Cupid Video

About Cupid Video

Cupid Video is a location-based social search mobile app that facilitates communication between mutually interested users, allowing matched users to LIVE VIDEO CHAT.

Cupid Video Description

Hundreds of thousands of people of all ages turn to dating apps every day in the hope of finding a potential partner.

The stigma of online dating has swiftly become a thing of the past.

If you donвҖҷt use a dating apps these days, youвҖҷre either happily married or living in a cave somewhere. . . lol.

With all the dating apps out there, when you're done swiping right, swapping flirthy messages, and making plans to meet for coffee. . . you still have NO clue who the person you're about to meet REALLY is.


Cupid Video is the FREE dating App with a social media twist. You simply scroll through the recorded videos and once you've found a MUTUAL MATCH. . . . you can make a real connection with our LIVE VIDEO CHAT feature.

On average, they say it takes just 7 seconds to make a good first impression. So, we've given you 30 seconds of video time to show off exactly who you are, and attract the best matches.

And if you want even more time to tell other users about you, you get 2 whole minutes when you upgrade to Premium.

What will your profile video say about you?

Will it show your romantic side as you look for that special person that you know straight away is the one? Is your video going to say why you're the right match for a romantic date? Or will it be a fun filled video, matching your wild character and attracting people that want to hook up, have fun, and party.

The App is going live later this year, 2017. The first people to be invited to access this new and exciting free App, will be those that register before we go live. So register now, it's free, just click the SIGN-UP button.



If People Acted Like They Do On Dating Apps


1st date Comedy


Being certain about your own feelings for someone, & theirs for you, is the key to a successful #romance. A new study has found that if you perceive the other person to be uncertain in their feelings for you you will find them less attractive. #romantic #love #dating


Getting back on the #dating scene following a harsh breakup or divorce can be an overwhelming experience. But it doesn't have to be as difficult as you may think. #romance #romantic


Date nights don't have to cost a fortune. Here are some great, cheap as chips, options for you & your other half.


Online #dating opens up the prospect of meeting people you maybe wouldn't normally have come into contact with, including people from cultures different to yours. Here's how to navigate any issues that may arise.


Are you struggling to write a compelling ABOUT ME for your #dating app? Here are some of things people WANT to know, but maybe won't be included in your write-up...


Register yourself with Cupid Video and find the love of your life in just a single swipe. Choose from the various plans offered by us. рҹ’Ӣ . . Register Now and youвҖҷll receive 3 monthвҖҷs PREMIUM membership FREE from THE DATE WE LAUNCH.вқӨпёҸрҹ’Ӣ рҹҢ№рҹ’һрҹҺүрҹ’ҚрҹҚ“ #friends #lovelife #dating #relationships #lovelife #fiance #marriagegoals #lovers #relationshipquotes #internetfriends #internetdating #love #relationshipgoals #dearfuturewife #lovelanguage #hopelessromantic #hopefulromantic #relationshipadvice #dearfuturehusband #virtuouswoman #perfectdate #datingapp #cupidvideo #inlove #singlelife #datingfails #kiss #lovers #cutecouple


Do you believe we onlh fall in love with 3 people in our lifetime?
#singlelife #lovelife #dating #relationships #lovelife #lovequotes #marriagegoals #lovenotes #relationshipquotes #lgbt #queer #love #relationshipgoals #beautifulgirls #lovelanguage #hopelessromantic #hopefulromantic #relationshipadvice #cuddlebuddy #perfectdate #datingadvice #datingapp #inlove #singlelife #datingfails #kiss #lovers #cutecouple #videochat


гғ»гғ»гғ» Being a better person with every passing day is something we all want for ourselves and our loved ones. But how do you actually do it? How do you actually become a better person?
After learning what it actually takes to be better (which is quite simple), you will transform your persona into something that you fall in love with every day. Somewhere between making mistakes and feeling a sense of guilt, weвҖҷve all grown and that doesnвҖҷt mean any of us are perfect yet. Perfec...tion is an unattainable measure, you could get close to it but not at it. So no harm in trying to reach closest to perfection.
The first thing I learned was to Accept Change рҹ’ҷ
Like they say, the only constant in life is change. Be willing to change in order to grow and progress into the person you want to become. The change in you makes you learn more about life and understand the various mentalities of people too. Every situation in life changes you in some way, so keep an open mind and welcome the change.
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When you finally realize he not s%^t рҹҳӮрҹҳӮ #TagYourBFF #Petty #GirlsBeLike
Dont be like Keisha, join Cupid Video рҹ’Ӣ вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ– Song: @chrisbrownofficial - Pills & Automobiles
... #reallove #lovelife #dating #relationships #lovelife #lovequotes #marriagegoals #lovenotes #relationshipquotes #kings #queens #love #relationshipgoals #dearfuturewife #lovelanguage #hopelessromantic #hopefulromantic #relationshipadvice #interracialdating #virtuouswoman #perfectdate #datingapp #cupidvideo #inlove #singlelife #datingfails #kiss
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SINGLE GIRLS & GUYS how will you be celebrating your Valentines Day this year ? вқӨпёҸрҹ’ҸрҹҘӮрҹҚҝрҹӨ·рҹҸҫвҖҚвҷӮпёҸрҹӨ”рҹ ҳҳ


ItвҖҷs the question we all ask ourselves when we start dating someone new: вҖңShould I text him?вҖқ You had a great first date last night. You havenвҖҷt heard from him since. Should you assume heвҖҷs following the three-day rule and will initiate contact soon? Or should you send him a quick text to reassure him that you had a wonderful time?
Here are some guidelines to help you determine when you should text him вҖ” and when you should wait.
When to text him: After a date рҹ’ҳ
... Rules are meant to be broken, right? ThereвҖҷs no reason to wait days to tell him you had a great time. Send a quick thank you, a throwback to an inside joke, or a follow-up to an earlier conversation. Keep it short and sweet. Your text will let him know that youвҖҷre interested. And then leave the proverbial ball in his court. #friends #lovelife #dating #relationships #lovelife #fiance #marriagegoals #lovers #relationshipquotes #internetfriends #internetdating #love #relationshipgoals #dearfuturewife #lovelanguage #hopelessromantic #hopefulromantic #relationshipadvice #dearfuturehusband #virtuouswoman #perfectdate #datingapp #cupidvideo #inlove #singlelife #datingfails #kiss #lovers #cutecouple #videochat
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More about Cupid Video

Cupid Video is located at 86-90 Paul Street, EC2A 4NE London, United Kingdom