Equilibrium Transformations

Monday: 09:00 - 20:00
Tuesday: 09:00 - 20:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 20:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 20:00
Friday: 09:00 - 20:00
Saturday: 10:00 - 14:00
Sunday: 10:00 - 14:00

About Equilibrium Transformations

I am a health consultant that specialises in creating personalised health programs based on subjective symptom analysis and objective lab tests.

Equilibrium Transformations Description

“I am a body transformation coach that uses psychological & neurological techniques to create pain free powerful bodies”



— Products shown: 16 week online coaching.


— Products shown: PDTR Treatment consultation.


— Products shown: Photobiomodulation Therapy 6 x 30 minute sessions.


[Calling all men in London bridge that want to lose body fat]
Cutting weight or losing fat more importantly is a tough job for many, not only do you have make many changes to the lifestyle and diet your used to but you have to make complicated equations to work out how many calories your burning.
These calculations are often wrong and we need to use trial and error to find out what's really going on in our metabolism.
... Or
You can take a short cut and test what your true metabolic rate is with the only scientifically validated method. I use cutting edge equipment to measure the oxygen you breath in and the carbon dioxide you breath out to get an accurate number for the calories you burn at rest and what % of them come from carbohydrates or fats.
This method used to be only for top athletes done on special labs but now with advancing technology the devices used are now portable making this kore accessible to the public and more importantly YOU.
Come to London bridge Test don't guess Comment YES for more details.
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Hydration is key for fat loss!!!
This is a comment we have all herd before, no one disputes this but does everyone really understand how, why or the level of importance it holds?
A simple metabolic assessment that measures the O2 and CO2 you breath shows some very interesting changes from a single glass of water.
... The tests in the image where repeated several times for fidelity and show a stark contrast between a hydrated and dehydrated metabolism.
I ran this test on myself after 30yr old male who is to be considered fit and in good health, after a couple days of not drinking much water a few nights out drinking the previous week and a long haul flight (holiday) I was in a perfect condition to demonstrate this massive value of water on the system.
After a single glass of water the % of fuel I used as fat at rest went from less than 20% to just over 60%.
Normally I share experiments like this in my FREE group the Superhuman experiment but this was too good not to share. Feel free to join the group to see my continuation piece on what effects beta-oxidation (burning of fats) and what inhibits the use of stored stubborn fat.
And as always COMMENT with any questions or if you are interested in getting a test done yourself.
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Virgis and Rut joining the club, even educated fitness professionals benefit from the information gained from these tests.
Understand what % ratio you burn from fats or carbs and when that ratio changes.


Alex getting his fitness and metabolic status tested objectively, some really interesting finds today.


First insight of the day I have a much higher calorie burn than I expected, 3800kcal per day, but my fuel usage is heavily carbohydrate dominant. This is likely due to my actual dialy kcal intake is between 2,000 to 2,500, this would have caused a metabolic adaptation due to a lack of available energy to shift to faster fuel consumption in short.
Warning long answer skip to next paragraph for the answers.
... Our cells have two primary fuel use pathways one involves oxygen one does not. Oxidation of fuel is a longer and therefore slower process but yields much higher ATP, compared to the non-oxidative pathway (glycolysis). My lack of available fuel would have lead to a stress response to breakdown energy stores but if this continues over an excessive amount of time than my need for fuel will become to great and the speed of oxidation will not cut it. As well as the continued stress response setting me up to use carbohydrate more readily than fat as fuel.
The result power output can not be maintained as long l, initial bursts of strength will be fine but I would be/am unable to maintain for as long as I should. Fat stores will be taped last instead of first for excess fuel, creating what we know as stubborn fat.
So my training program over the next 4 weeks should be x4 steady state, low intensity, longer duration cardio sessions. Fasted cardio may help but no guarantee, and I most likely need yo decrease my protein and starch intake and increase healthy fats to at least 40% of my kcal intake.
This will help rebalance my system and get my metabolism to a more optimal state.
Now I'm not unhealthy by any means but I am obviously not optimal in terms of metabolic rate. What I was doing is considered optimal by many, with out testing I would never know.
The moral of the story is TEST DON'T GUESS
Book your self in to get better results today
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[Calling all that want to lose weight in London Bridge]
If you've ever tried to lose weight or count calories you will know the pain of trying to figure out how many calories you should eat based on complicated equations. These equations often need to be altered in a trail and error fashion to find your weight loss sweet spot, what if you could know for sure straight away with out any trail and error. This would save you time, this would save you effort, this would be of grea...t help to any program.
Going to a lab to get and getting your respiratory exchange ratio measured is the only scientifically validated method of measuring resting or active metabolic rate (the amount of calories you burn a day). In fact the complicated equations we use and the general guidelines are all based on the law of averages, so if you do not fit directly in the middle, as many don't, these calculations are redundant for you.
This weekend the 2nd & 3rd of March I will be offering a special introductory price as I will be introducing this fantastic test in London bridge. Tests start from as little as £50 up to £125, they can be used as a one off test or you can get repeat tests to measure progress and adaptation to your training programs to stay ahead of any plateaus.
Discover your resting metabolic rate Reveal the amount or carbohydrates vs fats you burn Accurately measure your V02max Get tested like the athletes do without the huge price tags
Limited spaces available in London bridge this weekend
Comment YES if you want to book your space and check out the website in the comments section for more details.
If you miss me this weekend don't worry reach out and I will my best to accommodate you when I'm back in London at the end of March.
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Vitamin C is a very simple and great way to aid in blood sugar reduction for many reasons, it is good to see more studies looking at properties for vitamin C and publicity for those studies.
https://www.diabetes.co.uk/…/vitamin-c- linked-to-reduced-gl…


Nothing new here but good exposure
https://www.facebook.com/296505270482273/ posts/1506160836183371/


Coming soon, will be taking bookings from mid February.


Varun Kumar came to me wanting to improve his posture for multiple reasons, he had done all the normal work such as stretching and strengthening local muscles but still could not get the desired effect.
While there where many causes in Varun's case for the posture he adopted he presented with a very classical PMRF inhibition pattern which can result in up to 50% of the body being inhibited, this is the result of a nociceptive pathway which in English can be thought of like a ...pain pathway although there is technically no such thing as pain pathways.
Once we solved a few issues relating to the communication between the muscles in Varun's back his global posture improved, he had less pelvic tilt, a more balanced spinal curvature and better ability to recruit the muscles in his back.
If your bothered about your posture and nothing seems to work comment below or direct message
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Light has a powerful modulatory effect on health learn its natural rhythms or fall to common myths


JR Moelter was hit by a car and damaged his shoulder pretty badly, before the accident he was very fit lifting heavy weights in the gym with no pain. After the accident he came in to see me unable to do even a simple bench press with out pain explaining he couldn't even lift 40kg (which for him was bad), so I went to work on solving what I could and after a single session he was back in the gym lifting 60kg with no pain.
JR came back in as he still had some pain lifting his ...shoulder to the side of his body (lateral raise) but only with weights. I looked at how his nervous system was controlling the sequence of firing his muscles when he was performing this activity, what we found was that some muscles where firing in the wrong order only when a weight was being held in his hand. The treatment was just to create contractions in the right muscles in the right order while holding a weight and within seconds no more pain.
Comment or direct message me if you can relate and want to find out more
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More about Equilibrium Transformations

Equilibrium Transformations is located at 28 Magdalen St, SE1 2EN London, United Kingdom
Monday: 09:00 - 20:00
Tuesday: 09:00 - 20:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 20:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 20:00
Friday: 09:00 - 20:00
Saturday: 10:00 - 14:00
Sunday: 10:00 - 14:00