Derek Delaney - Clinical Hypnotherapy

About Derek Delaney - Clinical Hypnotherapy

Derek Delaney - Clinical Hypnotherapy page is dedicated to bringing you information and services relating to Hypnotherapy



How about this for a new year's resolution! My goal is to live a life I don't need a vacation from


2018 Thank you for the lessons! 2019, I'm ready!! Agree?


Over the past 24 hours we have seen a lot of "2019 will be my year!" Which is amazing!! Keep up these positive intentions and if you want 2019 to be your year...


Something fun to focus on going into 2019, Write a HAPPY story in only 3 words...


Once you carry your own water, you will learn the value of every drop


Taking a deeper look at why you are picking specific New Year's resolutions can help you make real change this year'.


A relaxing, peaceful night at home is one of life’s greatest pleasures.


Be addicted to your passions, not your distractions!


Ready to Quit for good? Statistics show when you wait until the 1st of January, and use willpower alone, you are going against the odds! It's not impossible to quit on your own but why make it so hard for yourself and fight the cravings yourself? Let us guide you to easily and effortlessly become smoke free!


How about a kick start for your 2019 New years resolution for losing weight? We have several weight management programs including losing weight, gaining weight, gaining muscle mass and what is stopping you, and also our legendary Gastric Hypnotic band, all of which deal with the subconscious mind and retraining your body to good healthy habits and eliminating the bad for maximum success


Redefining what success means to you


Talking about your feelings is not a sign of weakness. It is one of the bravest things you can do.


Someone as powerful as you should never be afraid


Missing You At Christmas - There's a little place within my heart, that’s with me every day, a place where all my memories are safely tucked away.


Merry Christmas! Wishing you a peaceful and prosperous New Year from Everyone at our Nationwide Clinics


Neuroplasticity: The brain's ability to reorganise itself by forming new neural connections throughout life. Neuroplasticity allows the neurons (nerve cells) in the brain to compensate for injury and disease and to adjust their activities in response to new situations or to changes in their environment. Therefore, through hypnosis and access to the subconscious mind and changing behaviour, neuroplasticity reorganises our habits and behaviours more than will power ever could alone.


Hypnosis Myths Misunderstandings about the subject of hypnosis are common. Here are some myths and facts. Myth 1: When you wake up from hypnosis, you won’t remember anything that happened when you were hypnotised. Firstly, you ARE NOT asleep, you are in a trance like state under hypnosis. While amnesia may occur in very rare cases, people generally remember everything that transpired while they were hypnotised. However, hypnosis can have a significant effect on memory. Posthy...pnotic amnesia can lead an individual to forget certain things that occurred before or during hypnosis. Myth 2: Not everyone can be hypnotised. Everyone has the capability to be hypnotised but many people can also choose to fight the process. Not everyone should be hypnotised either but generally, most of the population can and should and do experience many different levels of trance on a daily basis if you truly understand when hypnosis is. Myth 3: You can be hypnotised against your will. Despite stories about people being hypnotised without their consent, hypnosis requires voluntary participation on the part of the patient. Myth 4: The hypnotist has complete control of your actions while you’re under hypnosis. While people often feel that their actions under hypnosis seem to occur without the influence of their will, a hypnotist cannot make you perform actions that are against your wishes. Myth 5: Hypnosis can make you super-strong, fast or athletically talented. While hypnosis can be used to enhance performance, it cannot make people stronger or more athletic than their existing physical capabilities. Studies also show that the subconscious mind cannot tell the difference between imagination and reality, so if you imagine lifting weights with enough realism, there will be a noticeable difference in strength which a lot of modern athletes use when not able to train as normal.
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Hypnosis Myths Misunderstandings about the subject of hypnosis are common. Here are some myths and facts. Myth 1: When you wake up from hypnosis, you won’t remember anything that happened when you were hypnotised. Firstly, you ARE NOT asleep, you are in a trance like state under hypnosis. While amnesia may occur in very rare cases, people generally remember everything that transpired while they were hypnotised. However, hypnosis can have a significant effect on memory. Posthy...pnotic amnesia can lead an individual to forget certain things that occurred before or during hypnosis. Myth 2: Not everyone can be hypnotised. Everyone has the capability to be hypnotised but many people can also choose to fight the process. Not everyone should be hypnotised either but generally, most of the population can and should and do experience many different levels of trance on a daily basis if you truly understand when hypnosis is. Myth 3: You can be hypnotised against your will. Despite stories about people being hypnotised without their consent, hypnosis requires voluntary participation on the part of the patient. Myth 4: The hypnotist has complete control of your actions while you’re under hypnosis. While people often feel that their actions under hypnosis seem to occur without the influence of their will, a hypnotist cannot make you perform actions that are against your wishes. Myth 5: Hypnosis can make you super-strong, fast or athletically talented. While hypnosis can be used to enhance performance, it cannot make people stronger or more athletic than their existing physical capabilities. Studies also show that the subconscious mind cannot tell the difference between imagination and reality, so if you imagine lifting weights with enough realism, there will be a noticeable difference in strength which a lot of modern athletes use when not able to train as normal.
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Hypnotherapy: 6 facts & statistics you never knew


Well Ladies & Gentlemen, i have made 2 appointments with Derek, 1st was for smoking, i haven't touched a cigarette since or more importantly after his session i didn't think about having a cigarette or even thought about wanting a cigarette.

MY 2nd appointment was about the weight loss, well i have a few words i could use for this but ill use one, "AMAZING", I have lost weight and continue to do so, i feel absolutely fantastic. This Man Derek Delany is really the real deal, he has saved me a ton of money on cigarettes and on junk food. If any one is thinking about going to Derek, don't hesitate, its just a day wasted that you could of been living better.


This man has the power to change your life for the better I know he changed mine thanks Derek


One of Ireland top Leading Hypnotists and lecturer with the Institute of Clinical Hypnotherapy of Ireland. I could recommend Derek enough for your journey. A gentleman tonsay the least


Had the pleasure having experience with this gent. Will make you comfortable and feeling great. :)


Extremely talented man, a world of knowledge and a genuine passion for helping others

More about Derek Delaney - Clinical Hypnotherapy

Derek Delaney - Clinical Hypnotherapy is located at Culmore Point Road, BT48 8 Londonderry, Northern Ireland