Duty Free Shopping



“Shame on you WORLD DUTY FREE. I'm sorry but it's totally discrimination! It's not because that we Chinese have much bigger purchasing power that we should be treated this way!!!!!”

“Apologies are needed!”

“Please release official explanation and solutions both in English and Chinese,and publish it on all social media platforms including FB and Twitter. Simply publishing few words on Chinese social media platform is meaningless. ”


stop racism


Your shop become famous in just a second, but not the good one though.


Shame on you. Enjoy the fruits of your despicable business practice and taking advantage of people. Great racist way to operate.


Shame on you! racism. So freaking disappointed. Chinese don’t buy anything in there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Shame on you! Hypocritical and racist towards your the biggest source market? You don't need to like your consumers, but you'd better have basic commercial sense! So stupid and pathetic!


Racist fucks lmao everyone deserves to be treated with respect and especially in retail industry bruh




Pretty ugly move


Please explain why ONLY Chinese have to spend 1000 pounds to get voucher, instead of 79 pounds for the customers from ANY OTHER country. Why World Duty Free could do so in your airport? Please explain. Racial discrimination is really serious and sever.


Please explain why ONLY Chinese have to spend 1000 pounds to get voucher, instead of 79 pounds for the customers from ANY OTHER country. Why World Duty Free could do so in your airport? Please explain. Racial discrimination is really serious and sever.


Just read that Heathrow Airport provide customers who spent more than certain amount an VIP voucher that can be used on the subsequent purchases, and yet the amount to get the voucher varies on the customers' nationalities, with Chinese customers, they can vary from 250 pounds to 1000 pounds, and yet customers from other countries will only need to spend 79. When this was confronted by a Chinese customer, LHR not only can't provide proper explanations and without proofs. This is discrimination and should not be tolerated in any means. We should support by boycotting purchase any products from LHR unless LHR provides an proper resolution.


If money is what you care, then we know how to communicate with you. We are quiet for too long and when we make a noise we hope the world listens. Racial discrimination is the lowest low you could go, simply because humanity is reduced to labels and dollar sign. We won't quit until we hear a real apology. Shame on you!


Great racial advertisement. Condescending mates. Usually educated people would not do such a thing with limited action afterwards. The only reasonable deduction is probably you are not considering the Chinese as the same homo sapiens as you are. Tell me this is not true by ACTIONS not hypocritical apologies. Thank you and wish you have a great day by having zero Chinese customers. : )

More about Duty Free Shopping

Duty Free Shopping is located at Heathrow Airport, N/A London, United Kingdom
+44 (0)20 8976 7608