David Goddard

About David Goddard

David Goddard is a teacher of the mystical sciences for the past 30 years. He is an esteemed Lineage-holder of the Western Tradition and author of Tree of Sapphires, Sacred Magic of the Angels and the Tower of Alchemy. He heads up Rising Phoenix Foundatio

David Goddard Description

As an initiate and recognized teacher, David has committed his life to instructing and sharing the ancient technology of transformation –
which gives knowledge, wisdom, happiness and joy. In the West,
Alchemy, Qabalah and Theurgy are the basis for this technology.

Davd offers workshops and guides students internationally. All of David’s classes, workshops and residential retreats, combine teaching and practice,
so that the participants can have their own experience of the higher states and worlds.

David often teaches groups drawn from various traditions,
to make real the essential unity of all spiritual paths; and to awaken the individual’s compassion and bliss.

More about David Goddard
