Effie + Ros Mindfulness

About Effie + Ros Mindfulness

Effie and Ros - my two grannies and the inspiration behind my business.

Effie + Ros Mindfulness Description

Effie and Ros - my two grannies. They were homely, wise, strong, cheeky, grounded, calm, comforting, supremely graceful, strong and wicked senses of humour. They pampered and spoiled us and made us feel amazing. This is what I want for you and your birth.



Go go go!! Free access to Mark Harris’ online course👇🏻 * Mark is a male midwife and does an absolutely fabulous job of supporting dads/birth partners. They have SUCH a HUGE and frequently underestimated role to play 🙌💪🏻👏🏻💛 * Please do share with any dads who might be feeling a little anxious, helpless, not sure what to do, intimidated or just keen to learn! 💛


Homebirths 👇 This is a GREAT article written by a obstetrician at Kingston Hospital. Worth a read if you are even slightly thinking about it 💫❤️
"In the future, homebirth is likely to be a significant component of providing safe maternity care.
"One day in my antenatal clinic, I saw a woman having her third baby who is in early labour [at home]...the room is calm; in contrast to the hospital there are no distractions...contrary to popular myth, there is no mess and the delu...ge is dealt with swiftly by the midwives using old towels.
"It feels unbelievably right". 💪💥💫
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🙌 Birth choices change 🙌 This article is utterly spot on 👇🏻👇🏻Hypnobirthing isn’t just for the hardcore few who don’t want pain relief, it’s about understanding your body, knowing your choices and options and feeling prepared and utterly powerful whatever course your birth takes 💪🏻😍
"The skill is not in avoiding intervention, but in taking informed, measured action when YOU need it. It’s in understanding yourself, trusting your birth attendants, and having the knowledge to make informed decisions. It’s in understanding your vulnerabilities, and having the confidence to pause, listen to yourself, tune into your birth partner and make the right decision for the moment.
Attaching yourself to the idea that your birth will follow a particular physiological path can inhibit you as surely as an epidural might." ❤️❤️❤️


💫So this little gem arrived in my WhatsApp messages this week and it literally makes my little heart sing! ❤️ They totally nailed it! 💫 * "So our beautiful boy finally decided to make his grand entry into the world on Friday morning. And thanks to you, we had the most amazing, empowering and (almost 😅) enjoyable labour and birthing experience we could have wished for.
"I cannot tell you how grateful Simon and I are and how much you helped us to (finally) have the birthing ex...perience that we wanted. I never once felt out of control and totally trusted my body and my own capabilities, (something I hadn’t been able to do before) and felt completely calm and positive throughout. You also helped Simon to be the most incredible birthing partner, it absolutely made all the difference.
"So from the bottom of our hearts, thank you SO much 😘😘😘" * Job jobbed as my husband would say. 😂👊🙌👏 * Also...this was their third baby and can I feel a blog post coming about how relevant the course is for subsequent births. Yes of course they knew what to expect in lots of ways, but MUCH of the antenatal stuff we talked about was new, even as third time parents. Watch this space while I gather my thoughts! xx 💫
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Elite athletes and birthing mothers. I've bunched them together before and this article makes me want to do the same thing again 💫 * Exactly the same ideas and techniques are being used by those England boys as taught when you learn about hypnobirthing. 'Visualise what we need to do', ' prime your brain to play it how you would like to be', 'you're in control'...💫 * Sports psychology and birth are powerful bed fellows. There is so much science behind the techniques we learn a...nd this is how the often sceptical birth partners are converted to the wisdom of hypnobirthing ❤️ 💫
https://www.theguardian.com/…/psycholog y-england-football-t…
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Work those hips mammas and get that baby in the optimal position for birth 💃🏽 😝Seriously her squats are massively impressive at 37 weeks! * Did you know you get a free Align Your Baby course when you book a hypnobirthing course?? Absolutely loads of advice about encouraging your baby into the best position, what to do if it’s breech/transverse, a bonus yoga class, bonus pilates class...it’s ace. * Kxx


If you’re thinking about breastfeeding I’d highly recommend this - 2.15pm ie NOW!! Or catch up after👇🏻 * Access to Anna’s online mindful breastfeeding course is an option as part of my hypnobirthing courses - like the birth part, were told we have to do it but it isn’t always an easy journey so preparation is key ❤️


YES, totally THIS 👇❤️. We should be able to have high expectations of birth being a positive, amazing and exciting experience HOWEVER you do it. You don't have to accept birth as a hideous ordeal, I absolutely promise! * 💫Information is knowledge 💫Knowledge is power 💫Preparation is KEY... * Feel free to message me if you would like to find out more!
https://www.irishexaminer.com/…/readers -blog-bar-mustbe-rai…
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I am just off to teach a lovely couple and we will be chatting LOTS tonight about how important the birth partner is. This video is absolutely beautiful and I challenge you not to cry!! * How can the partner help? By holding the space, encouraging the mum, reminding her how amazingly she is doing, communicating your choices with your care providers, keeping the flow of oxytocin going and going.... As Ina May Gaskin put it, if a woman doesn't look like a goddess in labour th...en someone isn't treating her right. No pressure then partners 😆 * Has your birth partner considered who THEIR support will be? If you need new clothes, some food supplies, to pick the other kids up... I love the partner bit of this course ❤️
https://www.facebook.com/monetnicolebirth s/videos/1924191507838065/?fref=gs&d ti=1993491850901944&hc_location=grou p
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Does your baby suffer with reflux? I would REALLY recommend this - I’ve posted her links before, Aine knows so much and gets incredible results. Worth a listen! 🙌👇🏻👇🏻🙏


Do you want to learn more for free??? ❤️🙌👌🏻🙏💥⭐️💫


Do you want to birth like Gisele?? 👇👇 ❤️ Come along to my free taster TOMORROW at Heart Twickenham. Two one hour sessions, one at 10am and one at 1130am. With lush snacks from The Pregnancy Food Company. Learn at least one top tip that I guarantee you will love. ❤️ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=36dDj4Qhi LA&feature=share


Oh Meghan and Harry how I love you!! ❤️🙌🙏💪🏻 http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-wales-441715 02?SThisFB


Did you know 🤔 when you are relaxed and calm these things happen 👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻
✨Your body is more efficient in labour ✨The way you experience pain is different ✨It’s easier to make rational choices ... ✨Your body releases lots of lovely oxytocin to keep you feeling happy and confident
✨Surely this sounds like a good plan, no?!
✨Do come and join me at Wonderlust on Stanley Road, Teddington for a fabulous hour of relaxation and learn some bite sized hypnobirthing snippets.
✨TOMORROW 730pm - 845pm. First class is £5 ✨
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There isn't a lot of wiggle room when it comes to finding sources of extra energy when you have a new baby 😴😴😴. Anything we can do to feel a bit more energised surely has to be worth a go?! So today we are talking postpartum nutrition....👣 💫 If I have had a conversation with you about being tired after babies, I am pretty sure you have already heard me say that I did an online course with Kate Smart Fitness & Buggyfit Bushy Park after my third was born. I honestly can't tell... you how much difference massively increasing my green veg intake 🌱🥦🥑, and a better awareness of what I was eating made to my life. MUCH less of the wanting to collapse / eat cake / drink wine at 5pm to get me through bed time 🍷🍩 💫 So...I am sharing a few of my go-to easy, green smoothies that I make loads over in the group. Come and check them out! My littlest will NOT eat spinach AT ALL from his plate, but will he will neck these recipes...☺️
https://www.mindbodygreen.com/ar…/postp artum-nutrition-guide
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💫I get that guidelines and averages are useful...but only to a point. So many women give birth and there are SO many variances between us. So fine, bank the information about where you fall on the average but know your choices, know your options. If you don't know your choices, you don't have them. * 💫Join my free taster at @hearttwickenham on 26 May or online in the Effie + Ros group on 30 May to find out more. * 😘😘😘


💫Are you in our Facebook group? If not, where have you been? 😂🤦‍♀️
💫Lots of people can't make the 26 May taster so I am running an online taster, in the group. The aim is to share AS MUCH as I possibly can about the things you can do to make birth a calm, confident and happy experience, irrespective of the twists and turns it may take.
💫Please do send any and all questions in advance and I will go through them all. You don't know the things you don't know until you do know....
💫I really hope you can join, and please feel free to share 😘
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Pregnancy Relaxation classes starting Tuesday! Are you in??? 🙌✨💐

More about Effie + Ros Mindfulness
