag because “ ‘Sharon’ in accounts is a total ?!£@&, and ‘Dave’ in marketing is a @&£?!@ and they’re probably sleeping together and everyone knows it, so why don’t they just £&@) off too” - or similar. 8. Thinking “oh! £&@? it! Where’s the wine/beer/chocolate/crisps” etc
How does it work:- Take two hours to invest in yourself, to include:-
- A good chat about everything that’s going on, things that are getting on your nerves, getting you down, holding you back, keeping you awake at night, stressing you out etc - with me, someone that will listen without any judgement, unhelpful opinions, or unwelcome advice!
- A chilled out hypnotherapy/guided meditation session to help let go of all the negative thoughts/feelings/emotions!
Why should I do this? Firstly, why wouldn’t you? You are important.
Your enjoyment of your life should be your absolute primary focus.
Secondly, stress is bad for our physical and mental health. Really bad.
Looking at ways to reduce stress and relax (in my opinion) are as important as exercise and diet.
Finally, why wouldn’t you want to feel “fab and grrrrrrooooovy”
If you’re interested, want to book an appointment, or have any questions, please do send me a message.
PS, if you haven’t seen Austin Powers 2, some of this post won’t make sense
PPS, if you haven’t seen Austin Powers 2 - YOU REALLY SHOULD
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330 Facebook likes! A very warm welcome to my new friends 🙏🏻🤓330 Facebook likes! A very warm welcome to my new friends 🙏🏻🤓


Learn meditation with me on Facebook live to support this event!


Massive thanks to all that came along to tonight’s introduction to weight management hypnosis therapy! Really enjoyed meeting and talking to you all!
If you missed tonight’s event... watch this space for more info...


If you read one thing today, make sure it’s this.
If this sounds familiar to you, and would like help with your inner voice, get in touch


I have an evening appointment become available tomorrow evening. Please do message me if you would like it.
Next evening appointment isn’t for 2 weeks 🤓


This was my very first time of hypnotherapy and I was nervous. No need to worry Craig put me at ease straight away. The lounge was very welcoming and I felt relaxed straight away. At first Craig and I talked about what I had come to see him about and soon without realising other issues came to light, I was relaxed, felt comfortable and able to talk freely. The hypnotherapy then followed. I have never felt a feeling like it, I felt like a warm blanket had been laid over me but also a very light feeling. Craig would be talking to me and I would answer him, aware of what I was saying, without going into to much details Craig helped me with my issues. Once I had come out of the hypnotherapy I felt like I was floating, cried a little but an overwhelming sensation of wow, I do not think I have ever felt like that. I felt as if I had dealt with my issues and felt so happy and comfortable with myself. I highly recommend Craig, you are made to feel welcome, at ease and most importantly listened to and understood. I left Craig feeling like l was floating and at ease with myself and my issues. Thank you Craig.


My first session with Craig was to find out why I was eating after meals ....... we had an hour looking into why I would want to eat when I'm not really hungry and also what I want to achieve. Then an hour hypnotized. I came out feeling the most positive I have in years. It sounds silly but my devil foods where crisps and chocolate in the evenings. I can honestly say in 3 months I haven't put one crisp in my mouth ..... chocolate slightly different but no where near what I was eating and I DONT eat after meals now not even chocolate.

My second session was to get my willpower back to get back on a certain diet. I have now lost 1st and 10 in 5 weeks.

I have found Craig's help and support invaluable and am due to see him again as it's the new year and I just need a little boost of willpower and reassuring.

I would highly recommend weight loss hypno.

Go see him


I've known Craig personally and professionally for years. He's a wonderful man-professional, witty and very sensitive to the feelings of others. I have no doubt he'll make a great hypnotherapist.


I would 100% recommen Craig!! Since doing hypnotherapy, my anxiety has dropped dramatically. It has been one the best investment i’ve made!!


I went to Craig being very sceptical about the whole thing in honesty and not sure how seriously I would take it...... but I have to say it was an incredible and life changing experience. He helped pick me up from a very low point and I feel so much better now in general. It's absolutely worth it...... very relaxing experience and gives you nothing but positive vibes after


I was massively against hypnotherapy! I can honestly say that I was wrong. Craig has taught me great techniques for anxiety. I highly recommend him!


I have known Craig for a long time now so was a little nervous going to have a chat with him.

I should have known better, we sat down with a cup of coffee and had a good chat about everything; Work, family, life! In truth i had been running myself ragged and my head was a bit jumbled. Craig didn’t judge me he just sat and prompted me in our conversation. At the end of our chat alone we had managed to identify some simple solutions that would ‘unscramble’ my mind somewhat.

We then moved in to the hypnotherapy, I have been hypnotised before so knew roughly what to expect. I must admit that it was strange sitting with an old mate with my eyes shut, I was waiting for him to surprise me or throw a glass of water over me and I did start smirking at the thought but soon overcame it and soon Craig had me incredibly relaxed, talking me to a wonderful place. All the time we chatted I was totally aware of everything that was going on and had a wonderful feeling of the heaviest blanket over me pressing me comfortably into the chair. Just a small amount of time and Craig had helped me identify a place in my mind that I can go to if I feel the need.

I wholeheartedly recommend Craig to anybody, if there is anything that is weighing on your mind it is great to speak to someone who will not judge you and tell you you are wrong but who will sit and listen and guide you through the questions you keep asking yourself and you end up finding the answer that is right for you.

Please support this great guy in his new venture, he will change so many people’s lives for the better, they just have to find him!


I found the hypnotherapy very relaxing and i was fully aware and in control at all times. Would recommend


I first met Craig at a training event, the first thing I noticed about him was how professional he was about his work. I was totally impressed with his natural vibe and I very soon became his client. I feel very relaxed working with him and I have achieved amazing results with my confidence as a business woman. I then introduced my husband to Craig for personal Hypnotherapy for weight loss, my husband has battled with his weight for many years but has never been keen to try any kind of therapy but once he met Craig he was very positive! I must say after just 3 sessions I have noticed an instant change in my husbands food choices, again truly amazing results. I am now referring some of my own clients for personal hypnotherapy with Craig because I trust his work 100%


I asked Craig to help me bring my 30 year smoking habit to an end, and guess what - after just two sessions, he did just that! I am now an ex-smoker, and not missing it! No more need be said apart from "thank you Craig".


I approached Craig for helping with my mental health but he has been far more invaluable in many ways. He is the consummate professional whilst maintaining a wonderful ability to be personable, open, and informative. Our sessions have often gone 'off-route' but somehow they are totally in keeping with the overall picture of my life. Slowly but surely I am finding my ability to stand up for myself without being racked with guilt. I cannot rate this gent highly enough... I have often felt misunderstood, and it has been wonderful connecting with someone who 'gets me'. No matter what is presented to him, he has a wonderful way of explaining and ensuring that you have the ability to do whatever is necessary in order to progress with your life. I cannot thank him enough for his help and I would highly recommend him to anyone.


Having worked professionally with Craig previously I thought I'd try out hypnotherapy to address a personal issue that despite years of therapy I just couldn't quite shake off. Today this wonderful man has helped me to transform my inner demon voice (that limiting, put me down, doubting myself one) to my inner warrior voice (the you can do it, gently nudging me and encouraging one). I cannot stop smiling and genuinely feel unstoppable! �Thank you Craig for helping me find my glow, I'm positively beaming �

Highly recommend x


Having known Craig for many years, both personally and professionally, I was very intrigued when I found out he had decided to have a career change. This instigated me to task Craig with helping me to overcome some personal issues, which I'd had niggling away at me for many years. I have to say I had always been a sceptic when it comes to things like Hypnotherapy and guess I had also always been too 'macho' to ask for help. The outcome of the sessions I have had with Craig is nothing short or remarkable, the results have been outstanding. I was probably a very difficult person to hypnotise due to my scepticism, however he managed to do it. The whole process enabled me to think clearly and change my state of mind. Craig is very professional and empathetic, just as he was in his previous career and enabled me to have the courage to speak about my issues, put them in to perspective, but most importantly how to overcome them. For anyone that wants help to overcome any issues/demons that hold you back in life, I highly recommend you make contact with Craig. Thank you for all of your support Craig, it really is appreciated and will make a huge difference to my life going forward.


Craig is an absolute Gentleman and very good at his job. I have had one session with him and have noticed a huge difference. My inner critic is now easily distinguishable and silenced within seconds. I thoroughly recommend anyone who has an emotional block visit Craig. He has no judgement and makes you feel very comfortable. A wonderful experience. Thank you Craig!


Craig has been helping me recently with my mental health and I couldn’t recommend anyone better. His a very polite, professional man and has helped me overcome a lot of my struggles. He has made me see that there is light at the end of the tunnel when I never thought it would ever get better. He is very flexible around times to see him and makes you feel very welcomed and relaxed. I can’t thank him enough and I would recommend to anyone who is struggling with mental health.


After 2 sessions with Craig, I have finally been able to stop smoking. I had been a smoker for 30+ years and had tried many times to quit with no success until now. The sessions were thought provoking but relaxing. Worth every penny!.

More about Craig Fookes - Hypnotherapy And Mindfulness Tuition

Craig Fookes - Hypnotherapy And Mindfulness Tuition is located at 69 Mile End Road, CO4 5 Colchester, Essex
Monday: 10:00 - 21:00
Tuesday: 10:00 - 21:00
Wednesday: 10:00 - 21:00
Thursday: 10:00 - 21:00
Friday: 10:00 - 21:00
Saturday: 10:00 - 15:00
Sunday: -