Crossfit Hawker Hurricane

About Crossfit Hawker Hurricane

CrossFit Hawker Hurricane is an official CrossFit affiliate situated at RAF Northolt.


Crossfit Hawker Hurricane Description

CrossFit gym.



Member's of the Queens Colour Squadron being put through their paces by one of the coaches at CrossFit Hawker Hurricane, @callum_brown2112 who is also a serving member of the Queens Colour Squadron, making sure they are fit and healthy for duty.


All future Programming can be found here......…


Workout of the day 30/04/18
Hang Squat Clean Build to Heavy Single
... “Under the Lights” AMRAP 8: 3 Hang Squat Clean (40/30) 3 Toes to Bar 6 Hang Squat Clean 6 Toes to Bar 9 Hang Squat Clean 9 Toes to Bar … Up by (3) reps each round.
The focus here is movement over loading. Within the workout, athletes should choose a weight on the barbell that they are confident they could complete 20+ repetitions unbroken when fresh. If torn between two weights, the lighter is better.
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Workout of the day 27/04/18
Squat Snatch Build to a Heavy Single
... Then
AMRAP 9: 1 Ring Muscle-ups 1 Squat Snatch (135/95) 2 Ring Muscle-ups 2 Squat Snatch (135/95) 3 Ring Muscle-ups 3 Squat Snatch (135/95) … Up by (1) rep until finish
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Workout of the day 26/04/18
AMRAP 18: 200m Run 18 Jumping Lunges... 15 AbMat Sit-ups 12 Hand Release Push-ups
In this longer AMRAP, athletes will complete 18 Jumping Lunges total, 9 on each side. Looking for athletes back knee to touch and for the hips to fully extend on each rep. On the hand release push-ups, athletes hands will separate from the floor at the bottom to ensure the chest makes contact with the ground.
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Workout of the day 25/04/18
Teams of 3 For Time: 100/75 Calorie Row... 100 Box Jump Overs (24/20) 100 Power Cleans (50/30) 100 Wallballs (10kg/7kg) 100 Chest to Bar Pull-ups 100 Wallballs 100 Power Cleans 100 Box Jump Overs (24/20) 100/75 Calorie Row 25 Minute Time Cap Teams of 3 will work through all the reps at one station, breaking them up as they see fit, before moving to the next. Athletes will attempt to finish the workout under the 25 minute cap. Teams of 2 guys and 1 girl will row 90 calories, and teams of 2 girls and 1 guy will row 85 calories. The weight on the barbell should be a load that athletes could move for 20+ repetitions when fresh. If short on equipment, stagger teams by 5-6 minutes on rowers.
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Workout of the day 24/4/18
For Time 4 thrusters (61kg/43kg) 1 15-ft. rope ascent... 8 thrusters 2 15-ft. rope ascents 12 thrusters 3 15-ft. rope ascents
Ten minute time cap
This workout begins with the barbell resting on the floor and the athlete standing tall. After the call of “3, 2, 1... go,” the athlete will reach down and begin the thrusters. After 4 reps are complete, the athlete will move to the rope and perform 1 climb before returning to the barbell. In the second round, the athlete will perform 8 thrusters and 2 climbs, then 12 thrusters and 3 climbs in the third round. This workout ends when the athlete touches the 15-ft. target at the top of the final climb. Every second counts in this workout. The athlete’s score will be the time it takes to complete all 30 repetitions or the amount of Reps completed at the 10 minute point.
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Workout of the day 23/04/18
3 Rounds: 400 Meter Run 21 Burpees... 63 Double Unders
Three rounds for time of running, burpees and double Unders. If athletes are unable to run, they can complete a 500 meter row in it’s place. The burpees are not over a bar or to a target, so all we can look for is full extension and a small jump at the completion of each rep. If unable to complete doubles complete 180 singles.
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Workout of the day 20/04/18
20 Minute EMOM: Even: 2 Ring Muscle-ups Odd: 6 Handstand Push-Ups
... Today is to build stamina in quality movement. If during minutes 1-10 you are moving well and feel comfortable up the Reps slightly during the second half of the workout to 3 and 8. Handstand push ups to be completed to open standard. Not got muscle ups concentrate on strict pull ups and dips. Incline Press Ups or box around the worlds are suitable subs for H/S Push-ups.
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Workout of the day 19/04/18 Back Squat Heavy Set of 5
“Elbow Grease”... Alternating On the Minute x 14 (7 Rounds): Odd - 200m Run Even – :30 Seconds Max Medicine Ball Squat Cleans (10/7)
Today we will begin by building to a heavy set of 5 Back Squats. The foundations of the back squat carries over nicely into the medicine ball squat cleans in “Elbow Grease”. Athletes should choose a medicine ball weight that they know for a fact they can hold on for all :30 seconds each round. Today’s score is the lowest number of medicine ball squat cleans across the seven rounds.
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Workout of the day 18/04/18
AMRAP 4: 21 Calorie Assault Bike, 21 Toes to Bar... 15 Front Squats (50/30) rest 4 minutes
AMRAP 4: 18 Calorie Assault Bike, 18 Toes to Bar 12 Front Squats (60/40) rest 4 minutes
AMRAP 4: 15 Calorie Assault Bike, 15 Toes to Bar 9 Front Squats (70/50)
Athletes will work through as many rounds and reps as possible in four minutes, choosing weights and variations that allow them to get to every movement today. Barbells should be at a weight that they are capable of completing each set unbroken when fresh. With four minutes of rest between each AMRAP, the intensity is meant to be high on these. Going lighter may allow athletes to push the pedal a little harder during these short windows. If short on equipment, stagger athletes on opposite four minute windows. Substitute equal calorie row if unable to use bikes.
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Workout of the day 17/04/18
AMRAP 20: 5 Strict Pull-ups 10 Push-ups... 15 Calorie Row
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Workout of the day 16/04/18
Power Clean and Jerk Build to Heavy Single
... Then
“Grace” For Time: 30 Clean and Jerks (60/40)
Today, we take on “Grace”. We will prepare for this workout by building to a heavy single power clean and jerk. Heavy is relative for the day and does not mean 1RM, although if athletes continue to move well as the weight increases, they can absolutely go for a personal best. We will go over the split jerk to be used in the heavy clean and jerk, while the push jerk will likely be the best option for the conditioning piece. Athletes should choose a weight on “Grace” that they are capable of completing 10+ unbroken clean and jerks when fresh. If athletes have previously completed the workout with a lighter weight and finished under 3 minutes, adding a little weight for this attempt would be appropriate.
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Workout of the day 13/04/18
Row 250 meters Row 500 meters Row 1,000 meters... Row 500 meters Row 250 meters Rest 1 minute between efforts.
Note time for each interval
Scaling The varying distances of the intervals offer a good opportunity to challenge your capacity at different power outputs. Intermediate athletes can complete this workout as prescribed. Newer athletes can row a single distance several times and reduce the overall volume.
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Workout of the day 12/04/18
Thruster Heavy Single followed by…
... AMRAP 8: 3 Thrusters (40/30) 3 Toes to Bar 6 Thrusters 6 Toes to Bar 9 Thrusters 9 Toes to Bar …. In the metcon, the weight on the barbell should be something that athletes couple complete 20+ repetitions unbroken if they needed too.
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Workout of the day 11/04/18
Teams of 2 AMRAP 20: 50/35 Calorie Row... 50 Burpees 35/25 Calorie assault Bike 50 Kettlebell Swings (24/16)
The weight on the kettlebell should be a load that athletes feel comfortable swinging for at least 20+ repetitions unbroken if they needed to. Partners can break up repetitions as they see fit. All reps at one station will be complete before moving to the next.
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Workout of the day 10/04/18
5 Rounds: 400 Meter Run 15 Overhead Squats (40/30)
... In order to hit the correct stimulus, athletes should choose a light weight that they could complete 20+ repetitions when fresh, and within 1-2 sets each round during the workout without a doubt. It is better to go too light on the overhead squat and keep moving quickly than being limited by the weight on the barbell. For athletes who struggle with overhead squats, using a PVC pipe or empty barbell will be the best option to improve their mechanics. While the weight will be lighter, these athletes can create amazing intensity by pushing the runs hard. If unable to run, complete a 500 Meter Row.
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Workout of the day 09/04/18
50 D/U... 20 Ab Mat Sit Ups 10 Air Squats 5 H/S Press Ups 1 Muscle Up
Scaling Athletes that have not yet got Double Unders can either complete 150 singles or spend 1 min attempting doubles. Incline Press up can be used as scaling for H/S P/U. Muscle up can be bar or ring variation. If the athlete does not yet have muscle ups they are to complete 1 strict Pull up and 1 Dip. This very common scaling option is most appropriate for someone who needs to develop more strength for the muscle up.
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More about Crossfit Hawker Hurricane

Crossfit Hawker Hurricane is located at RAF Northolt, HA4 6NG London, United Kingdom