Empathy Action

About Empathy Action

Inspiring each other to improve lives.



Beautiful bespoke bracelets. Syrian made.
Gifts that give something much more to those who wear them. To those who choose to season their event through them... and hope to those who make them.
This one was used and received at summer school festival a couple of years ago following an empathy programme earlier in the year.
... Also can be used at festivals, fairs, weddings and conferences. Interested and seasoning your event? WeŌĆÖd love to hear from you!
#actsofsolidarity #friendshipbracelet #empathyactiongifts #empathyaction #giftsthatgivetwice #sm17 #ActionPacks
https://www.instagram.com/p/BUUsCAggQDu/Ō Ć”
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Remembering our good friends Malvern and Annie in Zimbabwe.
If youŌĆÖve purchased some of the beautiful beaded animals they are made with the work with street kids spearheaded by these two.
Malvern recently suffered a stroke and Annie shared having crowd funded for some of his medical needs ŌĆ£amazingly we now have enough for him to stay at St Giles for almost 6 weeks!ŌĆØ She adds ŌĆ£it may sound like a small thing, but Malvern wiggled he toes for the first time in 6 weeks...Thank y...ou!ŌĆØ
If youŌĆÖre interested in buying some of their products or helping them with their recovery, please get touch.
https://www.instagram.com/p/BYZCE1ohbrl/? igshid=rkw662zlpgzo
#empathyactiongifts #giftsthatgivetwice
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Kid's birthday party bags = employment and opportunities for the world's marginalised communities.
Making parties give that much more. Like bouncy Loom Band balls made by people living on the streets of Harare in Zimbabwe, or the key rings from bullets made in Cambodia and much more.
Get in touch if you would like to place an order or to learn more about this. Please share!
... More here: http://www.empathyaction.org/fair-trade/a ction-packs/
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... two worlds, two stories, two sides.
#chooseEmpathy #walkamileinmyshoes #empathy #empathyactionstories


A special taste of Syria earlier this week thanks to Suzanne and Migrateful (and The Plant Base for hosting!)
Suzanne taught us how to knead kibbeh, that parsley must be chopped in a certain way, and she also showed us how to cook rice to perfection with angel hair pasta.
A feast we enjoyed and shared together.
... Suzanne and Migrateful will be rolling out more Syrian cookery classes in #TunbridgeWells over the coming weeks and months. To find out more click through. Highly recommend it! . #migrateful #syriancooking #buildlongertables #empathythroughcooking #empathybuilding
https://www.instagram.com/p/Bx4sEvzlsiT/Ō Ć”
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As empathy programme organisers we donŌĆÖt always hear of what the students go on to do with their empathy...
It was powerful reading this... keep going... our world needs you!
#chooseEmpathy #EmpathyActionStories


We still remember a boy saying how he used to ŌĆśsecretlyŌĆÖ acknowledge homeless people following an empathy programme when his parents would usher him along.
When we came back to that school we asked the students to share some of the things they have done and many responded how they too sought to do likewise.
ŌĆ£Seeing a homeless person as a person can be confronting. You may feel empathy for their situation that was previously held at bay by reductive stereotypes. You may feel ...anger at the injustice of inequality and be moved to execute change. Processing all these things in the moment can be overwhelming.
ItŌĆÖs much easier to just shut your eyes, close your ears, wall off your heart, and keep on walking by. But as much as homeless people need to be seen, the rest of us need to see them even more.ŌĆØ
https://invisiblepeople.tv/making-eye-con tact-with-homelesŌĆ”/
#makeeyecontact #chooseEmpathy #EmpathyActionStories
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Powerful portraits...


Some shots of our voluntary team at yesterdayŌĆÖs Poverty Trap simulation at Oxford High School for a 100 year 9 students.
The OHS geography department sought to teach poverty through lens of empathy.
From last year: https://oxfordhigh.gdst.net/empathy-actio n-experience-for-ŌĆ”/
... #thepovertytrap #teachempathy #geography #walkamile #empathy #volunteers
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ItŌĆÖs great seeing the #PeaceDove with our friend!
We are grateful to Helen Bishop Yoga for supporting the #morethanjustadove Peace initiative last year (the #peacedove is made by several amazing factory workers in Lahore from the offcuts of blankets that are used in disasters, refugee camps and aid work).
Some of these birds went round the world (to the UN Global Week, Cox Bazar refugee camp in Bangladesh, schools around Tunbridge Wells, Tonbridge and Sevenoaks.
... Can you help a friend out with a vote?
Thanks and much appreciated! :)
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ŌĆ£to help develop empathetic students with an understanding of the world beyond the one they see every dayŌĆØ
#TeachEmpathy #EmpathyActionStories
https://www.indystar.com/ŌĆ”/internationa l-schoolŌĆ”/3642653002/


ŌĆ£If you put your mind to it you can do anythingŌĆØ is what my parents used to say to me and is a phrase often used to help focus children.
What about teaching their hearts to care more and practice kindness. Then they inspire others and lead us all.
#teachempathy #empathyactionstories


Ever wonder what could be done with what we throw away. Here's some inspiration.


4 years ago around Easter a few filmmakers (Ben Falk, John McCarthy together with Ed Arthur) came to us to ask what is going on about the Global Refugee Crisis.
They'd just come back from filiming the work around the exodus to Lampedusa, Italy during the cancellation of the Mare Nostrum rescue ship. It was a really powerful documentary and some of their photos are featured here: http://www.empathyaction.org/desperatejou rneys/
We spent a long time talking with them about som...e of the hopes to capture the stories to build greater awareness and empathy and we shared about our desire to craft an empathy programme to help build deeper understanding of the swelling number of people fleeing their homes around the Global Refugee Crisis.
Thank you for letting us use your photos and to continue to share some of the stories to build greater empathy with #DesperateJourneys.
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Wednesdays over the past year have been about Craft and Conversation.
Our Becky writes about volunteering with this wonderful little group of women.
Thank you to all our volunteers... your gift of time, energy and being present with others is utterly precious and transformative!
... #volunteering #communityaction #empathyactionstories
http://www.empathyaction.org/2019/05/craf tandconversation/
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Meet Lily.



ItŌĆÖs the little things. A wave. A smile. A gesture of compassion for your neighbours. Means a lot.


ŌĆ£empathy and education go hand-in-handŌĆØ
Interesting article from Serinda Swan CEO of Deedly on cultivating activism in the emerging generation based on ŌĆ£empathetic educationŌĆØ.
#EmpathyInEducation #Empathy #EmpathyEducation #StartWithEmpathy
... https://thriveglobal.com/ŌĆ”/activating-g eneration-activist-ŌĆ”/
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Meet Lily.



Meet Lily.


More about Empathy Action

Empathy Action is located at 28 Church Road, TN1 1JP Royal Tunbridge Wells