Educating Matters

About Educating Matters

Educating Matters delivers parenting courses and seminars in workplaces, homes and schools in the UK.

Educating Matters Description

Established in 2001, we deliver seminars with practical parenting tips, support and guidance in the workplace, schools and at home to parents /carers.

We have helped 1000’s of parents to maximise the time they spend with their children (from toddlers to teens) and bring out the best in them. We enable employers to provide support to working parents so they feel less stressed and more productive.


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Day 4 Children's Mental Health Week What to do in the moment when your child is experiencing a difficult emotion. G4&t=5s


Day 3 Of Children's Mental Health Way All behaviour is a form of communication. Ro


Day 2 Children's Mental Health Week yY&t=10s


Today is the start of Children's Mental Health Week. Find out what it is about and the top stats on children's mental health in the UK. Every day this week, I will be speaking in corporates about raising an emotionally intelligent child and sharing some top tips with you here.


It's Anti_bullying week in schools across England. Please see my tips on managing/preventing cyberbullying. Something that obviously never existed when we were kids but a very real issue for our children!…/cy berbullying-how-to-…/


Latest article on my blog…/scr een-time-rules-for-…/


Little taster clip from one of 10 videos I created today. This series has been commissioned by a global tech company to support any employees coming back to work after extended leave. It took a lot of work to get the scripts just right but great project to work on. #workingparents #worklifebalance


I actually cried when I received this feedback after my lunchtime seminar on ‘Emotions Matter’ delivered in conjunction with #Movingahead. What kids really want most from their parents is empathy, understanding and connection
Here is an abridged version;
Rachel, you are an official star!
... I was the one who asked about how to get a child who appears sad to talk. Well, just last night my 14 year old daughter was struggling (she has a history of mental health and self harm issues). She was very quiet, seemed exhausted and wouldn’t tell me what was wrong. So I said to her that she seemed low and maybe she may be too tired for netball training and that I also felt very tired so if she felt anything like I did I could understand that she would probably like to chill out and have a rest instead. I asked her what she thought she needed. She hugged me and started crying – I think the relief that I understood overwhelmed her. It was a massive relief to avoid the anxiety this time and give her the opportunity to talk before we got to the crisis.
So thank you massively for the advice you gave at your seminar.
Instead of a melt-down we had a very relieved little girl (and chocolate pancakes for pudding!). #emotions #mentalhealth #workingparents
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Since the theme for Mental Health Awareness Week is 'body image', I thought it would be helpful to share with you this article. #mentalhealthawareness #bodyimage…/how -to-reduce-the-chan…/


This might just be the best feedback I've received in 18 years of supporting parents at work. It was after a webinar on 'motivating kids' delivered yesterday for a large construction company and highlights why using our servcies is so valuable. We can make a big imapct in just one hour.
“I can tell you that the Family Courts sent me on three separate parenting courses through the 2 year period it took to achieve a shared care (50/50) Child Arrangement Order, I learnt more p...ositive functionality and techniques in the single hour of the Webinar than I did at the aforementioned courses.
Just a huge thank you for this. I really didn’t see this coming. I had little idea that such an epiphany lay within my grasp, at my desk, within the realm of road building/civil engineering! And I should add that I am on a free-lance/contract engagement. The company’s flexibility of engagement is massively respectful of my own parental responsibilities. I greatly value and don’t take lightly the core values in such respect.
A very big thank you for having the foresight to lay this on and to understand that parental emotion and difficulties do affect professional performance.”
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Excited to have been invited to speak at The Telegraph’s ‘Stella Live’ this Friday. There’s an illustrious line up including: Davina McCall, Emily Maitlis, Mary Portas, Jo Malone, Kelly Hoppen, Dame Helena Morrissey, Fearne Cotton & me!!!!


It's almost the start of the Easter holidays but it's not much of a holiday if your child has public exams looming on the horizon as two of my children do. See some great tips in my vlog below


In honour of 'World Book Day' (probably my favourite awareness day of the year), please click link below to watch a short vlog with some practical tips on how parents can encourage children to read for pleasure.…/wor ld-book-day-reading…/

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It's Children's Mental Health week. I'm spending the whole week speaking to parents & carers at work about how they can help their children manage emotions. Had 600 in the audience at an investment bank today. I know I've shared it before but this iceberg analogy is my favourite!


What does it mean to be a 'good enough parent'? I would be very interested to hear your views.
Here are some of my thoughts.....…/wha t-does-it-mean-to-b…/


Quoted in yesterday’s ‘Telegraph’ on the topic of screens -again!!…/bought-ch ild-new-device-prot…/

More about Educating Matters

020 7604 4922