Embassy Of Hungary In London/ Magyarország Londoni Nagykövetsége

Monday: 08:30 - 17:00
Tuesday: 08:30 - 17:00
Wednesday: 08:30 - 17:00
Thursday: 08:30 - 17:00
Friday: 08:30 - 14:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -

About Embassy Of Hungary In London/ Magyarország Londoni Nagykövetsége

The Embassy's events, news about Hungary in the UK press, UK-HU relationship.

Consular affairs: @HunConsulate. London
Hungarian Cultural Centre London: @hcclondon

Moderation policy: http://bit. ly /2MJim6L



Happy 1018th birthday Hungary! We celebrate the Christian foundation of the state by king St. Stephen on 20th August with festivities and fireworks all over the country:


ūüďĹ Wish this film best of luck! ūüďĹūüéě‚úĆūüŹĽ‚ú®


Hungary‚Äôs GDP growth rate exceeds analyst expectations at 4,4% ūüĒĚūüďą‚úÖ


Join Pitch@Palace Hungary, the Buckingham Palace‚Äôs startup tournament on 10-11 September 2018. ūüĎ©ūüŹľ‚ÄćūüíĽūüĎ®ūüŹĽ‚ÄćūüíĽPitch your business in Budapest, win, and get to the global finals at St James‚Äô Palace, London in December 2018 ūüŹÜ‚úĆūüŹĽMore info and application at http://pitchatpalace.com/hungary/


If summer, then ice cream, and if it‚Äôs a long hot summer like this one, the more ice cream the better!ūüć¶ūüć¶The Guardian‚Äôs readers collected the best ice creams all around Europe, and guess what! A little parlour in Budapest also can be found on this list, but no surprise, since it produces undoubtedly gorgeous and tasty sweets.ūüĆĻūü§© You should give it a try! https://bit.ly/2OoJAyO


Looking for a great relaxation for this rainy weekend?ūüíÜūüŹĽ‚Äć‚ôÄÔłŹūüíÜūüŹľ‚Äć‚ôāÔł Ź Choose a book from the Hungarian author L√°szl√≥ Krasznahorkai and enjoy the taste of his words and thoughtsūüďö ‚Äď as well as read this wonderful interview with him.


Gross salaries rose by more than 10 percent in all sectors across Hungary in May, compared to one year earlier. ūüďąThe greatest pay rise occurred in the healthcare sector, increasing by 20 percent. ūüĎ©ūüŹľ‚Äć‚öēÔłŹAlso in different areas of the private sector a remarkable wage rise occured by 10-14 percent. ‚¨ÜÔłŹ


Hungary finished 4th in the medal table of the Glasgow 2018 European Aquatics Championships #Glasgow2018! ūüŹä‚Äć‚ôÄÔłŹūüŹäūüŹĽ‚Äć‚ôāÔłŹ Congratulations to the Hungarian Swimming Team, very good job guys! ūüá≠ūüáļūü•áūü•áūü•áūü•áūü•ąūü•ąūü•ąūü•Čū ü•ČūüéČūüćĺūüĎŹūüŹĽ


ūüá≠ūüáļD√°vid Verraszt√≥ is European Champion again in the men‚Äôs 400m individual medley, Ajna K√©sely won a silver medal in the 400m freestyle and Katalin Buri√°n took the 3rd place in 200m backstroke on the last day of the Glasgow 2018 European Aquatics Championships #Glasgow2018.ūü•áūü•ąūü•Č Well done! ūüôĆūüŹĽūüéČūüá≠ūüáļ


Do you have an idea that can change the world? ūüĆć The Visegr√°d Group's initiative called #V4 Startup Force scholarship can help you bring it to life! The application process is now open for the first round of support, don‚Äôt miss the opportunity! ‚ėĚūüŹĽ


And yes, Katinka Hossz√ļ made it again!ūüéČūüéČ In a heroic battle she won the women‚Äôs 200m individual medley in the Glasgow European Championships, which is her 1ÔłŹ‚É£4ÔłŹ‚É£th European 1st place since 2010!ūü•á‚ėĚūüŹĽ(Photo credit: MTI)


Tisztelt Honfit√°rsaink!
T√°j√©koztatjuk √Ėn√∂ket, hogy a Brexittel kapcsolatos, magyar √°llampolg√°rokat √©rintŇĎ legfontosabb tudnival√≥k, illetve a Brexitet k√∂vetŇĎ regisztr√°ci√≥r√≥l sz√≥l√≥ aktu√°lis t√°j√©koztat√≥ el√©rhetŇĎ a Nagyk√∂vets√©g honlapj√°n. Brexit t√°j√©koztat√≥: https://london.mfa.gov.hu/page/brexit-taj ekoztato Regisztr√°ci√≥: https://london.mfa.gov.hu/p‚Ķ/a-brexitet -koeveto-regisztracio
... Egy√ļttal a fenti t√©mak√∂r√∂kkel kapcsolatos, gyakran ism√©tlŇĎdŇĎ k√©rd√©sekre (GYIK) is v√°laszokat kaphatnak az al√°bbi weboldalon: GYIK:https://london.mfa.gov.hu/page/gyakr an-ismetlodo-kerdesek
See More


Hungary‚Äôs family home-creation scheme (CSOK) has helped 81,000 families ‚Äúcreate the conditions for having and raising children‚ÄĚ in its first three years, it has been revealedūüŹ°ūüĎ®‚ÄćūüĎ©‚ÄćūüĎß‚Äćūü϶ Grants totaling 232 billion HUF (726m EUR) have been paid out to families in the scheme so far, and an even higher amount, 242 billion HUF, is being allocated for the same purpose in next year‚Äôs budget ūüŹ†ūüŹ†


6 days, 865 kms, 20 international teams. ūüö≤ Only 6 days left until the start of the biggest Hungarian cycling race, the top cathegory Tour the Hongrie, which departs from Si√≥fok and leads across beautiful scenes including 8 cities and 10 counties in Hungary. Are you ready? ūüí™ūüŹĽ ūüĒú http://skipperstudio.com/‚Ķ/20180803_tdh _beharangozo_2018.mp4


Congratulations to Ajna K√©sely for her bronze medal ūü•Č in 1500m freestyle and to Katinka Hossz√ļ for taking 4th place in women‚Äôs 100m back in Glasgow today! ‚úĆūüŹĽ(Photo credit: MTI/Reuters)


With a thrilling finish Bogl√°rka Kap√°s became European champion in 200m butterfly in Glasgow! ūü•áūüŹä‚Äć‚ôÄÔłŹ Congratulations! ūüôĆūüŹĽ


Spy, Red Sparrow, Hercules, The Martian, Inferno, Munich, Evita, The Borgias, Dracula‚Ķ what is common in these films and series? ūü•Āūü•ĀThey were all filmed in Budapest! ūüďĹūüéě But what is its secret, what makes the Hungarian capital so appealing for this industry? ‚ú® The Financial Times summarised the answers. https://www.ft.com/con‚Ķ/5ea6ff2c-8f69-1 1e8-9609-3d3b945e78cf


Congratulations to Bogl√°rka D√©vai for winning gold medal in vault ūü§ł‚Äć‚ôÄÔłŹ and to the Krist√≥f Mil√°k-Tam√°s Kenderesi duo for taking 1st and 2nd place in 200m butterfly ūüŹäūüŹĽ‚Äć‚ôāÔłŹ ūüŹäūüŹĽ‚Äć‚ôāÔłŹ in the Glasgow European Championships. ūü•áūü•áūü•ą Well done, guys! ūüĎŹūüŹĽ

More about Embassy Of Hungary In London/ Magyarország Londoni Nagykövetsége

Embassy Of Hungary In London/ Magyarország Londoni Nagykövetsége is located at 35 Eaton Place, SW1X8BY London, United Kingdom
Monday: 08:30 - 17:00
Tuesday: 08:30 - 17:00
Wednesday: 08:30 - 17:00
Thursday: 08:30 - 17:00
Friday: 08:30 - 14:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -