Effective Altruism London

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About Effective Altruism London

Informative, supportive and social hub for Londoners interested in Effective Altruism. Increase your positive impact through our coaching, news and events.

Effective Altruism London Description

1. Is playing a part in making the world a better place an important part of your life?
2. Do you remain open to changing your focus if research and careful analysis uncover something more impactful?
3. Do you want to meet friendly, like-minded people in London?

If you answered "Yes" to all three. . . Welcome! This page is for you : -)

The Effective Altruism (EA) movement is changing the way we do good. It is about answering one simple question: "How can we use our resources to help others the most?" Rather than just doing what feels right, we try to use a rational, evidence-based approach when looking for the most impactful causes to contribute to. But it's no use answering the question unless we act on it; EA is about being generous with our time and money to do the most good we can.

Effective Altruism London is an informative, supportive and social hub for anyone in London who is interested in EA. Through our events, updates and coaching we support people to increase the positive social impact of their time and money. We are particularly keen to hear from members of the community who are considering a career change, who would be open to starting an EA-related group /project, or who have expertise in a priority area[1] .

- Facebook group: https://www. facebook.com/groups /EALondon /
- Subcommunities: http://ealondon.com/2018 /01 /15 /ea-communities-london-around-world /
- Monthly newsletter (scroll down to subscribe): https://ealondon.com
- Meetup: https://www. meetup.com/Effective-Altruism-London
- LinkedIn: https://www. linkedin.com/groups /13575824

- Intro, resources and getting involved: https://www. effectivealtruism.org
- Newsletter: https://eahub.org/newsletter
- Forum: http://effective-altruism.com
- Facebook groups directory: https://www. facebook.com/EffectiveGroups /
- Book: https://www. amazon. co. uk /Doing-Good-Better-Effective-Difference-ebook /dp /B00XGX17IM /
- Career guide: https://80000hours.org
- Mutual philanthropic fund: https://app. effectivealtruism.org

[1] As of 2017, this includes: "good calibration, wide knowledge and ability to work out what's important"; skills in research, management or operations; experts in government /policy or machine learning /AI; movement-building talent or access to public platforms (80000hours.org/2017 /11 /talent-gaps-survey-2017)



A selection of the beautiful photos taken by Annie Alexander-Barnes and Martin Kozhuharov at our recent Effective Altruism Weekend, organised by Saulius Šimčikas. Massive shout-out to Entrepreneur First for the free use of their space for the weekend! <3


August newsletter introducing a members directory as well as the usual events, jobs and updates.


EA London is announcing 3 back-to-back retreats that will happen in EA Hotel (http://eahotel.org/) in Blackpool, England:
Life Review Weekend (Aug. 25th - 26th) Careers Week (Aug. 27th - 31st) Holiday/EA Unconference (Sept. 1st - 2nd)
...Continue Reading


Some of you may have noticed a big "third-Tuesday-of-the-month-social&q uot;-shaped hole in our event calendar this month. Fear not -- it lives! But you'll need to head on over to Social Effective Altruism London to continue receiving invitations to these socials via Facebook. The social this evening will be in St James's Park (just west of the cafe) from 1830.
We are also introducing a dedicated monthly Newcomer Social, which will continue to be announced via this page.


Many books and articles have documented the devastation animal agriculture causes to human health, the economy, the environment, and of course animal welfare. Public figures from Bill Nye to Richard Branson have said that the future of food is animal-free. But readers and listeners are left with one burning question: How do we actually get from here to there? In "The End of Animal Farming", Jacy Reese will outline an evidence-based roadmap to a humane, ethical, efficient food... system where slaughterhouses are obsolete.
Join Jacy Reese and Effective Animal Altruism London for this free talk and Q&A about how we can ensure the success of one of the most important social movements of our time. The following month, his book of the same title will be available for purchase.
This talk is ideal for *everyone* who agrees that non-human animal suffering matters, whatever their beliefs or diet. It will be followed by a question and answer session.
RESERVE YOUR PLACE TODAY BY REGISTERING FOR A TICKET BELOW - please note that ticket "sales" will come down 30 hours BEFORE the event begins. https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/talk-the-e nd-of-animal-farmi…
WeWork Waterhouse Square 138 Holborn EC1N 2SW
Please note that while one entrance to the location is very obvious, another entrance is simply marked with "138-142 Holborn", until you find the WeWork location on your left.
If you get lost, call WeWork on 020 8004 4677
Jacy is the Research Director at Sentience Institute, an effective altruism think tank researching the most effective strategies to expand humanity's moral circle. Find more info about him here: http://jacyreese.com/
Effective Altruism London is a group dedicated to applying reason and evidence to doing the most good. We regularly host speakers to talk about the biggest problems facing the world and the future, and the best potential ways to tackle them. Like our page to keep up to date with our latest events. Join the group for Effective Animal Altruism London if you are interested in reducing animal suffering.
Effective Altruism London: https://www.ealondon.com/
Effective Animal Altruism London: https://www.ealondon.com/effective-animal -altruism-london
Tickets: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/talk-the-e nd-of-animal-farmi…
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Can we help you to do more good in any way?
Message at https://www.facebook.com/messages/t/Londo nAltruism and we will do our best to support you!
For example, we can:
... * Set up a meeting with a member of our team to discuss decisions about your career, donations, projects or general goals (sign up at https://goo.gl/AdjJEZ)
* Answer questions related to Effective Altruism online (don’t hesitate to message us!)
* Connect you with people who have similar interests. For example, you can sign up to one of our cause-specific discussion groups at https://goo.gl/bTQzd7.
* Connect you with a mentor who can help you to learn more about some specific career or cause, or Effective Altruism in general (sign up at https://goo.gl/aDsMit)
* Help you to organise EA-related events or groups
* Something else? Please message us and we will see what we can do.
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In this event, you will be paired up with three people to talk 1-1 for 30 minutes in each pairing.
One to one conversations allow us to avoid distractions, tackle more in-depth topics, establish stronger connections and help each other to have a greater impact. Even if you have known someone for years, you may have never had a focused discussion with them, and you might have a lot to learn from each other.
The event will be more useful for people who have been interested in e...ffective altruism for a while (e. g. have read Doing Good Better or 10+ articles). If possible, we will pair up people who don’t already know each other and have something in common (for example, they both want to work in the same cause area).
After 1 on 1s, we will have a picnic. You are welcome to bring food drinks, blankets, and any other picnic supplies but it is not necessary.
FINDING US: We will be just inside Regent's Park, by the corner near Baker Street station from 13:00 onwards (map: https://goo.gl/maps/jHHvrJPVPKr).
We will have a sign or two so that you can spot us. If you can't find us, please call Saulius on 07448809079 or David on 07949936212.
IF IT IS RAINING: We'll slink off to The Metropolitan Bar near Baker Street Station.
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***LOCATION UPDATE: The weather, alas, is not on our side this weekend, so we will meet at Holly's place in Whitechapel instead - please message us for the exact address. Text/call 07949936212 if you can't find us on the day.***
- Inspired by the Effective Altruism (EA) community but don't know where to start? - Following EA online but not sure what engaging with a local community could offer? - Or feeling it's time to take the next step in aligning your actions with your EA ...values?
Then congratulations, you have clicked on the right event! We'll be exploring the various ways that you can apply EA to different areas of your life, including donations and career but also some other important areas that you may not have considered.
***Please note that this event assumes an existing basic familiarity with the EA approach to trying to make the world a better place. For an introduction to Effective Altruism, check out effectivealtruism.org or the book Doing Good Better by Will MacAskill.***
1315 Arrive 1330 Talk: Holly Morgan will give an overview of EA definitions, concepts/frameworks, organisations and concrete applications 1400 Activity: Next Steps 1430 Mingle: Chat with like-minded folk :-)
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LOCATION St. James's Park, near Inn The Park https://bit.ly/2A5qSKq 51°30'14.4"N 0°07'55.2"W If you have problems finding us, please call us on 07448809079
... EVENT DESCRIPTION Everyone will write down some questions related to altruism that they are uncertain about and want to discuss. The question can be either about your personal decision (for example, “Should I edit Wikipedia in my free time?”, “Should I earn money in order to donate rather than help others directly?”), or just something that you would like to form a clearer opinion on (for example, “is artificial intelligence really a threat to humanity?”). There are more examples at https://goo.gl/pb1TQm. Then we will discuss chosen questions in groups of 3-5 people. We will try to structure conversations to be as useful to the person asking the question as possible.
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This social is for newcomers. If you haven't been to our events before, we'd love to see you!
If you've been to more than five events then this probably won't be that useful but it would be a good time to bring along a friend who might be interested in Effective Altruism.
We have friendly people and interesting discussions about assorted topics. Bring any questions you may have about how to effectively make a significant positive difference to the world, and we will do our be...st to answer them or at least point you to useful resources.
LOCATION: Primrose Hill (NW1 7SU), near the top by some shade, there will be a sign saying "EA". It's close to Regents Park and Chalk Hill tube station.
If lost contact David on 07949936212.
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Researchers at Yale University are looking for participants for a two-part online study of everyday moral emotions and attitudes.
You will be compensated for your participation, and you will also have the chance to earn further bonuses for effective charities based on your performance.
If you are interested in participating or would like to find out more, you can do so at this link: ... http://bit.ly/everydayexp
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EA Global London is happening on the 26-28th of October. Applications are now.


Has EA London helped you to have more impact? Let us know with a ❤️ on this post :-)


This is our monthly social event, lots of informal discussion and tangents and chats. If you haven't been to our events before, we'd love to see you! This would also be a great time to bring along a friend who might be interested in effective altruism.
We have friendly people and discussions about assorted topics. Bring any questions you may have about how to effectively make a significant positive difference to the world, and we will do our best to answer them or least point... you to useful resources.
LOCATION Tibits bankside, 124 Southwark Street, SE1 0SW
If you can't find us, call or message 07949936212.
EFFECTIVE ALTRUISM is applying reason and evidence to the goal of improving the world, with the aim of doing the most good we can.
FIND OUT MORE about Effective Altruism here: http://www.effectivealtruism.org
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This is our monthly social event, lots of informal discussion and tangents and chats. If you haven't been to our events before, we'd love to see you! This would also be a great time to bring along a friend who might be interested in effective altruism.
We have super friendly people and interesting discussions about assorted topics. Bring any questions you may have about how to effectively make a significant positive difference to the world, and we will do our best to answer t...hem or least point you to useful resources.
LOCATION The Lukin, 4 Conway Street, W1T 6BB
We should be upstairs, if you can't find us, call or message 07949936212.
EFFECTIVE ALTRUISM is applying reason and evidence to the goal of improving the world, with the aim of doing the most good we can.
FIND OUT MORE about Effective Altruism here: http://www.effectivealtruism.org
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The global EA Survey for 2018 is here! Please help us to build a more accurate picture of the EA community and anyone loosely associated with it: https://goo.gl/faaJzA
All answers can be kept anonymous and it should take 10-20 minutes, although since all questions bar one are optional, you can complete it as quickly as you like...


May Newsletter with news on EA Weekend, Founders Pledge talk and other events, research and job openings.


This is our monthly social event, lots of informal discussion and tangents and chats. If you haven't been to our events before, we'd love to see you! This would also be a great time to bring along a friend who might be interested in effective altruism.
We have super friendly people and interesting discussions about assorted topics. Bring any questions you may have about how to effectively make a significant positive difference to the world, and we will do our best to answer t...hem or least point you to useful resources.
LOCATION The Lukin, 4 Conway Street, W1T 6BB
We should be upstairs, if you can't find us, call or message 07949936212.
EFFECTIVE ALTRUISM is applying reason and evidence to the goal of improving the world, with the aim of doing the most good we can.
FIND OUT MORE about Effective Altruism here: http://www.effectivealtruism.org
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More about Effective Altruism London
