Endometriosis Uk

About Endometriosis Uk

Endometriosis UK is here to provide support, information and a community for people affected by endometriosis. www. endometriosis-uk.org



"It's normal to have a period. What they did not teach us in school is the fact that extreme pain untouched by painkillers and heavy bleeding during your periods is NOT normal. What they don't teach us in school is that these could be symptoms of #endometriosis. Having been diagnosed with endometriosis for a while, I wish schools teach you to raise concerns when your pain becomes ABNORMAL. If you're constantly having to take days off from school or work every month, or forced... to walk around with a hot water bottle hidden under your belt, or having to take strong painkillers when you come on, it is NOT normal.
It may feel like there's no end to the pain, however there is hope. There may be no cure at the moment, but there are ways you can manage your pain. The first step to helping yourself is to go see your doctor and insist on having yourself investigated. Don't take no for an answer. Periods are normal. Endometriosis is not NORMAL."
This is what Faith wishes she had learnt about menstrual wellbeing when she was in school. Join the conversation - share your story by posting a snap of yourself (or our infographic), use the hashtag #whatiwishilearned and be sure to tag a friend and ask them what they wish they had learnt about menstrual wellbeing when they were in school.
Please also copy the below caption into the end of your post or make sure you direct people over to our account so they can sign the petition!
This is #whatiwishilearned when I was in school. Help us change the story for generations to come by asking the government to add Menstrual Wellbeing to the Relationships and Sex Education curriculum. Please sign Endometriosis UK’s petition here: https://www.change.org/p/ngibb-menstrualh ealth and spread the word.
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We have a wonderful new support group starting in Wakefield. Come along on Thursday to find out more and meet Melissa the new group leader https://endometriosis-uk.org/support-grou p/47396


This is what Kells wishes she had learnt about menstrual wellbeing when she was in school. Join the conversation - share your story by posting a snap of yourself (or our infographic), use the hashtag #whatiwishilearned and be sure to tag a friend and ask them what they wish they had learnt about menstrual wellbeing when they were in school.
Please also copy the below caption into the end of your post or make sure you direct people over to our account so they can sign the petition!
This is #whatiwishilearned when I was in school. Help us change the story for generations to come by asking the government to add Menstrual Wellbeing to the Relationships and Sex Education curriculum. Please sign Endometriosis UK’s petition here: https://www.change.org/p/ngibb-menstrualh ealth and spread the word.


Sadly the Bristol Group meeting due to be held tomorrow evening has been cancelled. The group's next meeting is in September and will be a Q & A session https://endometriosis-uk.org/support-grou p/36559


The importance of nutrition in managing endometriosis is a popular subject at our support groups. The Bristol group will have a guest speaker on this topic at their meeting tomorrow. More details about the group and where they meet are on their web page https://endometriosis-uk.org/support-grou p/36559


“#whatiwishilearned about Menstrual Well-being in school 🎒 *Excruciating period pain may be common but it is NOT normal and could be a sign of #endometriosis⚡️ *to go see a gynecologist/ specialist as a young teen even though I was not sexually active. *back pain can be a direct correlation to reproductive issues like endo / PCOS🙅‍♀️ *to not be ashamed or stay quiet about having period pain / endometriosis - it can help someone else and stop the stigma.“
... This is what Gretchen wishes she had learnt about menstrual wellbeing when she was in school. Join the conversation - share your story by posting a snap of yourself (or our infographic), use the hashtag #whatiwishilearned and be sure to tag a friend and ask them what they wish they had learnt about menstrual wellbeing when they were in school.
Please also copy the below caption into the end of your post or make sure you direct people over to our account so they can sign the petition!
This is #whatiwishilearned when I was in school. Help us change the story for generations to come by asking the government to add Menstrual Wellbeing to the Relationships and Sex Education curriculum. Please sign Endometriosis UK’s petition here: https://www.change.org/p/ngibb-menstrualh ealth and spread the word.
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If you're looking for a big challenge next year. Sign up to run the Brighton Marathon for us- https://tinyurl.com/y9etjdo7 #GoTeamEndo


The York group will be joined by nutritional therapist, Sally, who will be talking about different ways to influence hormone balance and to manage fatigue and pain. It sounds fascinating! Find out more on their web page https://endometriosis-uk.org/support-grou p/36567


“When I was in school, I wish I learned about endometriosis, PCOS and other gynaecological conditions. I wish I learned that pain and heavy bleeding aren’t always normal. I wish I learned that endometriosis can have a variety of complex symptoms and it doesn’t always present itself in the ways that you’d expect. I wish I learned that periods aren’t something to be ashamed of or keep quiet about. I also wish I was taught about periods in a mixed-sex class, rather than separate...d into different classes for boys and girls.” Image credit: goauntflow
This is what Sami wishes she had learnt about menstrual wellbeing when she was in school. Join the conversation - share your story by posting a snap of yourself (or our infographic), use the hashtag #whatiwishilearned and be sure to tag a friend and ask them what they wish they had learnt about menstrual wellbeing when they were in school.
Please also copy the below caption into the end of your post or make sure you direct people over to our account so they can sign the petition!
This is #whatiwishilearned when I was in school. Help us change the story for generations to come by asking the government to add Menstrual Wellbeing to the Relationships and Sex Education curriculum. Please sign Endometriosis UK’s petition here: https://www.change.org/p/ngibb-menstrualh ealth and spread the word.
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Its party planning time! Sign up now to host your #PinkPantsMonth tea party in September and receive a free Pink Pants fundraising pack- https://tinyurl.com/y74hlyp8


"For me #whatiwishilearned is massive! I only found out what endometriosis was at 21, after surgery, but endometriosis is not the only gynecological condition woman can get, there is: #PID (pelvic inflammatory disease - which can be caused by other things other than STIs), #Adenomyosis and #pelviccongestionsyndrome to name a few. I was barely taught 'sex education' at school, all I remember is how to put a condom on a banana, which is fantastic for preventing pregnancy/STIs b...ut awful for teaching us about our bodies. We should be taught about our periods, what's normal, what's abnormal and what to look out for!
I have pain everyday with not only my reproductive organs but my muscles, ligaments, bowels and bladder. Currently on my fifth course of physiotherapy treatment because the left side of my pelvis is extremely weak! These things are also symptoms and should be taught, not all menstrual disorders have symptoms only to do with periods, sometimes it's much more."
This is what Sandi wishes she had learnt about menstrual wellbeing when she was in school. Join the conversation - share your story by posting a snap of yourself (or our infographic), use the hashtag #whatiwishilearned and be sure to tag a friend and ask them what they wish they had learnt about menstrual wellbeing when they were in school.
Please also copy the below caption into the end of your post or make sure you direct people over to our account so they can sign the petition!
This is #whatiwishilearned when I was in school. Help us change the story for generations to come by asking the government to add Menstrual Wellbeing to the Relationships and Sex Education curriculum. Please sign Endometriosis UK’s petition here: https://www.change.org/p/ngibb-menstrualh ealth and spread the word.
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There is still time to sign up to this years XLondon Challenge in September. We have a great team so far and it promises to be a great day and a truly rewarding experience. Sign up here- https://tinyurl.com/y7faozzn


“There are so many things about my body and menstruation that I wish I had been taught at school. I wish I'd known how important the contraceptive choices we make and menstrual wellbeing products we choose are to our relationship with our bodies and our periods.”
This is what Saschan Fearon-Josephs wishes she had learnt about menstrual wellbeing when she was in school. Join the conversation - share your story by posting a snap of yourself (or our infographic), use the hashta...g #whatiwishilearned and be sure to tag a friend and ask them what they wish they had learnt about menstrual wellbeing when they were in school. Please also copy the below caption into the end of your post or make sure you direct people over to our account so they can sign the petition!
This is #whatiwishilearned when I was in school. Help us change the story for generations to come by asking the government to add Menstrual Wellbeing to the Relationships and Sex Education curriculum. Please sign Endometriosis UK’s petition here: https://www.change.org/p/ngibb-menstrualh ealth and spread the word.
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Fatigue is often a symptom of endometriosis, the Lincoln group are focussing on this at their meeting this Friday. There will also be a chance to look at the NICE guidelines for endometrisosis treatment. https://endometriosis-uk.org/support-grou p/41729


We are just 300 signatures away from reaching our next goal of 15,000 on our petition to get menstrual wellbeing taught in schools! Thank you to everyone who has shared and taken part in the #whatiwishilearned campaign so far.
We’d love to reach 15,000 in the next few days and would really appreciate your help! Can we ask that you share our petition again, and ask your friends and loved ones to share too? The more the merrier!
If you haven’t taken part in our #whatiwishilea...rned campaign, you can still get involved...
• Post a picture of yourself or our infographic on your Instagram feed • Share what you wish you had learnt about menstrual wellbeing at school and how it could have changed your experience of your period or menstrual conditions • Make sure you use the hashtag #whatiwishilearned • Tag a friend (or lots of friends!) and ask them to share what they wish they had learnt. Let’s end the taboo of talking about periods! • Make sure you direct people over to us to sign the petition! The more we share our stories, the more signatures we can get!
If you’re not comfortable with sharing your own story, please consider just sharing the petition and the campaign, so others can get involved if they wish!
https://www.change.org/p/ngibb-menstrualh ealth
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Members of our North Essex group organised a quiz night and raised a whopping £513.30! Such a fun way to fundraise. The quiz included some questions on endometriosis so raised awareness too! a HUGE thank you to all involved!


"I wish I’d learned that pain that makes you physically sick and cry isn’t normal. I wish I’d known that I know my body better than anyone else and that it’s ok not to agree with being told it’s normal. I wish I’d known that it affects so many more girls and women than I’d ever expected and none of us are any less perfect. I wish I’d known after that first op aged just 17 that I didn’t need to be so scared. I wish I’d known that being exhausted and worn down by pain didn’t ma...ke me weak, in fact it’s made me stronger. I wish I’d known that periods lasting more than 7 days aren’t normal, and those that last 6 weeks really should be talked about to a doctor sooner. I wish I’d known the boys and men who’d come into my life and not understand weren’t worth it anyway.
Most of all, I wish I’d known that endometriosis would not take over my life, even though it felt like it would on many occasions. It still continues to affect my life but now I accept it, manage it and recognise what it is. I don’t beat myself up for the days when I’m exhausted and in pain and it hasn’t stopped me from achieving anything I want to.” This is what @sewisfaction wishes she had learnt about menstrual wellbeing when she was in school. Join the conversation - share your story by posting a snap of yourself (or our infographic), use the hashtag #whatiwishilearned and be sure to tag a friend and ask them what they wish they had learnt about menstrual wellbeing when they were in school.
Please also copy the below caption into the end of your post or make sure you direct people over to our account so they can sign the petition!
This is #whatiwishilearned when I was in school. Help us change the story for generations to come by asking the government to add Menstrual Wellbeing to the Relationships and Sex Education curriculum. Please sign Endometriosis UK’s petition here: https://www.change.org/p/ngibb-menstrualh ealth and spread the word.
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The Sussex support group will be at the M&S cafe at the Holmbush centre this Wednesday at 7pm. Grab an cuppa and a slice of cake and join them for a chat and support https://endometriosis-uk.org/support-grou p/36581

More about Endometriosis Uk

020 7222 2781