Daith Piercing For Migraine

About Daith Piercing For Migraine

This page is for migraine sufferers looking for information on daith piercing. Stories and pictures with facts and figures. See www. daith. co. uk

Daith Piercing For Migraine Description

This page is for migraine sufferers looking for information on daith piercing. Stories and pictures with facts and figures.



Daith.co.uk are delighted to announce our 5th clinic and second London clinic. Daith piercing for Vagus Nerve Stimulation.
ST CHARLES HOSPITAL - Notting Hill, London
The clinic is in the: Hybrid Wellbeing in The Tower at St Charles Hospital , Exmoor St, London W10 6DZ
... Getting there & Parking We are a 10 minute walk from Ladbroke Grove tube station. Buses number 23, 52, 228, 295, 452 all stop a 3 minute walk away. There is parking on the roads outside the hospital for £1.20 an hour.
All enquires 01444 871369 or see www.daith.co.uk
Regards Tracy Perkins & Richard Soper
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Good to see some blogs on Vagus Nerve Stimulation via a daith piercing. Dr. Thomas Cohn explains this very well.
https://mnphysicalmedicine.com/…/headac hes-daith-ear-vagus…/


Hearing-aid wearer Sue gets a skilful daith piercing for migraine from Tracy Perkins. Tracy manages to place the piercing away from the lead carefully and still stimulate the Vagus Nerve


We had the lovely vlogger Bryneenee have her daith piercing at our Harley Street clinic last week. Here is her you tube blog https://daith.co.uk/pages/vloggs-for-dait h-co-uk


Alan's Daith Piercing For Migriane result at one of the UK's four dedicated clinics. Both expert reserches Richard Soper & Tracy Perkins chatting after the piercing.


Eleanor's double daith piercing for migraines. Chatting after the piercing to see how she did. Taken by www.daith.co.uk at the London Harley Street clinic.


Daith Piercing - Truth Behind The Myth
Daith Experts explain the truth behind the Myth - watch the video to see how this works.


https://daith.co.uk/…/news/daith-pierci ng-for-migraines-blog


I thought this may be helpful - great post https://www.facebook.com/groups/daithpier cing/permalink/2014730368793994/


Harley Street Clinic goes from strength to strength, with the top 2 VNS practitoners working side by side.
We have now had the Harley Street clinic for 4 months and this is proving to be "The Place to Go" for the best results from Vagus Nerve Stimulation therapy via a daith piercing.
If you decide to come to Harley Street you will benefit from the expertise and experience of both Tracy Perkins & Richard Soper. This service and level of expertise is not available anywhere els...e worldwide. The current success rate from recorded follow up data is 72% (March 2018) figures are based on a 100% - 75% reduction of migraines from our four clinics.
Working together is essential for research as we can refine technique of both piercing and consultation. The way this works is Richard normally does the consultation and Tracy the piercing(s). Tracy also gets the research documents ready and prepares your email with your personal findings and recommendations. (each and every patient will receive this via email). Both Tracy & Richard will find and decide on the correct side and exact piercing point for you, maximising your chance of becoming migraine free.
If you wish to book or just chat to one of the practitioners please call 01444 871369
Website www.daith.co.uk
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London Harley Street with Liam today. He has been living with a constant headache and regular migraines while trying to study for A levels - see what happens. www.daith.co.uk


Real Diamonds Clicker - 9 x 3 point VS1 diamonds. A piece to be seen with from £495 with real diamonds or £295 with Swarovski Crystals made from 14ct nickle free white gold or 18ct yellow gold, 18ct rose gold or platinum.
https://daith.co.uk/products/clipper-daim ond-daith-ring


15% Discount with discount code Spring15 -
One of our new 14ct white gold and swarovski crystal daith twisters https://daith.co.uk/…/daith-ring-swarov ski-crystal-twister-2


Daith piercing reaction from Caroline - getting up after the piercing. www.daith.co.uk


Migraine is the third most common disease in the world, and one of the 10 most disabling diseases.
Vagus Nerve Stimulation via the Daith Piercing has a 72% (March 2018 results) average success rate for reduction and elimination of Migraine when done at one of these 4 specialist clinics.
"These specialist dedicated clinics are the single most effective potential cure there has ever been"
... Harley Street, Manchester and Taunton are the only "solely dedicated daith piercing clinics" in the UK and possibly worldwide. The Burgess Hill clinic is the busiest, however we do run a normal piercing service from here as well.
Richard Soper & Tracy Perkins are dedicated VNS researchers. Your appointment includes a 45 min consultation and electronic location of the most appropriate point required for the piercing.
You will also become part of one of the most comprehensive pieces of research ever done on this subject. All you have to do is answer a series of questions sent via email. This will take you just 4/5 mins every few months.
Just call 01444 871369 to book your appointment or discuss further. Please visit www.daith.co.uk for details.
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As two of the worlds leading specialists in Vagus Nerve Stimulation via a Daith piercing. Richard Soper & Tracy Perkins have been evaluating the daith piercing for fibromyalgia.
There are now people claiming relief from symptoms and a cure ?? All of which is speculation. In truth it looks like VNS therapy can help, in reality can it ?? As far as we are concerned at the moment the VNS caused by a daith piercing can help with migraines and headaches, both of which are a sympto...m of fibromyalgia. We also have our own data suggesting the piercing can help with IBS and celliac disease. This is also a symptom. So it is our view that yes the VNS effect from a daith piercing can help the symptoms caused by fibromyalgia, however the piercing should not be done as anything other than this, and should not be marketed in anyway as a cure for FM.
It is however: "An aid to decrease some of the symptoms of fibromyalgia"
Regards from the daith piercing for migraine team. www.daith.co.uk
This is an article which does however suggest positive effects to FM from an implanted VN simulator used mainly for Epilepsy.
https://www.healthrising.org/…/vagus-ne rve-stimulation-fib…/
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Holly has come back. After 6 months migraine free Holly's migraines have returned. This can happen in around 25% of successful cases normally at 12-18 months. This is re-stimulation of the Vagus Nerve at the Burgess Hill Migraine Clinic. 01444 871369 www.daith.co.uk


The best thing ive ever done. I have sufferd for 15+ years with migrains and headaches among other problems. Today i had a double daith piercing i went into clinic with a headache and tenshion in my neck and head. After having my piercings done the pressure just lifted from me i felt warm and a floating sensation no pain headache was gone i feel amazing. Thankyou so much.


One week in and so much improved - had 4 consecutive days with no pain and no painkillers, which is such a relief after suffering severe migraines and back/shoulder/neck pain daily for 32 years, which have made my life a misery.. Tracy was great and explained everything regarding VNS and offered suggestions that could further help me - Tracy, I'm taking your advice and looking forward to the future.

So many people have expressed an interest in this as they themselves suffer, or know someone, who suffers from migraines, and I have no hesitation in recommending they do some research and contact you.


My migraines were set off by my food intolerances, my menstrual cycle and even strong smells. I have tried over the counter medication, GP prescriptions, visited Consultants, Osteos , Physios. The Daith piercing has kept me migraine free for 3 weeks. 4 days before I had the piercing done I had suffered 2 migraines in one week. I would definitely recommend seeing Richard. You don’t just get the piercing but also the explanation and science behind the piercing. Go see him. You won’t regret it.


My first visit to see Richard and the team was back in June 2017. This was following over 20 years of classic migraines (CM) and around 20 years of vestibular migraines (VM).

Although I suffered badly with the CMs when they happened (horrendous aura and dreadful pain) it was the VMs that had completely taken over and were ruining my everyday life. From the moment I woke up to the moment I went to bed (and even when lying down) my head would constantly rock like I was on a boat - when I was walking it would feel like the floor was moving or sometimes had turned to sponge (depending on the day), my vision was foggy and I couldn’t see straight or concentrate on much at all. The VMs caused brain fog to the point it was difficult just to function normally and even thinking was difficult which made working extremely difficult.

Alongside this I was in constant heavy pain from the top of my neck right over to above eyes. I had been seeing a neurologist and was taking various prescription preventative medications in handfuls along with heavy painkillers, day and night for years, until eventually they stopped working. It was then that I met with Richard and when I did it completely changed my life.

From the very second the piercings were done I noticed an immediate change. The pain and tension from my head and neck somehow completely disappeared and I felt totally euphoric. The only way I can explain it is that it was like something had reconnected that had been missing all that time. It was incredibly emotional for me because I could really feel the difference it was making instantly (it still makes me well-up even thinking about it).

In the following hours my brain rock and brain fog disappeared and my eyesight cleared up so much it was like I had put on a new pair of prescription glasses. The constant exhaustion of dragging myself around each day along and the crippling depression that came with the VMs also eventually disappeared. All of a sudden I had energy and could think straight without any effort for the first time in years.

I got to enjoy living this new and improved life until about October but unfortunately due to an incredibly stressful year the beautiful delicate balance that had been set by the piercings was knocked off-kilter. I felt my head getting gradually worse in the run-up to Christmas, over the break and then into the New Year I realised the VMs were back. It was when I was at breaking point again that I decided to text Richard to let him know that heartbreakingly the effects of the piercings had worn off. He was as eager to help as he was at the beginning and insisted I contacted the centre right away to get me booked-in, and I got an appointment the next day with him, even on his day off. Richard then increased the size of my piercings and I can honestly say it has worked once again. It took a little while to settle in but when it did all the major symptoms are now almost negligible again.

I am never going to be 100% and I have accepted that, but the piercings have got me as close to that as I ever will be and I cannot thank Richard enough for this. I really thought I had reverted to my previous miserable existence and I’d never go back to almost normality like I had before, but I have. I’m massively emotional again, but I have every reason to be - if it wasn’t for the piercings I’m not sure where I would be in life right now.

I urge anyone who suffers from any form of migraine to see Richard. You’ve got nothing to lose and you could get your life back if you suffer as badly as I did.

Thank you Richard - you’re amazing!


My daughter and I and also my brother in law have all had our daith pierced by Tracy and we continue to benefit from this. The improvement has been incredible and I recommend it to all Migraine sufferers.


My 16 year daughter visited the clinic yesterday and ended up having both ears pierced. Within 10 minutes her sight had cleared and her headache had gone from a level 10 to a level 2. This morning on waking up for the first time in 6 months she had no headache. She’s over the moon . Cannot thank Richard and Tracy enough.


Met Tracy this morning for consultation and Daith Piercing to try and help with the number of headaches, migraines and cluster headaches I have. Amazing, Amazing, Amazing from Tracy, who put me at ease and explained everything to my wife and I about the possible reasons behind my migraines, things for me to consider and finally how the Daith piercing could help. The piercing took seconds to do and felt immediate benefit. I went in with a headache just starting and left without one. It's probably the first time in I don't know how long that I've been headache free without even realising it. Feeling positive about longer term benefits and grateful for all of the time and consideration given by Tracy. Thank you


It has only been an hour or so since my piercing and already I feel so much better! The cloud of pain has lifted and my vision seems somewhat clearer. I’ll update in a few weeks but so far I consider this to be the start of a new life!


I was skeptical this would work. I had tried pretty much everything from propranolol, triptans, anti-convulsants (they worked but made me soooooo dull minded), anti-depressants, acupuncture, massage, exercise. You name it, I've probably tried it.

I was having daily migraines and an ad for this page showed up on my Facebook feed. I didn't click it but thought I'd check it out later.

I did extensive research before deciding to get the piercing done. After days of pain I decided to give it a go, at worse I'd be a few pounds shorter than when I started and have a hole in each ear which I could let heal if I wanted to.

I was skeptical but it worked! Not immediately, it took a while and the migraine I had at the time started coming and going which it had never done.

The next few days I got migraines that couldn't really take a hold and even some paracetamol controlled them. Now I haven't had migraines for a little over a week. For who had them every single day this is amazing. I truly recommend Daith for Migraine. Don't go to a local piercer though, this one is a lot deeper on the daith than regular piercing shops do. It's placed at the location that will be most helpful for you.


I started experiencing migraines after my son was born 9 years ago. They always started with blurred vision and a watery eye and a sensation of pressure one side of my face and head before turning into the most horrendous head pains and sickness. I did an elimination diet a few years ago and found I had a sensitivity to caffeine and dairy but overall the migraines were hormone related. They started becoming more frequent, going from one a month to as many as three or four so I started looking for other treatments rather then medication. I had my daith piercing done at Burgess Hill with Richard in mid December and haven't had a migraine since! I'm so pleased I went through with the piercing. I'd definitely recommend it to anyone thinking of giving it a try.


I met with Richard and Tracy on 7th March at the Harley Street Clinic, and had a daith piercing in both ears on their recommendation.

I found that Harley Street clinic to be in a very convenient location. Richard and Tracy's knowledge together with a caring and relaxed approach gave me confidence in the procedure. The aftercare information was excellent and I felt they were both approachable to contact if I had any problems. I also appreciated Richard’s check-in call two days after the procedure.

I've noticed a significant improvement in the motion sickness that I usually experience on train journeys. My neck and shoulder muscles don’t feel as tight as before the procedure. I would normally have expected to experience at least three migraines in this 18 day period but the most significant change of all is that I'VE NOT HAD A SINGLE MIGRAINE!

Thanks to both Richard and Tracy for all you have done to help me. I’m very pleased that I went to see you!


I have spent the last 10 years with awful migraines leading to severe sickness every time and seemed to be constantly clenching down on my jaws without even realising. I have never really found my triggers for migraines. Possibly hormonal and I suffer with insomnia so could have also been a reason. I had my Daith Migraine piercing at the Burgess Hill clinic 4 months ago and have not had a single migraine since ! I have had about 3 slight headaches which went straight after taking paracetamol. Would totally recommend this procedure to anyone suffering with migraines and it changed my life ! Thank you to Richard and Tracey.


I have been suffering with Hormonal Migraines since the age of 16, with my symptoms so severe, that I would be in bed for 24 hours, to try to recover. In addition I have tried all sorts of medication and alternative treatments to try to help me, to no avail.

After a friend of mine had a daith piercing done and was amazed with how much she benefitted from the procedure, I was intrigued to know more.

As an Osteopath myself, I was highly sceptical, but I was desperate as my migraines were effecting my work load.

I started to do some research and came across Richard's Clinic and started to e-mail to ask more about the procedure, as the thought of a cannnular going into my ear was very nerve racking. However I shouldn't have worried at all, Richard and Tracey were great and so reassuring. The procedure took seconds to do, and it was honestly completely pain free.

So I awaited to the time when my migraines would come round again, I was apprehensive as I was praying that the piercing would work, and guess what, it did.

I had no sickness, no vomiting, no changes to my vision and no crippling right sided head pain, the only symptom i had was a mild general headache of which was very manageable and it didn't effect my work at all.

I am amazed how beneficial the daith piercing has been to my life. I would highly recommend Richards Clinic and will be recommending my patients for this procedure in the future. Thank you so much Riachrd.


I had my Daith piercing done at the Burgess Hill studio approximately 7 weeks ago.

I have suffered with migraines for about 17 years but most recently between April 2017 and getting the piercing done I was getting at least one a week.

I am so happy that I haven’t had any migraines in the last 7 weeks.

It had made such a massive difference to me.

Thank you so much.


I had both piercings done around 6 weeks ago, I have suffered for around 30 years from migraines and was near to giving up hope of anything working. The results have been brilliant, I’m not completely migraine free but I’ve got an 85% improvement which is fantastic. Thank you Richard x


I first met Tracy in November 2017 when she pierced my right ear. Tracy talks you through everything very carefully. It’s wonderful to speak to someone who simply just gets it, who understands the impact migraines have on your life. She gets that they affect everyone differently and it is really interesting to be able to help with her research.

The piercing itself is such a swift and no nonsense process, Tracy puts you completely at ease. My migraines reduced to around a third of what I had been experiencing prior to the piercing. I heal quite slowly which was already known, so after around 9-10 weeks (I believe it’s usually 6-8) I ordered a beautiful new permanent daith ring. OMG the compliments I’ve had, it’s pretty and sparkly and gorgeous and reducing my migraines, what more can I want, well.....

When I had it fitted, I had my other ear pierced as well, this has further reduced my migraines again, I am so pleased with the results, I wish I had found Tracy years ago. Now I need to work out what beautiful permanent jewellery to have in my left ear.

Thank you Tracy, you are amazing and also your patient jeweller


Have just been to see Richard at BMG Burgess Hill, extremely happy with service and experience. Fully informed of everything was going to happen and how different headaches can affect so much your body. About 20 minutes after peicing could feel pressure relief in my neck and jaw. I am looking forward to seeing the results over time.


August 14, 2017 ·

I've had my Daith piercing done by Tracy and it's truly amazing, I've had no signs of a migraine in over 2 weeks now. This lady is absolutely without a doubt a true legend in piercing and I would never even dream of going to anyone else!!!

I highly recommend Tracy to everyone and anyone wanting a Daith piercing!!!


A real life-changer! I had my piercing done about 6 months ago and only experienced 1 migraine attack during that time, with much milder symptoms - used to have them 2-3 times a week. I wish I had done this sooner.

Easy booking, great communication and help with aftercare (very stubborn piercing bumps!). Thank you Tracy!!

More about Daith Piercing For Migraine

Daith Piercing For Migraine is located at 198 London Road,, RH159RD Burgess Hill