Dawn Brown Angelic Readings- Guidance For The Soul

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About Dawn Brown Angelic Readings- Guidance For The Soul

Guidance from the Angelic realm. How to transform your life to what was divinely imagined prior to incarnation
http://www. dawnbrown. co. uk
https://www. dropbox.com/s /6r06cc645io2z45 mp3?dl=0

Dawn Brown Angelic Readings- Guidance For The Soul Description

You are here as a result of a gentle nudge by the Angels. They are here to be of service, to guide you, help you understand current life challenges, heal you emotionally and physically and gently illuminate your way.

Angels are with you throughout life and walk alongside you sending love and giving protection but they respect your free will and will not actively engage in your life and co-create with you unless you actively seek their divine help and guidance.

Dawn is a therapist in and works in world renowned Chelsea and Primrose Hill Spiritual Yoga centre Triyoga. She is an Teacher in the 7th Ray Mystery School and a trained medium, trance medium and energy healer working with the Qabalah and also as a Reiki Master. Dawn also has an A
Dawn Brown is an Angel Therapist, medium, healer, teacher + initiate of the 7th Ray Spiritual Mystery School. She is a certified Qabalah energy healer and a Reiki Master.
Gifts of the Spirit © Triolite is from a range of workshops + courses offered by Dawn's 'School of Angelic Spiritual Development. '

She trained at the world renowned College of Psychic Studies in Mediumship & Trance and Angelic Guidance

Dawn is an established energy healer and a certified practioner in the tradition of the Reiki Usui system of natural healing and an energetic hygiene practioner in the 7th Ray spiritual mystery school tradition

For those unable to visit her in person she gives readings via Skype - Angelicpsychicreadings.

Distant Energy Healing is also offered.

Dawn provides individual and group coaching to develop intuitive skills and enhance connection with the Angels, Guides and Spirits



Come and visit my new website...Dx😍


Be guided by your body and it’s messages. If you feel out of your natural rhythms and feel guided to bathe or shower then do so. Use the connection to water to clear you of all that is causing the interference with your normal vibratory energy. Be reborn again. #angels


Beautiful to know that we are listened to. Don't stop the communication as the answers will come to you through your intuition. Trust. Dx


When we are drawn to another being without understanding the magnetism that we feel towards them, our mind begins attaching labels to this encounter. ‘Soul mate’ ‘twin flame’ and ‘past life connection’ might come instantly to mind and along with these words many projections forcing the deep moment of recognition into channels of expectation and therefore losing the blessing of the encounter. If you want to read more please look at the first comment on this post. Dx👩‍🏫


In the Akashic Record there exists a record of every beings life for all time. Too difficult for us to understand but suffice to note that our stories are there to read and learn from. And No! These are not school books to be marked or a place where your activities are judged. These are gentle reflections from the Angelic observers of the chapters in your life, of all your lives. They are lovingly transcribed. Kept for eternity for when you need insight. Remember there are ma...ny stories that your soul essence has experienced in different incarnations. None of these stories have to be perfect or the words in the book, uniform and neat. In each incarnation we are here to fill the pages of our Book of Life with creative expression and we have to love our chapters. When we have past life recall we are accessing that great library overseen by the magnificent librarian: Archangel Metatron. We are in safe hands. Metatron only gives us access to Books that written of past lives when we are ready to read the stories: When we are on the brink of transformation. From Dawn ❤️
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Benediction. The Angelic realm overseeing us, empathising with and congratulating us. What a team we could be if we just opened ourselves to hear their messages. Dx


Focus all that love you give to others on yourself for a while until it becomes automatic. If you can’t still do that then imagine that you have an inner child (which you do) and shower them with love. Dx


Do you need some rest? Do what will recharge and rebalance you this weekend. Dx😍


To all my regular Live Facebook viewers and those that haven't attended before. ❤️❤️ I am thinking of having a live facebook session soon- what particular topics would you like me to give messages on? I will notify you prior to the session so you can be prepared to have your questions answered. Please leave your topic in the comments. Please share my request if you think your friends have any challenges that we can prioritise. Dx🤗


A shared post from my page. Why not consider a life review now before the one that takes place in the heavenly planes... Dx


It is said that a life review takes place after we pass into another dimension giving us the opportunity to look at our lives and choices with the same compassion that Angels do. Why wait? We can begin this process now. With love. With assistance from the Angelic realms whilst we are still in earth so the remainder of our years are lived intentionally. Then maybe we don’t need to come back to Earth to experience the self same experiences again and free ourselves to embrace the new. Dx 😇👼


Being in a situation so long or experiencing it so intensely sometimes leads to loss of focus: focus on our needs. We do not ask if this situation, person, place helps us feel nurtured and held, gives us the opportunity to grow OR depletes us, erodes our sense of self and confidence. Look at your energy levels- are they low, have you lost confidence, is your outlook on the world negative ? If so you might want to consider dissolving attachments that are taking you away from experiencing the life that was imagined before you came on this Earth. When the time is right be prepared to release them with love. Know that you will be supported. We are always supported when we take an action that restores us to a path of positive expansion. Dx


Look for a sign over the next couple of days. The Angels are always trying to communicate with you. Tune in as they move 3D matter so that you can receive answers to help you with your current challenge. This might be Feathers, pennies, the smell of flowers. Let me know what signs have you received? Dx


Be honest with yourself today. Are there people places and things that you say you want to release but actually are quite attached to. (In my spiritual coaching sessions I call it negative attachment). Examine the payoff you might get in keeping attached to what previously defined you. When you excavate the payoff you might get from the negative attachment you can evaluate it and decide if it is an enabler or a block to your growth. When you are ready, in your own time, LET GO of negative attachments. You are here to grow and not stay static as a former version of yourself. Dx 🤗 (I offer spiritual coaching as part of my Angel Release Therapy (ART)© method and have seen many transformations occur. Image courtesy of Doreen Virtue


EVER WONDERED HOW YOU ENDED UP MEETING A SPIRITUAL COACH/INTUITIVE/ANGEL THERAPIST WHEN YOU WEREN'T LOOKING FOR ONE. MAYBE DIDN'T EVEN BELIEVE IN ALL THOSE SPIRITUAL THINGS..? Well, these dear ancient Angelic beings, Guides and Ancestors are working it all out on the Chess board. How when, where we meet- so they can deliver THE MESSAGE THAT YOU NEED RIGHT NOW through these people. Have you ever had this experience? Please share if so or leave your comments regarding your moments of being moved on the Chess Board of Life.😀 Image courtesy of Val Vesa


Karmic clearing. Access the Akashic Records workshop at triyoga Chelsea- Friday 7th Sept 7:30-9:30 -


Don’t hold back now. Move forward with great confidence. Dx 🔥🌞Please share if you know someone who would benefit from hearing this.


dawn is a beautiful lady with a beautiful soul love hearing her message from angels and guidance she brings from angels thank you beautiful dawn for sharing your guidance and sharing your beautiful energy with us �


Watched the live feed tonight very intresting. Had some great advice


This is a lovely page and a brilliant


This a lovely page ,the live video was very interesting and I enjoyed the whole experience ❤️


Luv it..


Lovely message tonight spot on running around doing different things , stressing . Thanks again and the healing was super �


It feel so good to hear about Angel and their messages


I am so blessed to have found this page. I think Dawn is an Angel here on Earth .She is a gifted and very caring person. Also very pleasant to talk too . Please don't hesitate to get a reading with her. You will be so glad that you did .


Had a fantastic session with dawn this evening. So much involved with past life information, card reading and spirit connection too. A truly beautiful soul ��


Dawn is one of a kind. Do not hesitate to request her help at any time.


Beautiful soul. Lovely message. Great caring person.


Beautiful group,hope every one feels the love shared in this group. ��


Beautiful and Blessing pages.

✨ ✨



More about Dawn Brown Angelic Readings- Guidance For The Soul
