Emma Lister Slimming World Acorn Hall

About Emma Lister Slimming World Acorn Hall

All about Slimming World, weight loss and healthy living.



Holidays are coming.....
It's getting to that time of year again where life gets horrendously busy and food gets stodgy and convenient and our clothes get bulkier.
Every year we go into hibernation mode, we treat ourselves with Halloween and bonfire night gatherings, we then go on Christmas party after Christmas party, we treat ourselves to festive coffees and mince pies whilst spending a small fortune on everyone's presents....
... And then we hit new year and vow to lose a ton of weight in time for the summer....
Sound familiar? It does to me!!
I've got news for you though....you could enjoy your seasonal get togethers, you could have your full English and roast dinner on a cold Sunday, you could even enjoy a cheeky Baileys and still lose weight over the winter!!
Come along on Thursday at 5:30 and 7:30pm at Acorn Hall, Harwich Road and see how you can lose weight and not miss out this winter!!
We also have some fantastic offers on at the moment to give you even more reasons to come along!!
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Thinking of joining? Need to get ready for that Christmas party? Come along Thursday 5.30/7:30 at Acorn Hall, Harwich Road xx


Hi I'm a leaflet. I may well be floating through your letter box soon. At first glance you might think I'm junk mail. I promise I won't be too offended...lol.. but can I just ask you to consider a few things. So far us leaflets have achieved some amazing things. We've helped people take that often really hard step into a friendly local group. That might not seen much but when that small step leads to life changing events then Wow.. like what? You might ask.. here's a few exam...ples... Becoming medication free after managing health conditions like diabetes, high cholesterol and high blood pressure. Being able to move more after reducing joint pain and using fewer pain killers Improved sense of well being and self esteem being supported by people who understand. Fertility improving and babies being born.. (my particular favourite 😚) Learning about healthy cooking and shopping and improving family eating. Meeting new friends and making lifelong friendships. There are so many success stories in every group, it really is so much more than "just losing weight". So if I land on your door mat, just for a second think.. you really can take that step if you feel ready... I might not be what you need right now but maybe a friend or relative might.. I hope you can see that rather than just junk mail I'm an invitation to take that step to a healthier future... 😉
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Trials, Troubles, Tribulations....
There will always be a reason to hold off starting a new diet or just even sticking to the one you are on!!
I hear (and give) a ton of reasons why healthy eating is just taking a back seat...the kids being home, holidays, weddings, stress and just life in general getting in the way.
... I know all too well that it can feel so much easier to just eat all the wrong things when you're a bit busy or a lot stressed...but really, with Slimming World it is just as easy to eat good as it is to eat bad!!
This morning I went for a mega full English at The BeefEater and I just had a huge plate of mac & cheese for dinner (plus 2 glasses of wine) and I'm still on plan!
Come along on Thursday to Acorn Hall, Harwich Road at 5:30 and 7:30 to find out how easy it can be to live your life and lose weight xxx
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I lost 5lb this week and I'm feeling so motivated to lose even more next week!! 4st down in total and I'm 2 dress sizes smaller!!


Join this week and get free membership (voucher can be found in Closer) and eat all this amazing food and still lose weight!!
You can enjoy the summer holidays, lose weight and feel great xxx
Come along tonight at Acorn Hall, Harwich Road at 5:30 and 7:30 to find out more


Yesterday I ate carrot cake, mac and cheese and breakfast muffins....I also had a glass of wine but I'd given up taking pictures at that point!!
Come along Thursdays at Acorn Hall, Harwich Road 5:30 and 7:30 to find out how I lost 4 stone by eating all of this!!


Sometimes it's very easy to forget where you started and weight loss becomes a lot harder the closer you get to target...
I have days, sometimes weeks, where it gets a little hard to keep focused but photos like this keep me going!!
6lb until target!!


Thunder Thighs to Wonder Thighs...
Anyone who went to secondary school with me will know that I did not do a single PE lesson from year 8...that is no exaggeration unfortunately, ask my mother....
Equally, anyone who ever tried to exercise with me pre Slimming World will know I was a crier....the "I can't do this, I hate you" type.
... These days however I have learnt to love going for a run, I've just come back from Week 5 Day 1 of couch to 5k and I feel pretty full of myself right now!!
Don't get me wrong, it's not been easy....I started Cto5k pre baby and I remember Week 1 Day 1 oh so well, the nerves and dread as I put on my trainers, the horror that I couldn't run for a whole minute, the awful headache, the fear my lung might have collapsed and also the fact I had to wear 3 bras....
But I persevered and every time I ran it got a bit less awful and I got a bit further and I eventually stopped hating it.
I did complete the app and moved on to the 10k one but morning sickness put a stop to that....so I'm not right where I want to be but I am well on my way there.
Body magic (or exercise for the non SW community) isn't all about smashing the gym and wearing Lycra, it's starting small and building up xx
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If your salad isn't bigger then your head then are you even trying?!


Don't put off joining because of half term, make your children the reason for coming along tonight!!
Don't forget we offer a free service to 11-15 year olds teaching healthier ways to eat, so if you have someone in that age range in your life who could benefit from this then please do bring them along with you xxx


This is my 1 year anniversary of joining Slimming World after having my baby last April and I am 4 stone down!!
Special offer out now in Closer Magazine, just another reason to join!!
Come and see what it's all about Thursdays at Acorn Hall 5:30 & 7:30


Slimming doesn't have to be expensive, don't let that be a reason to not start your #slimmingworld journey!! Not only is the majority of what you can eat on Slimming World stuff you probably already have (pasta, chopped tomatoes, beans, chicken etc etc) also if you shop smart you can have a great on plan week for minimal cost. The picture below is of my shopping after sitting and reading through the 7 day planner in the magazine....that lot cost me under £60! Come along on ...Thursdays to get some more handy hints and support on your weight loss journey
Thursdays @ 5:30 and 7:30 Acorn Hall Harwich Road
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My baby turned 1 yesterday! I cannot believe it's been a year since I walked out the hospital with this tiny little person to look after!!
As I've said before, I had previously lost 3st7lb before falling pregnant and pretty much immediately after having him my "new body" dawned on me...I felt so self conscious, when I'd have visitors everyone seemed so put together and slim and I felt a complete mess still in my maternity pyjamas (I wasn't quite ready to put my pencil skirts... back on!!) and now, I know how silly it is to have felt that way, I'd just had a baby!! There were feeding problems to start with, lack of sleep and just eating whatever I could when I could...
When Buddy turned 5 weeks old I made the decision to come back to Slimming World. Coming back was completely different to when I originally joined, my weight loss mattered so much more to me now, I was going on my own and I had to breast feed in public for the first time....I was terrified. And not only at the practicalities of having a new born and sore boobs, but also because I felt so low about the way I looked. I felt frumpy, unattractive and I felt an urge to wear a t-shirt which announced my previous weight loss with a "before" picture on it!
I walked through those doors, and I was greeted by such a warm group of people, a group of people I consider good friends now, no one minded when I whipped a boob out or when Buddy did an explosive poo in the middle of image therapy. And let's face it, no one was looking at me and thinking how big I was, everyone just understood why I was there.
This weekend, I got my 4 stone award and although at times my weight loss felt slow and I felt I'd never get to this point (my first week I was gutted when I lost 2lb) I am so pleased to announce I'm lighter than before I was pregnant and I'm actually at my lightest (I'm pretty sure I went from child to fat)
I know I'm a consultant, but this is as a member, I absolutely love #slimmingworld it really is the best decision I've made (twice)
If you are umming and ahhing whether to come along and you just aren't sure all I can suggest is you come along and hear from the experts, the people who come to group each week, who know what it's like to want to lose weight.
Well done if you've got this far on this ramble lol!!
Please like and share the love because I bet there is someone on your FB who might really need that push xxxx
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After a very interesting weekend away at the mothership which is Slimming World HQ I've come away feeling so...emotional....
I know, I know, I can see you rolling your eyes....but it's true! The room of 70 odd newish consultants with me, all of us graduating together, had a good few tear jerky moments.
And, do you know what struck me the most about what triggered us all to start a group weep were moments where someone would open up about the pure fear of letting their member...s down, and also some really heart wrenching real life stories of members who have had really inspirational journeys and are at a place they never dreamed to be.
And I think we cried, because we've been there too, we've been waiting nervously outside a venue plucking up the courage to go in, we've felt like the biggest person in the room, we stepped on those scales for the first time in years looking at those figures with horror and shame...we also all became consultants, because when we walked through those doors we were greeted by someone friendly and warm, when we queued up we weren't feeling judged and there was a real sense someone else got how we felt, and most importantly, when we saw our starting weight we had someone give us help, support, empathy and advice. We came back each week, we stayed to group, we joined the family....
Losing weight is a rollercoaster and I honestly can't think of a better place to do it then at Slimming World.
If you do want to lose weight and you just don't know how, I urge you to look up your local group (mines Thursdays 5:30 & 7:30 Acorn Hall, Harwich Road) and pop along and see what it's all about - it will change your life!! I know I sound lame but Im all emosh from the love in at HQ
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Joining Slimming World was the best decision I've ever made...
Last night I went to a restaurant with an all you can eat buffet, on top of the freedom I felt with everything that I could eat whilst staying on plan I also felt a different kind of freedom.
Pre weight loss I would have felt awful at the buffet cart - I would have felt apologetic, huge and I would have felt everyone was watching "that fat girl" going for another plate. I would even have felt embarrassed ordering ...Diet Coke or putting greens on my plate in case anyone laughed at me.
But last night I felt confident, I didn't even think about my size, something that was such a big deal for such a long time just isn't an issue anymore.
I can't be the only one that has ever felt like that when eating in public can I? And I can't be the only one who wanted to change that feeling either!
If you want some help in losing weight and gaining confidence come along on Thursdays to Acorn Hall, Harwich Road in Colchester for 5:30 or 7:30 and meet with a load of like minded determined people and find out how you can get to your own personal goal ❤
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More about Emma Lister Slimming World Acorn Hall

Emma Lister Slimming World Acorn Hall is located at Acorn Hall, Harwich Road, Co4 3dh Colchester, Essex