Dynamic Fitness And Nutrition Personal Training

About Dynamic Fitness And Nutrition Personal Training

Personal Trainer working with clients on a 1 to 1 basis or via online coaching, achieving goals for fat loss, building muscle or improvement to health

Dynamic Fitness And Nutrition Personal Training Description

Whether your goal is to lose weight for a special occasion or health reasons, or to improve your general fitness, there is no reason why anyone cannot succeed. So whether you don't know where to start, need someone to point you in the right direction or just to keep you motivated, I can provide you with the tools to help you achieve those goals.

Based in Sittingbourne, Kent, I am a certified Level 3 Personal Trainer, specialising in Weight management, and nutrition for sports and exercise. I am available for individual Personal Training sessions, with a friend or a small group.

For clients that do not require 1-2-1 sessions, I also provide exercise programmes, designed specifically for their goal. This can include overall fat loss, total muscle building, or a programme targeted on specific areas - arms, legs, abs etc for you to do at home or at the gym.

Please contact Nicola for prices and packages



So true!!! Lol ­¤śé


Always plan your workout, whether you're working out at home, the gym or even going for a run. This will help you keep on track, ensure you have an effective workout, and make you feel accomplished at the end ­¤Æ¬


Going to have "healthy alternative" pancakes tonight with fruit?? Good for you. Going to have traditional ingredients with a smear of Nutella?? Good for you. Whatever your choice is, it's your choice. Either make them part of your calorie intake for the day, or go over your calorie intake, enjoy them, and have a lower calorie day tomorrow. Watching your calories to lose fat does NOT mean you have to miss out. Just plan it in, live life, and enjoy!!!!


So massively proud of my client Carole tonight. After only doing 2 weeks of chin ups, tonight she busted out 3, totally unassisted!!!! Then went on to match her PB on deadlifts of 75kg at a body weight of under 60kg. Then jumped for the first time on a 51cm plyo box. The pure determination on her face is always inspiring, she doesn't let anything beat her. No complaining, she trusts when I say I won't make her do anything I know she can't do. Totally badass ­¤Æ¬­¤Æ¬


There's always that thing about lifting weights to make you feel so empowered and strong. I just don't get that from cardio. If you want to start lifting weights but feel totally daunted, invest in a trainer (and I'm not just saying that!), even just to get you started. I started doing pull ups with a client today, and we both can't wait until she progresses to be able to do full body weight ones!! Nothing makes you feel more bad ass that showing what you're capable of ­¤Æ¬­¤Æ¬


Barbell complex. This is where you move from one exercise into another without putting the barbell down. Great for targeting all muscle groups and getting the heart pumping! Do 6 reps of all exercises without putting the barbell down, rest at the end for 60 seconds, repeat for 4 rounds.
- stiff leg deadlift - row... - bicep curl - shoulder press - back squat
You'll need to use a weight that you can do for your weakest muscle group e.g. If you can squat 20kg but can shoulder press 10kg, then you need to use a 10kg bar.
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Look at the size of 1 pound!!!!! Don't be discouraged if fat loss starts to reduce from the higher amounts at the start of your journey. And don't be tempted to reduce your calorie intake further to increase fat loss. The ideal is to lose fat by eating the most amount possible. And for the ladies - remember that fat loss can be affected by hormones, monthly cycle, water retention etc. So don't be discouraged


Whoever said squats were the best exercise to get that nice round ­¤Źæ, clearly have never tried elevated split squats!! Grab 3 different weights. 8 reps x heaviest weight 7 seconds hold 8 reps x lighter weight 7 seconds hold... 8 reps x lighter weight 7 seconds hold 8 reps x body weight 7 seconds hold. (Noise at the end optional ­¤ś£) This can be done at home by putting your foot on a chair/ step, and using something that's heavy! ­¤Æ¬­¤Æ¬­¤Æ¬
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Calories in vs calories out!!


Kettlebell circuit!! Do each exercise for 10 reps, repeat circuit 4 times with no rest until the end. Use different weight kettlebells for each exercise if needed.


I saw the picture on the left, and thought this is a very powerful message. I was shocked by how many chemicals were in sugar free squash. Having fruit infused water in a water jug is a great way to add taste to water, without all the chemicals and crap that goes into processed drinks. And it's so easy, it's quicker than making individual drinks. I've used cucumber water here, but you can use berries, lemons& limes. Just experiment ­¤śĆ


Multi functional, easy to store and gives an amazing workout, the kettlebell is a very under-utilised piece of exercise equipment. Usually made of cast iron, they were developed in Russia in the 1700s and used by farmers to weigh crops. Soon the farmers realised how strong the kettlebells were making them, and then used them to show off their strength at festivals. There's not a single exercise that the kettlebell cannot be used for, to develop strength and ability, and to use a wide range of muscle groups at the same time. They're great for when you find the gym busy, at home or just to challenge your body in different ways, as long as you've got a kettlebell and a few feet of space, you're guaranteed to have a good workout. I'm going to be posting some videos on key kettlebell exercises, so watch this space! ­¤Æ¬­¤śĆ


Some extremely compelling statistics for being active!! ­¤Æ¬­¤Åŗ­¤Å╝ŌĆŹŌÖĆ’ĖÅ­¤Ü┤ŌĆŹŌÖĆ’ĖÅ­¤ÅŖ­¤Å ╝


Studying for my Exercise Referral course has started!! Excited to learn new things and expand my knowledge. Whatever it is in life you're not happy about or want to change/ get better, (job, weight, health, love), you've got to do the work and go out and make it happen. No 3 wishes here! #workforchange


There's nothing stopping you doing anything! ­¤Æ¬


Have you started towards your goals yet???


So January 1st is here again (how quick did 2016 go?!?!?). And today people will start thinking about resolutions, however nearly 70% of resolutions will be broken. So to make sure you keep your resolutions, here's some tips!
* don't make too many. I see a lot of resolutions that look like this: exercise 5 times a week, no chocolate , no wine, walk everywhere, drink 2l of water a day, sleep 8 hours a day etc etc. And yes, whilst all those things are ideal, as soon as you brea...k one of those ( and it will happen!), you'll feel a failure and usually all the rest will follow. * start with your main goal. As this it a fitness page- lets go with "to get healthy". Then break that down - what does "get healthy" actually mean to you? This could be "walk into town without getting out of breath" " be able to run around in the park after my kids" "feel confident in my body to have sex with the light on!" " run a half marathon for charity". Make your resolution specific, stay away from anything general. * then think about how your going to do that. For the examples above, exercise is a key component. Now, I love weight lifting, and hate running. So I do what I enjoy. You don't have to join a gym to do exercise. Do something you enjoy - try a fitness group class, join a running group, go swimming, get some good shoes and go walking, join a sports team for something you liked back in school like netball/ hockey team. All I would say is try different things. So many of my clients think they won't enjoy weight lifting, but then love it once they see how strong they are! With everything in life, don't knock it till you've tried it ­¤śĆ. A lot of gyms do a week trial so you can see if you like it. * give yourself small goals that lead up to the main goal. E.g. You're not going to be able to go from no running, to running a half marathon, and you're not going to lose 5 stone in a month. Break it down eg month 1 be able to run 2 miles without stopping, month 2 run 3 miles without stopping etc. * get a plan. Educate yourself. To lose weight, understand how this happens (calories in vs calories out), find a half marathon training plan. The internet is a fountain of knowledge, things don't just happen on its own, research and plan. * tell your friends/ family your resolution. If they know, they're more likely support and encourage. * seek advice. Speak to people who have achieved your goal. Beware of any quick fixes (don't get me started on "lose 1 stone in 4 weeks with this detox plan! ­¤Öł). * acknowledge you're human. It won't be a easy road. You'll have slip ups, you'll have days when you might totally cave. But don't see it as a failure. Acknowledge those days, accept them and get back on the plan. But don't give yourself excuses "I ate far too much today so might as well start again next month".
So in summary to my long post (sorry!) - small goals, plan time frames, get support, don't give yourself a hard time.
Happy 2017!!!!
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More about Dynamic Fitness And Nutrition Personal Training

Dynamic Fitness And Nutrition Personal Training is located at ME10 4 Sittingbourne