Dr. Hannah Short: Menopause & Pms Specialist

About Dr. Hannah Short: Menopause & Pms Specialist

Menopause & PMS /PMDD Specialist
Passionate about female hormonal health, lifestyle medicine & plant-based nutrition.

Dr. Hannah Short: Menopause & Pms Specialist Description

GP. Menopause & PMS Doctor.
Passionate about female hormonal health, lifestyle medicine and plant-based nutrition.



Kirsty Lang on her decision to restart HRT following treatment for breast cancer, and My Menopause DoctorŌĆŗ, Louise Newson, exploring the link between breast cancer and HRT (and clearing up some myths). Thank you for sharing Menopause Support
Although HRT would not be first line treatment for menopausal symptoms in women with a history of hormone-dependent cancer, nothing is black and white.
Quality of life is so very important, and yet often over-looked following cancer trea...tment. I personally believe women should be armed with all the facts, without the scaremongering, to be able to make fully informed decisions about treatment based on their individual circumstances, wishes and preferences. Sadly, this still doesn't happen as often as it should.
#Menopause #HRT #BreastCancer #Hormones #Health #Autonomy
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Helpful, clear, myth-busting article on menopause and HRT by a fellow GP ­¤æć
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/ŌĆ”/GP-specia lises-womens-health-ŌĆ”


There is so much confusion out there when it comes to talking about hormone replacement therapy (HRT), and especially bio-identical hormones. Hopefully this article will help clear things up a bit.
"If we give oestrogen, unless the patient has had a hysterectomy, we also have to give progesterone to protect against the oestrogen stimulating the lining of the womb. Oestrogen on its own can increase the risk of thickening the womb lining, which can lead to endometrial cancer," ...she explains.
"The preparations that are standardised and regulated by the MHRA have been shown to have the right balance of oestrogen and progesterone, or progestogen, to counteract the effect of oestrogen. The non-regulated forms don't have that same reassurance."
#Menopause #HRT #Hormones #BioidenticalHRT
https://patient.info/ŌĆ”/what-are-bioiden tical-hormones-menopŌĆ”
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Excited to reveal that, from Monday 17th June, my clinic location will be moving from Newmarket, Suffolk, to the beautiful cathedral town of Ely in Cambridgeshire.
This is about 20-25 minutes drive from Newmarket, but has much better train links and, whilst no parking on site, there is free parking close by ­¤ÜŚ
My clinic days will also be changing from Mondays and Wednesday mornings to Tuesdays, Wednesday mornings and Fridays.
... My new clinic address will be: Suite 3, 35 Fore Hill, Ely, Cambridgeshire, CB7 4AA.
Hoping to (finally) get my online booking off the ground before the move to make it easier for those who wish to make an appointment. Watch this space :)
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Last week I was in Berlin at an international conference with 100s of other health care professionals. There was much discussion around the very significant issue of heart disease in women.
I thought these slides were really eye-opening, and worth sharing: the leading causes of death as perceived by (Western) women vs actual causes of death.
Heart disease ­¤Æö is the number 1 killer of women (45%), not cancer, but awareness remains low.
... It is really important that we get the message out there so that women can take necessary preventative steps when it comes to reducing their risk.
Heart disease rates soar as oestrogen falls following menopause. This is just one reason why it is paramount that women who enter an early menopause (below the age of 45) take hormone replacement therapy (HRT) if they are able to. HRT also reduces the risk of heart disease in women who start treatment below the age of 60, within 10 years of menopause.
Whether women take HRT or not, lifestyle is hugely important in reducing the risk of heart disease. A whole-food plant-based diet (a healthy vegetarian/vegan diet, minimising processed foods and focusing on leafy greens, fruits, wholegrains, beans/legumes, nuts & seeds) has the most favourable outcomes and is recommended. Staying active, socially connected and lowering stress are also hugely important.
#WomensHealth #HeartDisease #Menopause #HRT #Hormones #Lifestyle #Nutrition #PlantBasedDiet #WFPB #Exercise #Health #SocialConnection #EatMoreVeg
­¤ź”­¤ŹÄ­¤Źå­¤źæ­¤īĮ­¤Źō­¤ŹĀ­¤ź¼­¤ŹŖ­¤źö­ ¤źŚ­¤Źć­¤źĢ­¤Źģ­¤źØ­¤¦śŌĆŹŌÖĆ’ĖÅ­¤żĮŌĆŹŌ ÖĆ’ĖÅ­¤ÜĄŌĆŹŌÖĆ’ĖÅ­¤ÅŖŌĆŹŌÖĆ’ĖÅ­¤Åŗ’ĖÅŌĆ ŹŌÖĆ’ĖÅ­¤Åī’ĖÅŌĆŹŌÖĆ’ĖÅ
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New podcast by my friend & colleague Diane at Menopause Support and Sophie Claus: "The Good, The Bad and The Downright Sweaty" :)
In this first episode they discuss their experiences of surgical menopause (Diane at 45 yrs, Sophie at 32), emphasising how very important it is that women are prepared for the (often rocky) road that lies ahead.
#Menopause #SurgicalMenopause #SurMeno #Endometriosis #PMDD #HRT #Hormones #WomensHealth #MentalHealth


If you, or a loved one, suffer with severe premenstrual symptoms or premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD), then this will be worth signing up for ­¤æć
#PMDD #PremenstrualDisorders #PMS #WomensHealth #MentalHealth


A decent overview of the basics. Can't say I agree that there is currently "plenty of support" available however (although those of us in this field are working on it).
#Menopause #Oestrogen #Hormones #BBCMenopause #WomensHealth #MentalHealth #HRT
https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-4825891 0


Premature ovarian insufficiency (POI) affects at least 1 in 100 girls & women below the age of 40. Most of the time a cause is not found. This can be an incredibly isolating diagnosis to have, and it is so important that those affected know they are not alone.
For more information and support check out the Daisy Network. On Sat 8th June there will be Daisy Day 2019. This is a yearly event at Chelsea and Westminster Hospital for those with POI and their loved ones. It's great way to meet others in the same boat, and to become more informed (and hopefully inspired).
#POI #Menopause #BBCMenopause #WomensHealth #Hormones #MentalHealth #Support


This segment from BBC Breakfast is worth watching. Louise opens up about her menopause experience, and says she thought she was too young to be going through it at 47 (in actual fact, any time from 45 years of age is considered normal).
Louise finds exercise hugely important in terms of managing her symptoms. She speaks about her increased anxiety & mood swings, and her daughter tells us how it was helpful for her to understand what her mum was/is going through. The menopaus...al transition can have a detrimental effect on relationships and this is just another reason why it is so important that we break down the taboo, tackle the stigma and keep talking.
The segment ends with Louise visiting Mr Nick Panay, consultant gynaecologist & all-round menopause guru, who provides some reassurance regarding HRT and breast cancer risk.
#Menopause #HRT #MentalHealth #MentalHealthAwarenessWeek #WomensHealth #Hormones #Perimenopause #Anxiety #Relationships
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I recently had the opportunity to record a podcast with Amanda Thebe - Fit n' Chips on the hot topic(s) of menopause/HRT, with a focus on debunking common myths. As many of you will know, this is a subject very close to my heart and I hope you'll find the episode informative :)
Amanda is passionate about raising awareness around menopausal health and sharing evidence-based information. She is a real champion in this arena - be sure to check out her other blog posts and podc...ast episodes!
#Menopause #MakeMenopauseMatter #BBCMenopause #HRT #WomensHealth #Hormones #RockMyMenopause
https://www.fitnchips.com/ŌĆ”/menopause-h rt-debunking-the-myŌĆ”/
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BBC Breakfast are covering the subject of menopause every day this week, which is just brilliant!!
There are still so many myths out there when it comes to menopause, which will affect all women at some point if we are lucky enough to live long enough. Some facts:
1. Menopause (a woman's final period) generally occurs over the age of 45 (average age 51 in the UK), but affects at least 1 in 100 girls and women below the age of 40.
... 2. Symptoms last, on average, for 7 years and often begin to emerge months-years before the final period (in what is called the perimenopause). Some women experience symptoms for over 15 years.
3. Help is available, so please don't suffer in silence! Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) is the most effective medical treatment for menopausal symptoms and and is safe and beneficial for the vast majority of women who start it within ten years of menopause, below the age of 60.
4. For women who can't take HRT, there are medical alternatives, such as SSRIs, which can help with difficult symptoms. Phyto-oestrogen (e.g. soya based) supplements are safe to use with a history of hormone dependent cancer, and can help. Herbal medication, when appropriately prescribed, can also be beneficial and there is some emerging evidence that acupuncture can reduce symptoms. Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) may also be worth exploring.
5. Whether or not a woman chooses, or is able, to take HRT, lifestyle measures are also hugely important when it comes to symptom control and heart, brain and bone health. Women who follow a plant-based diet tend to experience fewer and less debilitating symptoms and have a reduced risk of cancer and heart disease; minimising processed foods, alcohol and animal products is key. Regular exercise can play a vital part in reducing symptoms and protecting long-term health. If symptoms are severe, start with low-intensity activities such as gentle yoga, and daily walks outside.
6. The oestrogen deficiency that occurs as a result of menopause leads to an increased risk of heart disease, osteoporosis and dementia. This is why HRT use, if appropriate, is paramount in women who undergo an early menopause, and another reason why diet and lifestyle measures should not be overlooked.
7. To find an accredited menopause specialist (NHS and/or private) close to you, see here: https://thebms.org.uk/find-a-menopause-sp ecialist/
#Menopause #MakeMenopauseMatter #BBCMenopause #RockMyMenopause #WomensHealth #Hormones #HRT
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This is important. I agree wholeheartedly.


Today is the final day of #PMDDAwarenessMonth. This podcast examines what it is like to live with this debilitating condition, which is thought to affect at around 1 in 20 women.
For more information and support relating to #PMDD, check out IAPMD - formerly Gia Allemand Foundation and Vicious Cycle: Making PMDD Visible
#PMS #PME #MenstrualHealth #MentalHealth #WomensHealth
... https://flowdownpod.com/episodes/pmdd-awa reness-month
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Refreshing to see balanced reporting on the subject of HRT in this programme broadcast earlier today. The relevant section starts around 30 mins in.
#Menopause #HRT #Hormones #WomensHealth https://www.bbc.co.uk/ŌĆ”/health-truth-or -scare-series-3-episŌĆ”


Menopause doesn't just affect women in mid-life. At least 1 in 100 girls and women will experience a premature menopause, or premature ovarian insufficiency (POI), below the age of 40.
If you have experienced premature menopause or POI, check out https://www.daisynetwork.org.uk/ - a charity dedicated to providing information & support to those affected.
For Daisy Network members, there will be a live online chat at 7pm GMT tonight where I, and other specialist doctors, will ...be available to answer any questions you may have.
#Menopause #POI #Support
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Looking forward to speaking at this year's Daisy Network's Daisy Day on Saturday 8th June at Chelsea and Westminster Hospital. This day is open to all girls and women with a diagnosis of Premature Ovarian Insufficiency (POI) or premature menopause, and their friends and family. For more details, and ticket information, please see below ­¤æć
#POI #menopause #hormones #HRT #infertility

More about Dr. Hannah Short: Menopause & Pms Specialist

Dr. Hannah Short: Menopause & Pms Specialist is located at 35 Fore Hill, CB7 4AA Ely, Cambridgeshire, United Kingdom