
About Ed-Next

We Shape Your Future Better
Learn more at www. ed-next.com

Ed-Next Description

About Ednext, founded in 2013 is a global leader in providing diversified education solution to millions of learners across the world. Connect with our tutors and counselors, at once, for personal academic support anywhere and anytime. The subject of your choice at various levels is taught online by our highly qualified tutors. We aspire to provide highly efficient Online Education, Tutoring and Counseling for every age group.
To shape the future better is our first and foremost aim. Today’s world is an ocean of opportunities but sometimes it may limit if the educational fees are high or almost no time to attend the traditional classes. Here in Ednext, we provide the online platform where anyone can learn irrespective of the age, location and time availability. A provision of quality essential E learning courses, E-Tutoring and E-Counseling, right from the school students to the working professionals of every domain (IT or Non - IT students).
Or goal is to shape the future of every being of every age by making them able, knowledgeable and proficient utilizing Ednext’s E courses, E Tutoring and E counseling.
• Courses for every age group
• Individual attention, counseling and tutoring
• 1-on-1 tutoring or group tutoring
• LMS Pattern to make education lively and enjoyable
• 24X 7 accessible Video Library
• Live Talk and Teaching Anytime
• Top School and University programs
• Students and Guardians Counseling session with teachers
• Exclusive counseling to choose right courses
• Building the confidence in learners mind through individual counseling