Dr.Jameel Al-Qudsi

About Dr.Jameel Al-Qudsi

The Ambassador of Good Will of humanity in SPMUDA - Jordan - UN.
You ask and We will answer with high honesty and credibility

Dr.Jameel Al-Qudsi Description

The Ambassador of Good Will Intention of humanity in SPMUDA - Jordan - UN.
You ask and We will answer with high honesty and credibility



Everybody loves drinking a hot cup of cinnamon and ginger syrup at winter and everybody loves its delicious and intense taste but unfortunately there are many rumors about this savoring syrup they say that mixing ginger with cinnamon generates a toxic substance that leads to death!! Is that true? And if they are toxic together that means that we canŌĆÖt take them separately because they are considered poisonous herbs ? In this few lines Doctor Jameel Al Qudsi explains for us th...e truth I think it is one of those rumors that are spreaded on the internet . In reality itŌĆÖs not proved scientifically, in one research at least from those that I check them permanently, such information about ginger and cinnamon . In addition both herbs are scientifically classified as GRAS (Generally Recognized As Safe). This means that they have no drug interaction, either with herb, nor with medication, nor with food and nor with each other also they have no side effects with normal dose. Our grandparents also had a daily cinnamon and ginger syrup in their winter days, which is a daily popular drink and if this syrup was really toxic , we would have lost all our fathers and grandparents because of this mixture!! ThatŌĆÖs why I see that this information is nothing more than a rumor. Do you want to get the best types of ginger and cinnamon conserved in natural apple cider vinegar and virgin olive oil? Do not go away it's in your hands all you need is to click on these links and get them https://ar.balancecure.cooking/ŌĆ”/ž«┘䞦 žĄž®-ž¦┘ä┘éž▒┘üž®-ž¦┘ä┘ģž¦ž”┘Ŗž®-┘ü┘Ŗ-ž« ┘äŌĆ” https://ar.balancecure.cooking/product/ž« ┘䞦žĄž®- ž¦┘ä┘éž▒┘üž®-ž¦┘äž▓┘Ŗž¬┘Ŗž®-┘ü┘Ŗ-ž▓┘Ŗž¬-ž ¦┘äž▓┘Ŗž¬┘ł┘å-ž¦┘äž©┘āž▒-ž¦┘äžĘž©┘Ŗž╣┘Ŗ https://ar.balancecure.cooking/ŌĆ”/ž«┘䞦 žĄž®-ž¦┘äž▓┘åž¼ž©┘Ŗ┘ä-ž¦┘äž▓┘Ŗž¬┘Ŗž®-┘ü┘ Ŗ-ŌĆ” https://ar.balancecure.cooking/product/ž« ┘䞦žĄž®- ž¦┘äž▓┘åž¼ž©┘Ŗ┘ä-ž¦┘ä┘ģž¦ž”┘Ŗž®-┘ü┘Ŗ-ž«┘ä -ž¦┘䞬┘üž¦žŁ-ž¦┘äžĘž©┘Ŗž╣┘Ŗ Do not forget to follow our web site which is full of secrets of God's creation https://en.balancecure.org/ Dr Jameel Al Qudsi
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The delicious pickles are always present on our tables because it helps on increasing appetite Did you know that pickles has many benefits? for example it maintains the equilibrium of the bacteria in the intestines very well but it contains sodium salt whereas research indicates that eating foods rich in sodium ,like the pickles, increases the blood pressure ThatŌĆÖs why we recommend to all patients suffering from hypertension to do not eating so much from this delicious food ... Enjoy your meal Do not forget to follow our web site which is full of secrets of God's creation https://en.balancecure.org/ Dr Jameel Al Qudsi
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#Folic_acid_sources Everybody knows that folic acid is an essential nutrient for health . Did you know that folic acid prevents neural tube malformation in the fetus and helps the mother and the placenta too? According to some opinions it must be taken during the entire pregnancy and not in the first three months only. Fortunately, many foods are naturally rich sources of folic acid such as green vegetables ,spinach for example , lettuce also , egg white, spleen, fried or gr...illed kidneys, we shouldnŌĆÖt forget orange and pineapple, grapefruit ,melon , strawberry, beets and tomatoes Do not forget to follow our web site which is full of secrets of God's creation https://en.balancecure.org/ Dr Jameel Al Qudsi
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Fish is a very delicious meal for adults and children and it helps for concentration and memory, also milk and dairy products are very rich with useful minerals for your body But our grandparents forbade us from drinking milk at the same time as eating fish. because they believe that this causes vitiligo disease?? Is this information true???
Even though it was said in the book prophetic medicine of Ibn al-Qayyim (the realization of Abdullah al-Menshawi) that: "Whoever mix up... milk and fish in his stomach, and he is infected with leprosy, or gout Then he will not blame someone else except himself" This statement is not attributed to the Prophet peace be upon him, and there is no hadith even a weak one that confirms this,. This is just an old wrong information of the ancient medecine It is true that Allah in the Holly Quran in suret Al_Nahl combine eating sea meat with milk. This according to balanced nutritional system means that we can eat fish and milk in one meal together. There are thousands of people who tried this and mixed up between fish and milk and none of them were affected by leprosy, gout or vitiligo as mentioned in the previous statement. On the contrary, there was a great improvement in some cases
Do not forget to follow our web site which is full of secrets of God's creation https://en.balancecure.org/ Dr Jameel Al Qudsi
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Cucumbers are low in calories but high in beneficial nutrients that may lead to various health benefits. Did you know that cucumber contributes to the alleviation of atherosclerotic factors? Recent research mentions that cucumber contributes to the reduction of diabetes readings also it contains sterols that help reducing cholesterol . cucumber is very rich with potassium and magnesium which makes it an important food for reducing hypertension So congratulations for all diabetics and all patients with hypertension for this natural remedy
Do not forget to follow our web site which is full of secrets of God's creation https://en.balancecure.org/ Dr Jameel Al Qudsi


Figs are a wonderful Quranic fruits that helps people suffering from constipation due to its richness in fibers soluble in water which forms a slippery layer on the wall of the colon and it will facilitate the passage of waste, It is also rich in potassium, which reduces the acidity of the colon wall and decreases its laziness and slowness Do not forget to follow our web site which is full of secrets of God's creation https://en.balancecure.org/ Dr Jameel Al Qudsi


Many recipes on the internet are beneficial for osteoporosis, many customers asked us about the efficiency of this recipe : this recipe is talking about making a body massage with a mixture of garlic and olive oil to prevent osteoporosis . So is this mixture useful ? scientific research proves the effective role of olive oil in the building of bones , it maintains also their mass and prevent them from osteoporosis thanks to many compounds that God has stored in it but concer...ning the garlic there is no research that proves its capacity of preventing osteoporosis or helps on strengthening or building bones . On the other hand scientific research proves that there are many herbal extracts which helps effectively in osteoporosis we always recommend this herbal extracts such us rosemary , ginger, lavender, chamomile and other herbal extracts which are very important for bones and muscles You find more information in this link:
https://ar.balancecure.cooking/ŌĆ”/┘ģž¼┘ģ ┘łž╣ž®-ž║ž░ž¦ž”┘Ŗž®-┘ģ┘ģ┘Ŗž▓ž®-ž¦┘äžĘž╣┘ ģ-ŌĆ”
Do not forget to follow our web site which is full of secrets of God's creation https://en.balancecure.org/ Dr Jameel Al Qudsi
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Brown sugar is more useful than white sugar because it is more balanced but we donŌĆÖt recommend using frequently both types of sugar for diabetic patients , for their richness in sucrose that turns inside the body into glucose which is hard to metabolize and control by diabetics Do not forget to follow our web site which is full of secrets of God's creation https://en.balancecure.org/ Dr Jameel Al Qudsi


Did you know that you shouldnŌĆÖt drink iced water because it stimulates the vagus nerve which causes gastric contractions and stimulates acid secretion ? You shouldnŌĆÖt also drink iced water on an empty stomach for a long time because it stimulates the vagus nerve? So what is the best way to drink water? The correct way is the way of the Mesenger of God which is to sit down and drink water in three sips .
Do not forget to follow our web site which is full of secrets of God's c...reation https://en.balancecure.org/ Dr Jameel Al Qudsi
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Ginger syrup is very delicious and it contains great benefits for the body that's why we find many people drink that syrup on an empty stomach Did you know that this habit is wrong? And did you know that ginger is considered as a drink? How? The answer is in these short and useful lines ItŌĆÖs important to know the classification of the Holy Quran for food and drinks than we can understand the role, Although the oil may appear liquid but the Holy Quran considered it as a food ... The evidence that proves that oil is a food is ŌĆ£And there is a tree that grows out of Mount Sinai which produces oil and it is a condiment for the eatersŌĆØ surah Al Mu-minun verse 20 . you noticed that God did not say it is a condiment for drinkers but he said to the eaters . This concept is confirmed by the words of the Messenger of God peace be upon him : ŌĆ£Eat (olive) oil as a condiment and apply it as oil, for it comes from a blessed treeŌĆØ narrated by Ahmed and although honey may appear viscous but the Holy Quorun considered it as a drink ŌĆ£Then eat of all fruits (flowers)! Fly (wander around) in the ways of your Lord that He commanded. There comes forth out of their bellies a fluid (honey) of varying hues, in which there is a healing for mankind. Most surely there is a Verse (proof) in this for a people who reflect.ŌĆØ Surah Al Nahl verse 69 Also ginger and Camphor although they are in solid forms but the Holy Quoran considered them as a drinkŌĆØ Surley the abrar ones shall drink from the caps that have camphor in itŌĆØ surah Al Insan verse 5 also ŌĆ£ and therein they should be served with goblets that contains gingerŌĆØ surah Al Insan verse 17 And because It is a drink and must come after food , it should not be taken on an empty stomach because always food precedes drinks in the Holy Quoran , when we look at the Holy Quorun we find that God in 6 places in it says ŌĆ£Eat and Drink ŌĆ£ and there is not even once He says drink and eat. Even in the story of the man whom God has killed a hundred years ŌĆ£And look at your food and drink is not ruinŌĆØŌĆØ we find always food before drink , even in Surah SŌĆÖ ad, they have in it many fruits and drinksŌĆØ here we find fruits before drinks,
you can get the best types of ginger conserved in green apple vinegar and green olive oil by pressing these links
The oily extract of ginger in the olive oil https://ar.balancecure.cooking/product/ The extract of ginger in apple vinegar cider https://ar.balancecure.cooking/product/

More about Dr.Jameel Al-Qudsi

Dr.Jameel Al-Qudsi is located at UK, London, United Kingdom
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