
About Endlesss

Lightning-fast, boundless music-creation and listening - multiplayer music-making - discover music and musicians.



What a legend...🎹 πŸ“Έ πŸ‘Œ


Music soothes the heart and brings people together, but how? https://t.co/twipCawlmI "...it opens up a lot of doors for understanding how people exist in a social world": Janeen Loehr #musicresearch #music #science #wellbeing #musiciking #orchestral


Making music is good for your brain. Here are 10 reasons why.🎼 πŸŽ“


Endlesss wants to bring back some of the pre-Edison vibes - when music was a social activity that brought people together rather than just a product we consume. Full vid here https://youtu.be/FjwhNQ4_cr0


Songs are hard to write - even if you've had years of training - so we're all in favour of unbundling them if it puts the joy back in music-ing


We are getting the #projectrockpoool crew together and gate crashing a night called EVO3.0 in Peckham, Aug 3rd . All the details are here: https://www.facebook.com/events/197739021 8988526/ oh its at The Four Quarters and Tim Exile and Galaxy Wolf are playing. #musicmakers


Welcome people of Endlesss. If you are thinking that this page seems pretty quiet - head over to Project Rockpoool our little community of music makers where there are lashings of conversation all over the place. Rockpooolers are also the first to hear any announcements and be involved with the development of Endlesss. Check it out. https://www.facebook.com/groups/projectro ckpoool/


Look at that - next like will be the auspicious 200th! Thanks for the support - we are all so excited to be public about what we have been up to and can't wait to get Endlesss in to your hands.


This medium article by Tim Exile explains a bit of the back story behind Endlesss


We’re in Sound in Sound! πŸ™πŸΌ

More about Endlesss
