Dr. Graziano Cadinu Biologist - Iridologist

About Dr. Graziano Cadinu Biologist - Iridologist

Cadinu Graziano get degree in Biological Sciences, with final grades 110 /110 and Honour at the University of Cagliari. After degree, he rejectes excellent job opportunities in pharmaceutical research laboratories and decides to investigate the consequences of the modern nutrition and specifically how its shortcomings are able to attack cells of organisms, also to pollutant elements.
So, he takes the firm belief of the importance of restoring the physiological balance altered by modern world’s bad nutrition and polluting agents.
Born in 1969 as son of a small shopkeeper, Graziano grows in Nuoro, a city in the middle of Sardinia.
He has a thoughtful, sensitive and resolute character, lover of the countryside and animals, with a keen interest in natural phenomena in general.
During junior high school, while not lacking in interest in literary subjects, he showes a particular aptitude for mathematics and science subjects, thus preparing his training at Science Logic and Mathematics.
Before the achievement of scholarship, Graziano carries out various working activities acquiring experience and expertise in various technical and environmental fields.
Actually, he’s collaborating with various centres in Italy and abroad as consultant in herbolism and naturopathy Center. Soon, this partnership will lead to the establishment of the Centre for Integrated Natural Shelter: a structure completely surrounded by nature, where people will be assisted in the recovery of their psycho-physical balance.
In other 15 years, Graziano has helped thousands of people regaining their bio-energetic balance against various diseases, thanks to a method fundamentally based on natural supply of substances targeted that fill and counteract the damages mainly caused by industrial and consequent accumulation of toxic substances in the body.

Dr. Graziano Cadinu Biologist - Iridologist Description

Cadinu Graziano get degree in Biological Sciences, with final grades 110 /110 and Honour at the University of Cagliari. After degree, he rejectes excellent job opportunities in pharmaceutical research laboratories and decides to investigate the consequences of the modern nutrition and specifically how its shortcomings are able to attack cells of organisms, also to pollutant elements.
So, he takes the firm belief of the importance of restoring the physiological balance altered by modern world’s bad nutrition and polluting agents.
Born in 1969 as son of a small shopkeeper, Graziano grows in Nuoro, a city in the middle of Sardinia.
He has a thoughtful, sensitive and resolute character, lover of the countryside and animals, with a keen interest in natural phenomena in general.
During junior high school, while not lacking in interest in literary subjects, he showes a particular aptitude for mathematics and science subjects, thus preparing his training at Science Logic and Mathematics.
Before the achievement of scholarship, Graziano carries out various working activities acquiring experience and expertise in various technical and environmental fields.
Actually, he’s collaborating with various centres in Italy and abroad as consultant in herbolism and naturopathy Center. Soon, this partnership will lead to the establishment of the Centre for Integrated Natural Shelter: a structure completely surrounded by nature, where people will be assisted in the recovery of their psycho-physical balance.
In other 15 years, Graziano has helped thousands of people regaining their bio-energetic balance against various diseases, thanks to a method fundamentally based on natural supply of substances targeted that fill and counteract the damages mainly caused by industrial and consequent accumulation of toxic substances in the body.



Hi, are you a natural health operator ? an olistic doctor ? an osteopath , a yoga instructor or a masseur ? Might you be interested in having your own work space within a Health Village in Sardinia, surrounded by nature, only about 4 km from the sea of San Teodoro/Budoni, where to work independently but also in synergy with others operators ? All this with a minimum investment. Furthermore, will be grown in according to synergic gardens, medicinal plants etc. and will take place a vegetable feeding. For any questions, contact me P.S.: At the moment it’s sufficient simply to accept intentions of interest, neither confirmation nor economic commitment


Are you a natural health operator ? an olistic doctor ? an osteopath , a yoga instructor or a masseur ? Might you be interested in having your own work space within a health village in Sardinia, not far from the sea, where to work independently ?


I am Looking for lenders to complete the financial coverage of a Health Village in Sardinia (Italy), about 5 km from the beaches of Siniscola, on the east coast of Sardinia, with orientation in eco-sustainable tourism operating 12 months a year. There will also be synergistic vegetable gardens, medicinal plants, etc. Sum missing 50 thousand euros. You can also contribute for a part, for example with 1 share from 5 thousand, or 1 from 10 thousand euros. Excellent investment. All the detailed information on the project will be provided to interested parties.


Hi, I am looking for a collaboration in London or other city in UK, in herbalist’s or natural center, where I can make visits. I am an iridologist nutritionist biologist with over 15 years of experience both at my herbalist’s in Nuoro (Sardinia, Italy) and other centers in Sardinia. Actually I am in Sardinia


ARTHROSIS Well…. Sometimes, it happens that someone on TV confirms what I’m going to say for over 15 years…. In the transmission “Medicine 33”, in the studio the Teacher Marco Lanzetta says: “Arthrosis can be prevented and cured not with drugs (that no longer find a place in a chronic condition suc as arthrosis), but thanks to a personalized vegetarian diet (or almost vegetarian) and from appropriate and specific natural supplements. “Medicina 33” of 23.10.2017 and reply of the 16.07.2018


Iridology has scientific bases ? His analogies with acupuncture and where are planned post-Univesitar courses and Master. Firstly, it should be noted that iridology doesn’t replace but complete the conventional medicine, as it has been happening for several years in countries such as Germany, Holland, UK, Canada, Russia… where there are also Specialized Courses and post-University Master. But sometimes it happened that some people ask me if iridology has scientific basis. ...So, a first reflection that I recommend doing to these people is the following. Did you know that Acupuncture, a healing technique used for millennia in the East, has finally been included recently in several Countries’ National Health System ? Acupuncture uses needles that are applied in well-defined points, usually on the ears, but can also be applied on the face, along the back, on the hand, on te sole of foot. In all these cases the principle is always the same: we an find CORRESPONDENCES OF EVERY BODY ORGAN DIRECTLY ON A SMALL BODY SURFACE AS EARS, HANDS, FEET AND….IRIS. Thus, from the examination of the iris, its color, the spots and the various nuances, on can identify: - The state of health in general and any weakening of organs and tissues; - The root causes of ongoing and potentially manifestable diseases; - The stage of ongoing inflammation (acute, chronic or degenerative) - The degree of organism intoxication and much more…. Of course, in addition to the iridological examination, will need the necessary experience in the field of physio-pathological to advice the necessary rebalancing and strengthening paths.
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THE MAIN CAUSES OF CHRONIC DEGENERATIVE DISEASES (TUMORS, MULTIPLE SLCEROSIS, PARKINSON, ALZHEIMER, DIABETES, PSORIASIS,…..) Many chronic diseases are basically caused by factors that have been present for years in the healthy individual, causing cellular weakening and its genoma. These factors are: 1) Polluted and impoverished foods; 2) Accumulation in the body of various synthetic chemicals (pesticides, preservatives, etc.) but also heavy metals; 3) Emotional stress prolon...ged over time, With the classic diagnostic exams, together with the iris analysis, dr Graziano Cadinu can detect: 1) The root causes of ongoing and potentially manifestable diseases; 2) The degree of intoxication of the organism; 3) Essential information for an appropriate detoxifying and restorative treatment. By combining all these data to the experience on the use of various techniques, you will be recommended a Natural Treatment that will not interfere in any way with treatment in progress.
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ATTENTION TO THE SLIMMING AND HIGH PROTEIN DIET !! At first moment you slim down, but after, almost always, gets fat more than before. In any case, there be damage to health, which will be due: - at the acidification of the body, cause of many pathologies; - increased oxidative stress, due to increased thermogenesis, necessary to digest and assimilate proteins;... - to sregulation of many hormonal signals, from that of insulin, to the tumor cell growth factor; - at the alteration of glandular balances.
Rather, the problem needs to be solved at the root !!
It must also know that an imbalance in body weight may depend on several factors, including: - a diet too rich in refined and industrial food; - presence of intolerances or food sensibility with altered bowel flora and intestinal porosity; - slowed metabolism and hormonal imbalances; - imbalances in the relationship between minerals, trace elements and vitamins; - presence in the body of various chemical substances and heavy metal that alter metabolism and assimilation; - overload in the liver and lymphatic system; - insufficient physical activity and blockage in the lymphatic system; - an altered emotional state with greater production of aldosterone and repercussions on metabolism, with an hyperstimulation in the sense of hunger.
Thanks to a holistic-integrated approach, you can start a path that will gradually bring benefits not only on the body weight regulation, but also for better Health.
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Thanks to an INNOVATIVE OLISTIC METHOD, which addresses to the deep causes of metabolic imbalance, after a short time, you will be able to grant certain luxurious foods, without affecting on the balance :-)
Dr Graziano Cadinu - Biologist - Nutritionist - Iridologist... Expert on Catalytic Oligotherapy, Orthomolecular Medicine,, Toxicology E-mail: graziano.cadinu@bioenergiasardegna.n et
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ATTENTION TO THE HIGH PROTEIN SLIMMING DIETS OR SIMILAR METHODS !! With these methods you quickly lose a little weight, BUT THEN YOU PUT ON WEIGHT MORE OF FIRST !! without considering the damage to health in general and to the alteration of the glandular balance, especially the appetite centers.
Meanwhile, you have to know which the imbalance of the body weight can depend on various factors, including: - a not suitable diets for own predispositions; - insufficient physical activity; - presence of food intolerance, partial or total; - altered intestinal flora – in this case the substances extracted from the foods will be accumulate directly into fat stocks; - an imbalance of the endocrine glands; - the presence in the organism of various chemicals, such as heavy metals, which alter the normal metabolism; - alteration of acid-base balance in body fluids; - an altered emotional state which can cause an overstimulation of hunger or reduced metabolism.
Having a complete situation, thanks also to the analysis of the iris, you can start a path which gradually will bring benefits not only for the regulation of body weight but also for better health.
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HOW MANY TIMES WE FEEL THAT FOR A PARTICULAR PROBLEM THE CAUSES ARE HEREDITARY and passively we accept SITUATION, contenting ourselves MAXIMUM OF SOME TEMPORARY and partial benefit? This feels such as for psoriasis, hypercholesterolemia, diabetes, retinopathy ... .. On talk about genetic causes also for cancer. The hereditary degenerative diseases are always BEEN REGARDED refractory to any treatment. But a large number of events related to heredity, ...can be attributed to FEED ERROR, NOT FOR THE SPECIFIC SUBJECT. Genetic diseases can only get worse because of our own MODERN DIET and only balancing the diet using Orthomolecular-nutritional care, it can produce an improvement, sometimes even surprising. In fact, like any PARTICLE EQUIPPED FOR LIFE, a gene element of the nuclear chromosome, to work well it needs to "BE NOURISHED" and it will work much better than the better "fed."
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PSORIASIS - EXTRAORDINARY RESULTS THANKS TO THE ANALYSIS OF IRIS Psoriasis is a chronic inflammatory skin diseases, no infectious or contagious, usually chronic and relapsing. In its pathogenesis are involved autoimmune, genetic and environmental factors. Commonly, the underlying causes of psoriasis aren’t yet completely understood, but it is believed that genetic and immunologic component have a key role. Several environmental factors can trigger or aggravate psoriasi...s. Among these, an important role is played by skin trauma, infection and some medications. According to my experience, instead, to these causes, I added the alteration of some fundamental membranes not only in the skin but, in parallel, EVEN IN SOME AREAS INSIDE THE BODY, IN PARTICULAR AT INTESTINAL, GASTRIC AND BRONCHIAL LEVEL. Is for this reason that in psoriatic subjects I always found the PRESENCE OF FOOD INTOLERANCE and, in a lesser extent, of bronchial problems. THESE OBSERVATIONS HAVE CONDUCTED ME IN THE SEARCH THE CAUSES NOT SO MUCH AS OUTSIDE BUT INSIDE THE ORGANISM. The extraordinary thing is that from examination of the iris I have been able to detect THE TYPE OF THESE DISORDERS / INFLAMMATION INSIDE, and, consequently, to identify the basic remedies that will make an important contribution in solving this problem.
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IRIDOLOGY ANALYSIS : AN EXTRAORDINARY AND NON INVASIV METHOD USEFUL FOR EACH DISORDER Each visit will be preceded by a FREE interview of about 15 minutes, during which will take on a monitor the images of irises to explain some priorities. At ...that point, the interested, can freely decide whether to continue the visit, which will be paid, or interrupt it. Iridology allows to have a WHOLE BODY VISION. By examining the iris, by its color, stains and all its infinite nuances, can be identified: 1) The general state of health and possible weakening of specific organs and tissues; 2) The root causes of the diseases in progress and those that potentially may occur; 3) The degree of intoxication of the organism; 4) The stages of the inflammations; 5) Some of the basic natural substances for the body. NB: iridology isn’t a diagnostic method and is complementary with specialist methods.
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ATTENTION TO THE HIGH PROTEIN SLIMMING DIETS OR SIMILAR METHODS !! With these methods you quickly lose a little weight, BUT THEN YOU PUT ON WEIGHT MORE OF FIRST !! without considering the damage to health in general and to the alteration of the glandular balance, especially the appetite centers.
Meanwhile, you have to know which the imbalance of the body weight can depend on various factors, including: - a not suitable diets for own predispositions; - insufficient physical activity; - presence of food intolerance, partial or total; - altered intestinal flora – in this case the substances extracted from the foods will be accumulate directly into fat stocks; - an imbalance of the endocrine glands; - the presence in the organism of various chemicals, such as heavy metals, which alter the normal metabolism; - alteration of acid-base balance in body fluids; - an altered emotional state which can cause an overstimulation of hunger or reduced metabolism.
Having a complete situation, thanks also to the analysis of the iris, you can start a path which gradually will bring benefits not only for the regulation of body weight but also for better health.
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DIABETES: an evil more and more in the rise on Western countries. Now we can speak of diabetes as an true epidemic: in UK we have other 3 million people with diabetes, and in the last 10 years, this number has increased by 25% ! In the World there are 350 million diabetics, as the population of the United State. And is still rising… It’s important... to note that this epidemiological trend has its own power supply in the countries where there are predominantly of industrialized food. The Research is neglecting this key issue and it’s for this why its results are still partial. Therefore the specialized therapy should support studies that can connect various factors as a whole, factors such as take into account the nutritional, environmental, pollution, other sedentary lifestyle etc.. In particular, recent discoveries (at the moment only adopted by some of worldwide excellence clinical) have revealed that, in certain cases, the lack of efficiency in treatments of insulin is due to its inability to respond to insulin of cellular membranes, creating imbalances in the metabolism of fats, oils and carbohydrates. For the diabetic will be fundamental the following questions: - What are the substances (natural) that would facilitate the passage of insulin from the blood into the cells? - What are the foreign and chemical altered substances , present In the membranes which hinder the transport of insulin ? - In which way you can eliminate these substances ? Refine this research doesn’t solve permanently the problem, but it certainly will be a great help.
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More about Dr. Graziano Cadinu Biologist - Iridologist

Dr. Graziano Cadinu Biologist - Iridologist is located at 68 Regent Street, W1B 4DY London, United Kingdom