Cura Therapies

Monday: 12:00 - 18:00
Tuesday: -
Wednesday: -
Thursday: -
Friday: 12:00 - 18:30
Saturday: -
Sunday: -

About Cura Therapies

Registered CranioSacral Therapist (RCST) & Member of Acupuncture Society (MAcSAp) and Guild of Holistic Therapists
Experienced facialist specialised in anti-ageing treatments. Face Gua Sha Therapy.
Diploma in CranioSacral Therapy, TCM Advanced Acupressur



Newly discovered stress pathways
CranioSacral Therapy helps to amplify and harmonize the work of neurons, glia and cerebrospinal fluid, which in turn supports the optimization and normalization of the stress response.


“Trauma is not what happens to us, but what we hold inside in the absence of an empathetic witness.”
Peter A. Levine
Release your trauma with CST


“Babies experience “umbilical shock” at the premature cutting of the chord. Imagine being suddenly severed from a pulsing organ that goes directly into your fire chakra! After we lose our umbilical chord, the umbilical vessels in our bodies become ligaments that extend into the inguinal area in our pelvis and up to our diaphragm. The vestiges of umbilical shock can move all the way down our legs, and all the way up to our hearts. It can affect digestion and cause chronic p...ain and contraction in the psoas and quadratus lumborum. Umbilical shock can be attended to and resolved at any age.
The good news is, our physical bodies retain layers of energetic memories of all our experiences. These can emerge in mysterious and powerful ways during energetic touch therapies such as BCST, which makes these experiences available for healing or resolution.”
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"Part of therapy is to reach out to the parts of yourself that have stayed in the past and reparent/hold the space for those parts so they can be integrated." Roland


Difficult feelings are tunnels, and we are trains traveling through them.
We have to move all the way through the darkness to get to the—you knew this was coming!—calm, peaceful light at the end of the tunnel.
“…a parent must dance the child to his tears, to letting go, and to the sense of rest that comes in the wake of letting go…[a parent must] come alongside the child’s experience of frustration and provide comfort. The agenda should not be to teach a lesson but to move frustration to sadness…Much more important than our words is the child’s sense that we are with her, not against her.” Gabor Mate


Autoimmune disorder and the relationship between feelings of rejection we experienced when we were kids and how we inflict this upon ourselves today, attacking our bodies. Having CranioSacral therapy sessions will compliment other healing modalities.
Here’s a tapping protocol to begin to heal those old wounds: KC: Even though I have been rejected since I can remember and that makes me feel really bad, I accept what I am feeling.... Even though all my life I had felt rejected by my parents (grandparents, siblings, friends, partner) … I accept myself as I am. Even though, I do not like feeling rejected and feel this pain inside my body as an intense pain in____________, I accept what I feel now.
EB: Ever since I can remember, I have felt rejected by my parents or siblings and friends SE: It was very painful and difficult to handle UE: It scares me to be rejected again UN: I cannot stand another rejection CN: What if they reject me again? CB: I reject what I feel and how I feel UA: I do not want to be hurt again. TH: I have been rejected in the past EB: It was very painful SE: I reject myself UE: I cannot stand another rejection UN: I feel so insecure and I’m afraid to reject myself again CH: What if I allow myself to accept myself as I am? CB: What if I stop rejecting myself? UA: I fear myself now TH: What if I miss rejecting myself? EB: Maybe they can stop hurting me SE: It’s okay to feel bad UE: I cannot stand another rejection UN: I open myself to leave all this pain inside of me CH: What if I dare to accept myself as I am? CB: What if I stop hurting myself? UA: Perhaps there is another way to see myself TH: I accept myself as I am
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“Write down anything in your life that annoys you, or is bothering you then do something about it
Why? Your nervous system likes when you take action to solve your problem, especially if you are prone to chronic fight/flight stress response. That response is all about movement and taking action. The action you take (no matter how small or big) is completing a biological process that signals to your nervous system to reset. “ - Tracy Laval
CST will help you reset your nervous system and clear the mind


“CranioSacral Therapy is a light-touch manual therapy that addresses restrictions in the craniosacral system, which consists of the membranes and fluid that surround and protect the brain and spinal cord. This vital physiological system extends from the bones of the skull, face and mouth, which make up the cranium, down to the sacrum, or tailbone area.
This gentle, hands-on method of care is highly effective in relieving adverse strain patterns and restrictions, thereby enhan...cing the movement of fluid throughout the brain, spinal cord and the body as a whole. The stronger fluid motion helps brain cells receive normal levels of essential nutrients so they can function efficiently and in synchrony with other cells. It also creates a brain environment that is constantly flushed of waste products and toxic irritants. When the stress of compromised fluid flow is relieved, the areas of the brain that have been overactive and/or underactive can normalize.
The results often are a central nervous system of greater balance and mobility, and a body that is able to return to its peak levels of performance. By helping the body make the biomechanical corrections necessary to allow the brain to function at its best, CranioSacral Therapy can help relieve ADD or ADHD that can cause great difficulty at any age.”…/how-craniosacral-t herapy-aids-addadhd…/
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"Emotion, concerning complex trauma, is layered, and we default to those we feel the safest with or those that didn't have any direct repercussion from our environment."Roland
CranioSacral Therapy (CST) helps balance and restore the nervous system. Enabling us to make decisions with clarity of mind. Giving us the ability to cope with our daily lives better and helping us change the way we deal with things


"Do you want to explore the moving waters of your existence? Do you like to dive deep into the unknown? Then open your eyes, take a deep breath, widen your attention, listen, feel, sense, taste, small and prepare yourself. A mystery is waiting for you." - Candace Marro
CST the mystery of your inner existence is waiting to be explored dare you take the first step? ❤️🌈


As we begin the healing process we use what is known as the “felt sense,” or internal body sensations. These sensations serve as a portal through which we find the symptoms, or reflections of trauma. In directing our attention to these internal body sensations, rather than attacking the trauma head-on, we can unbind and free the energies that have been held in check.
Waking the Tiger: Healing Trauma Peter A. Levine and Ann Frederick

User 797
In order to induce relaxation onto my clients who find it challenging to relax, I often ask them to relax their tongue, which in turn helps to relax their throat, neck, jaw and face.
"Salivary production is associated with the parasympathetic or “rest and digest” response of the autonomic nervous system. Diminished saliva goes with the sympathetic “fight or flight” activation. Simply put, more saliva, more relaxation.
... The tongue’s presence below the maxillae helps support the upper face, provides length for the throat and tone in the entrance to the gut tube. It helps align the neck and head above the torso. It also helps support the nasal bones, making it easier to breathe through the nose."
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“All the eggs a woman will ever carry form in her ovaries while she is a four-month-old fetus in the womb of her mother. This means our cellular life as an egg begins in the womb of our grandmother. Each of us spent five months in our grandmother’s womb, and she in turn formed in the womb of her grandmother. We vibrate to the rhythm of our mother’s blood before she herself is born, and this pulse is the thread of blood that runs all the way back through the grandmothers to the first mother.” ~ Layne Redmond, When the Drummers were Women
Artwork ~ "Triple Goddess" ~ © Amy Haderer ~


The prime movers of shoulder adduction are the latissimus dorsi, teres major, pectoralis major, coracobrachialis, and the triceps brachii (long head).


CST can relieve stress. People tend to think that CST works to support the physical healing of the body, and they forget about the mind. CST is in fact, a very effective way to reduce the stress and tension you might be feeling every day. CST helps the body to release emotions that get held in the structures of the body bringing more conscious awareness of the how the mind is involved. Becoming aware of the emotions and thinking patterns involved can reduce the stress you are feeling. If you feel like you need some mental TLC, you might want to give CST a try. Kate xx


“Do you experience cravings for particular foods? Recent research on the gut-brain axis suggests that the microbes in your gut could strongly influence your food choices. Read on to learn how your gut microbes can manipulate your behavior and, in turn, how you might manipulate your gut microbes to curb food cravings. An increasing number of studies are showing connections between the gut microbiota, and stress, depression, and anxiety (24, 25). Poor mental health has long been associated with an increased likelihood to eat unhealthy foods (26). In 2004, a seminal experiment showed that germ-free mice raised in sterile conditions with no gut microbes had an exaggerated hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal (HPA) axis response to stress”


This clip illustrates the primary respiration of our system which is felt during CranioSacral Therapy. Illness, migraines or even a fall causes restrictions

More about Cura Therapies

Cura Therapies is located at Christ Church Hall Surgery, 20 Edison Road, N8 8AE London, United Kingdom
Monday: 12:00 - 18:00
Tuesday: -
Wednesday: -
Thursday: -
Friday: 12:00 - 18:30
Saturday: -
Sunday: -