Dr Brenda S Practice

Monday: 08:00 - 17:00
Tuesday: 08:00 - 17:00
Wednesday: 08:00 - 17:00
Thursday: 12:00 - 17:00
Friday: 08:00 - 17:00
Saturday: 09:00 - 12:00
Sunday: -

About Dr Brenda S Practice

General Practitioner
Obstetric Ultrasound Scans.



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Behandel jou verkoue tuis...
Verkoue is daardie onaangename wintertoestand wat jou net siek genoeg maak om olik te voel, maar nie siek genoeg om heeldag in die bed te bly of ʼn dokter te gaan spreek nie. Gelukkig is daar verskeie boererate wat jy kan toepas om simptome te verlig.
Drink baie water en ander vloeistowwe. Dit help met die opbreek van kongestie, maak jou keel goed nat, en voorkom dat jy gedehidreer raak.
... Jy kan jou geblokte neus verligting gee deur stoom in te asem. Hou jou gesig oor ʼn kastrol met kookwater, en haal stadig deur jou neus asem. ʼn Warm stort kan ook ʼn goeie hoeveelheid stoom verskaf. Gebruik ook ʼn lugbevogtiger in jou slaapkamer.
Moenie snuif nie, aangesien die kiemgevulde slym dan net weer in jou sinusse eindig. Blaas jou neus goed uit, maar moenie te hard blaas nie. Dit kan veroorsaak dat die slym in jou oorholtes eindig, wat dan tot oorinfeksie kan lei.
Gebruik ʼn soutsproei of spoel jou neus met soutwater. Jy kan die water met ʼn spuit, oor die wasbak, in jou neus in spuit.
Kry genoeg rus. Jou liggaam is besig om teen ʼn virus te veg, wat jou kan uitput. Maak jouself snoesig onder ʼn kombers toe, en gee jou liggaam kans om gesond te word.
Gorrel gereeld met warm soutwater om verligting te bring vir die krapperigheid in jou keel.
Drink warm drankies om die kongestie en inflammasie in jou neus en keel te verlig. ʼn Warm spesery- en kruietee (“hot toddy”) is ʼn raat wat al vir jare gebruik word. Voeg een teelepel heuning en een skeutjie whiskey of Bourbon by.
ʼn Smeerseltjie Vicks onder jou neus kan jou asemhalingskanale oopmaak, en kan ook verligting bring vir jou seer-geblaasde neus. Indien jy nie Vicks het nie kan jy ʼn salf aanwend wat mentol, bloekomolie of kamfer bevat.
Plaas ʼn warmwatersak of warm waslap op jou sinusse.
Gebruik ʼn ekstra kussing onder jou kop om erge kongestie te verminder en sodoende rustiger te slaap.
Drink warm sop. Sop is vol nutriënte wat jou liggaam versterk en bevat heelwat vloeistof wat die slym afbreek.
Die warm kruietee uitgesonderd, is dit beter om alkohol te vermy. Vermy ook kafeïne, aangesien alkohol en kafeïne dehidrasie kan veroorsaak.
Masseer jou gesig net langs jou neusvleuels en ʼn bietjie ondertoe. Hierdie massering kan help met kongestie en sinusprobleme.
Eet gesonde kos wat die aanbevole daaglikse hoeveelheid van elke voedselgroep bevat.
See MoreTreat your cold home...

Cold is that unpleasant winter condition that just makes you sick enough to feel ill, but not sick enough to stay in bed all day or pronounce a doctor. Fortunately, there are several boererate that you can apply to relieve symptoms.

Drink plenty of water and other liquids. It helps with breaking up congestie, wet your throat well, and prevents you from getting dehydrated.

You can give your blocked nose relief by breath steam. Keep your face over a pot with boiling water, and breathe slowly through your nose. A hot shower can also provide a good amount of steam. Also use an air moisturizer in your bedroom.

Don't sniff, since the menu filled greasy just ends up in your sinuses again. Blow your nose out well, but don't blow too hard. This can cause the slime to end up in your overcavity, which can then lead to ear infection.

Use a salt spray or rinse your nose with saltwater. You can spray the water with a, over the sink, into your nose.

Get enough rest. Your body is fighting against a virus, which can depleted you. Close yourself cozy under a blanket, and give your body a chance to get healthy.

Gorrel regularly with hot saltwater to bring relief for the cratperigheid in your throat.

Drink hot drinks to lighten the congestie and inflammation in your nose and throat. A hot spice and herbal tea ("hot toddy") is a raat that has been used for years. Add one teaspoon of honey and one skeutjie whiskey or Bourbon.

A lubrication of Vicks under your nose can open your breathing channels, and can also bring relief for your sore-blaased nose. If you don't have Vicks you can apply an ointment containing mentol, bloekomolie or camphor.

Place a hot water bag or hot washcloth on your sinuses.

Use an extra pillow under your head to reduce severe congestie and thereby sleeping calmer.

Drink hot soup. Soup is full of nutrients that strengthen your body and contains a lot of fluid that breaks down the greasy.

The hot herbal tea excluding, it's better to avoid alcohol. Also avoid caffeine, as alcohol and caffeine can cause dehydration.

Massages your face just next to your nose wings and a little down. This massage can help with congestie and sinus problems.

Eat healthy foods that contain the recommended daily amount of each food group.Translated


Verkoues en griep word albei deur virusse veroorsaak. Maar, waar verkoues se simptome (loopneus en kongestie) gewoonlik tot die boonste lugweë beperk is, gaan griep gepaard met koors, kouekoors, hoes, seerkeel, aptytverlies, spierpyn, koue rillings en soms braking en diarree.
Antibiotika help nie teen virusse nie ─ net teen bakterieë, as ʼn sekondêre infeksie ontwikkel. Die mediese kenners sê die beste ding wat jy vir jou kind kan doen, is om hom of haar te laat rus en goed g...
Continue ReadingCold ones and flu are both caused by viruses. But, where headaches symptoms (walking nose and congestie) are usually limited to the upper airways, flu is coupled with fever, cold fever, cough, sore throat, appetite loss, muscle pain, cold rillings and sometimes vomiting and diarrhea.

Antibiotics do not help against viruses ─ only against bacteria, if a secondary infection develops. The medical experts say the best thing you can do for your child is to let him or her rest and keep well hydrated, and to relieve the symptoms.

Here's a guide on how to relieve cold and griep symptoms.

Hidden nose
Use soutneusdruppels to soft the mukus. " You can make your own by solving a half a teaspoon of iodine-free salt in a cup of boiling water and letting it cool and then serve sagkens with a boldrupper from your pharmacy," said Dr. Mqcini Thwala, a kinderarts at the Life Roseacres Hospital in Germiston. Make it fresh every time and wash and air dry the spray.

Otherwise, you can ask your pharmacist for over-the-counter-nose treatment products.

You can also take your child to the shower or bathroom, run the hot water to form steam and hold him or her safely while the steam cleans the sinuses.

" If your child has fever, give him ibuprofen ─ for example Nurofen ─ if he is a year or older, and stays strictly at the dosage directions for his age, or ask your pharmacist or doctor for advice," says Vishal Samdhan , a pharmacist at Clicks pharmacy in Westville.

Use paracetamol for younger children but make sure to your doctor if you can use them if they are under three months. Don't give children aspirin because it is associated with the rare but dangerous Reye syndrome, causing swelling of the brain and liver and can be fatal.

Cool him down with a wet sponge or put him in a lukewarm bath and put him lights, leave clothes on. Keep him hydrated with lots of water.

Sore throat
Help your child gorrel with hot saltwater and give him warm liquids (tea, soup) to home and ibuprofen or paracetamol for pain. Suigpille can also help soothe his throat. However, do not give suigpille to children under three years because they can choke.

Unverdunde honey can be soothing but is not safe for babies younger than one year. For children up to 5 years a half teaspoon can be used, and a teaspoon for older children ─ make sure they brush their teeth afterwards to prevent holes.

Talk to your pharmacist about the best cough syrup for your child's age.

When to go to the doctor
Most headaches and flu last from a week to two weeks, but if the symptoms continue longer or get worse, a doctor must be consulted. Also consult one if the fever continues longer than 72 hours or if your child starts breathing difficult, develops chest or stomach pain, lusteloos, extremely irritated, less urinated (a sign of dehydration), or earache, a persistent cough, Vomiting, swelling of the tonsils or sinuses or heating develops or if it's hard to wake him up.Translated


Die winter is amper hier en so ook die verkoue-en-griepseisoen.
Die meeste van ons sal begin snuif en hoes en sommer net aaklig voel. Dit is waarskynlik net ’n gewone verkoue, maar hoe weet jy of dit nie dalk die gevreesde griep is nie?
Wat is ’n verkoue?
... ’n Verkoue word veroorsaak deur enige van meer as 200 verskillende soorte virusse. Sodra jy verkoue kry, sal die simptome binne een tot vyf dae verskyn. Die eerste teken is gewoonlik ’n irritasie in die neus of ’n krapperige gevoel in die keel, met ’n waterige neusafskeiding en nies wat binne ure daarna volg.
Die verkoue behoort binne sewe dae vanself op te klaar, met enkele simptome soos ’n hoes wat vir nog ’n week of wat kan voortduur.
Wat is die simptome van ’n verkoue?
• ’n Loopneus of ’n toe neus
• ’n Seer keel
• Nies
• Geringe tot matige koors
• Hoes
• Hoofpyn of lyfseer
• Effense moegheid
Hoe word ’n verkoue behandel?
’n Verkoue is vir die eerste twee tot drie dae aansteeklik, dus moet jy tuis bly en rus. Omdat dit ’n virusinfeksie is, sal behandeling met antibiotika nie doeltreffend wees nie. Medisyne wat jy sonder voorskrif kan koop, soos ontstuwingsmiddels en anti-inflammatoriese medisyne, kan egter help om simptome soos kongestie en koors te verlig. Drink baie water om dehidrasie te voorkom.
’n Verkoue sal binne ’n paar dae opklaar, maar jy moet ’n dokter raadpleeg indien daar ná ’n week nog geen verbetering is nie of as jy ’n ernstige of voortdurende koors ontwikkel. Dit kan ’n teken wees dat jy ’n sekondêre, bakteriële infeksie (soos sinusitis of streptokokkusinfeksie) ontwikkel het wat antibiotika vereis. ’n Aanhoudende gehoes kan ook ’n teken van asma of brongitis wees.
Hoe voorkom ek ’n verkoue?
Omdat verkoues so maklik versprei, is vermyding die beste voorkomingsmaatreël. Bly weg van siek mense en moenie eetgerei of ander persoonlike items soos ’n tandeborsel of handdoek met ander deel nie.
Goeie higiëne:
Pas goeie higiëne toe. Was jou hande gereeld met warm water en seep om ontslae te raak van enige kieme waaraan jy moontlik deur die dag blootgestel is, of gebruik ’n handreiniger met ’n alkoholbasis. Moenie met ongewasde hande aan jou neus, oë en mond vat nie. Bedek jou mond en neus as jy hoes of nies, en was altyd jou hande na die tyd.
See MoreWinter is almost here and so also the cold and griep season.

Most of us will start sniffing and coughing and just feeling horrible. It's probably just a cold cold, but how do you know if it might not be the feared flu?

What is a cold?

A cold is caused by any of more than 200 different types of viruses. Once you get a cold, the symptoms will appear in one to five days. The first sign is usually an irritation in the nose or a scratching feeling in the throat, with a watery nose secretion and sneeze following within hours after that.

The cold should finish itself in seven days, with single symptoms such as a cough that can continue for another week or what.

What are the symptoms of a cold?

• A loopneus or a close nose

• A sore throat

• Sneeze

• Minor to moderate fever

• Hoes

• Headache or body hurt

• Slight fatigue

How is a cold treated?

A cold is contagious for the first two to three days, so you must stay home and rest. Because it is a virus infection, treatment with antibiotics will not be efficient. Medicine that you can buy without prescription, such as destuwingagents and anti-inflammatory medicine, however, can help relieve symptoms such as congestie and fever. Drink lots of water to prevent dehydration.

A cold will clear up in a few days, but you should consult a doctor if there is no improvement after a week or if you develop a serious or ongoing fever. This could be a sign that you have developed a secondary, bacterial infection (such as sinusitis or streptocockuinfection) that requires antibiotics. A persistent cough can also be a sign of asthma or bronchitis.

How do I prevent a cold?


Because headaches spread so easily, avoidance is the best prevention measure. Stay away from sick people and don't share cutlery or other personal items like a toothbrush or towel with others.

Good hygiene:

Apply good hygiene. Wash your hands regularly with warm water and soap to get rid of any germs you may have been exposed to throughout the day, or use a hand cleaner with an alcohol base. Don't take your nose, eyes and mouth with unwashed hands. Cover your mouth and nose when you cough or sneeze, and always wash your hands at the time.Translated


Core body temperature is the physical state at which the internal organs and bodily systems function at an optimal level. Core body temperature is an aspect of thermoregulation, the body's ability to control its operating temperature within a constant range.
Core body temperature is regulated by both peripheral and central receptors that are integrated within the hypothalamus. Autonomic as well as behavioral responses to changes in temperature maintain homeostasis or a ...
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Common cold...
A common viral infection of the nose and throat.... In contrast to the flu, a common cold can be caused by many different types of viruses. The condition is generally harmless and symptoms usually resolve within two weeks. Spreads easily Usually self-treatable Usually self-diagnosable Lab tests or imaging not required Short-term: resolves within days to weeks HOW IT SPREADS By airborne respiratory droplets (coughs or sneezes). By touching a contaminated surface (blanket or doorknob). By saliva (kissing or shared drinks). By skin-to-skin contact (handshakes or hugs).
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More about Dr Brenda S Practice

Dr Brenda S Practice is located at 57 Kruger street, 1564 Petersfield
011 8115780
Monday: 08:00 - 17:00
Tuesday: 08:00 - 17:00
Wednesday: 08:00 - 17:00
Thursday: 12:00 - 17:00
Friday: 08:00 - 17:00
Saturday: 09:00 - 12:00
Sunday: -