Eaoo European Academy Of Optometry And Optics

About Eaoo European Academy Of Optometry And Optics

Become a member and help shape optometry and optics in Europe. www. eaoo. info



#Rome 2019 is on.


Grazie Mille. Many thanks to our Italian colleagues. We are looking forward to welcome you to the Domus of #optometry and #optics.


Celebrating #10YearsEAOO - campaign 17 April - 20 May As the European Academy of Optometry and Optics is turning 10 years old this year, we want to look back at some of the key moments that have shaped the Academy, and to share some of our favorite moments together over this last decade. We’re therefore kicking off a #10YearsEAOO social media competition and look forward to seeing your contributions!
Enter in the competition using the following rules and get a chance to win a... dinner ticket for next year’s annual conference and to be featured in the next EAOO newsletter.
Competition date: 17 April – 20 May 2019 Share your best pictures from past EAOO meetings using #10YearsEAOO (don’t forget to include a short caption describing the picture) You can post across Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn. The most liked picture across these platforms takes home a prize: conference dinner ticket at next EAOO conference in 2020! The winner will be announced on 20 May 2019 We thank you for your support and continued dedication to our mission over the years, and we look forward to seeing your pictures on social media!
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Why you should attend
This year, we have received a record number of scientific contributions, resulting in a rich programme. To highlight just a few moments:
Keynote speakers:... Managing Myopia: Why? How? Who? And When?, delivered by Prof. Ian Flitcroft, consultant paediatric ophthalmologist principally based at the Children’s University Hospital, Dublin (Ireland), and Associate Clinical Professor of Ophthalmology in UCD and Adjunct Professor of Vision Science in DIT Vision and falls, delivered by Prof. David Elliott, School of Optometry & Vision Science, University of Bradford (United Kingdom) “Uberisation” of the optometric profession, delivered by Jean-Philippe Sayag, Acep ABS Joint symposium between the European Academy of Optometry and Optics and the American Academy of Optometry on Evolving Eye Care for Children: Current Perspectives on Vision Screening, Amblyopia Treatment, & Myopia Control, presented by Prof. Susan Cotter, Prof. Bruce Evans and Dr. Einat Shneor.
Special interest groups on optics and digital, contact lenses, low vision, myopia control and education.
Dedicated sessions on optical concepts, optics, anterior eye, myopia, public health, binocular vision ...
... and many more!
Full programme is available at: https://www.federottica.org/rome2019 Please register until 5 May
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Happy New Year! 2019 EAOO will fulfill its first decade, and this milestone presents an opportunity for all our members to get more involved and committed in the Academy’s work of raising the standards of optometry and optics around Europe.
https://mailchi.mp/12dbed4…/one-more-li st-seasons-greetings…


Call for Abstracts: Optometry & Optics conference in Italy, 18-20 May 2019. Deadline for submission is November 2 2018. http://bit.ly/ROME2019Abstracts


The EAOO has members from all over Europe, and also from other countries such as the USA, Canada, Israel and Lebanon, and its goal is to unify the scope of practice and promote awareness of optometry across Europe.
The scientific arm of Optometry and Optics across Europe is fuelled by an increasing number of members of clinicians and members involved in research at faculties, R&D units and companies.
Find out how to join us here


Call for abstracts
Abstracts are invited on any topic or content that can provide delegates with information they can apply to practice and discuss with colleagues. Any work that has the potential to help colleagues, at a national, European or international level in their professional development is welcome.
This could be new research, clinical findings, new technology / developments in visual assessment, novel ideas for how to move patients through the healthcare system, edu...cational topics, or anything else that represents an issue and how to help resolve it. We will also hold a Young Researchers session and welcome abstracts from professionals starting out with their carrier, who would like to present the results of their Bachelor or Master thesis completed in 2018 or 2019.
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Be part of the endeavour to create a cohesive community, through which all members can freely contact one and other to share public or private information on all topics relating to the profession of optics.


The European Council of Optometry and Optics is seeking to appoint Visitors to the Accreditation Panel for the European Qualification in Optics, which has recently been developed.


Since its launch in 2009, the European Academy has built a network of eye care professionals across Europe. Together, we are working to harmonise standards and practices in optometry and optics.
See our full list of member organisations here >>>

More about Eaoo European Academy Of Optometry And Optics

Eaoo European Academy Of Optometry And Optics is located at 42 Craven Street, WC2N 5NG London, United Kingdom