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Truly Independent News, Media & Opinion

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Evolve Politics is a truly independent, shared equity media outlet, providing incisive news reporting and investigative journalism that highlights and exposes injustice, inequality and unfairness within UK politics, and throughout society in general.

Nowadays, just a tiny number of people own the UK’s media, and the majority of all mainstream political coverage is projected with an increasingly obvious pro-Establishment narrative. Even formerly progressive media outlets such as The Guardian now display anti-progressive stances on a whole host of political issues.

Informed consent is the bedrock of a functioning democracy, and the UK’s commentariat should have one sole purpose: to hold the government of the day to account by providing the public with an accurate account of current events. We believe our media is failing us.

The public is desperately in need of a new-media revolution. One that promotes freedom, equality and fairness; a media that allows its writers to truly express their informed opinions without censorship or an editorial narrative to maintain. Evolve Politics intends to be the true voice of the people – a media without corporate interests, financial backers or shareholders to please.

EvolvePolitics will focus on breaking news, ideas, and key developments within politics, as well as cases of injustice, unfairness and inequality from across the UK, and the rest of the world.
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Absolutely disgusting.


If we really want the constant media attacks over left-wing antisemitism to disappear, we MUST stop giving them the ammunition.


Don't let the lying Murdoch press get away with yet another fake Corbyn smear!! SHARE this to get the truth out!


The BBC's silence speaks volumes.


The disgusting depths to which the British right-wing establishment media will stoop in order to smear Jeremy Corbyn are widely known. But today’s latest attempt to smear the Labour Party leader is almost certainly the most despicable of the lot.


Just when you thought the staggering hypocrisy of right-wing Blairite Labour MPs couldn't get more brazen, two of the most prominent critics of Jeremy Corbyn and Labour's antisemitism row have just been exposed attending an extravagant champagne-fuelled shindig alongside a rabid antisemite.
Yes, seriously.


Unsurprisingly, the Jewish Labour member intends to challenge his suspension fiercely, saying "if anyone wishes to accuse me of being a Jewish anti-Semite, they had better come up with some ultra-solid reasons why."


The Tories’ catastrophic decision to privatise probation services four years ago came despite numerous warnings that their clearly ideologically-driven scheme would end up costing the taxpayer dearly - and now here's categorical proof that it has.


Hoey will now surely become the first of many disloyal hard-right Blairites to be booted out.


Strange that the mainstream media still haven't covered this.


Truly shameless.


So in just two short years, Tory Brexiteers have gone from:
“Brexit will be amazing - it will give us £350m extra every week to spend on anything we like!”
... “We will do our best to ensure that nobody starves to death - but no guarantees”
See More


"The reason for the row is not genuine concern for real antisemitism."


This is truly shameful. One in every three children are now estimated to live below the poverty line in Tory Britain.


“Economics, said Mr Stanley, is 50% psychology … What we need, apparently, is not statesman but hypnotists, not scientists, but witchdoctors, not confidence born of scientific prediction of the future, but confidence created by a political Confidence Trick. There is nothing surprising in this. It is the kind of mystic Mumbo-Jumbo to which capitalism is driven when austere reason pronounces sentence of death upon it. It is the primitive recoil from reality and the burdens of reality which lies at the root of Fascist psychology.”

- Aneurin Bevan, Founder of the NHS


Yet another example of how wrong and out of touch with the REAL(ity of the rest of the) WORLD 'Dump) the CHUMP trump)is!! (All alphabet cases intentional.)I know some of the 'trumplodites' ultra-right-wingers and their ilk will scream that I'm disrespectful of The Presidency. Well 'good' ol' Chump Trump has consistently proven he needs NO help from l'il ol' me. He is infinitely capable of doing so all by him's(joke) L'IL OL' SEF('One More Song Before I Go...)Right up(DOWN!)there with 'Tricky Dick' NIX-on, Dumbya Bush-IE(and I NEVER dreamed(my preferred spelling/pronunciation of 'dreamt', both of which sadly are now acceptable. Yeah, yeah, I know; run-along sentence. I.E: 'I can't carry a stream of thought for that long!'. Well, I say 'Someone call a 'Waaah-bulance'! So many people(mostly the ugliest of 'Ugly Americans'). Sad, but unfortunately true.

My parents, requiescat in Pace, and quite a few others once urged me to become a member of MENSA. I finally relented and requested an online application when I learned that a lady whom I greatly admired was a member. Her name is on the tip of my tongue, here: :-p can you read it to me? lol...I keep coming back to Nigella Lawson but I'm still not sure but if not she, then someone with similar deportment, 'type'(how I despise that term when referring to a person!!).

When I received it by snail-mail I was quite put off by all the 'hiddyus grammEr, sintacks and speling'. Not to mention rather amusedly shocked. I changed my mind. Even giving them the benefit of the doubt, surely a member of MENSA would have heard of spell-check?!

Yes, some may say my use of the hyphen and colon is out-of-date��, maybe even a tad outre'. I respectfully reply: 'faster, easier, simpler' is NOT always better. Especially in the ever increasingly competitive job market. 'K, I'm off my soapbox (to the best of my knowledge this has always been a single word, not two.) Sorry, couldn't help myself, LOLOL!!

Happy and prosperous New Year everyone, ciao!����


Thankyou for telling people the truth! Wish more people would hear it....


Marx said "the dominant ideas of society are the ideas of the ruling class", mainly because rich people had an overwhelming advantage in disseminating their ideas...not so now! EvolvePolitics is at the leading edge of a new internet based left wing media that informs better, entertains better, and does not make you feel ashamed for reading it...


Honest, accurate, fact checked journalism


Excellent professionalism and journalism with integrity!


Evolve is clever and entertaining. I love the style of the articles and trust the integrity of what is written. I applaud the inclusion of sources and evidence. Evolve is setting an example and providing a much needed alternative to bullshit reporting and MSM. Well done and thank you for challenging the narrative.


Unfortunately, accepting the sites cookies now results in error message : "We could not verify the the security token"? Then unable to react to the posts?


Open to meaningful debate. Not everything is an attack! Hence, 4 stars (for initial hostility by 2 members).


It's a good page and it's got good reliable info.


This is incredibly biased towards anything that isn't Left wing and "progressive". Anything that will not support Jeremy Corbyn and his Marxist ideals is not given a second thought or an argument. Just take trump. I don't support him nor really like him, but they take every chance to insult everything he does and support anyone who rallies against him. For example the extremist group ANTIFA, which I feel needs to be banned for its violence, isn't criticized or mentioned unfavorably. I long for the day when we can have news outlet which will present political stories in a neutral way without insulting the other point of view.

This review may be taken unfavorably but when political ideals are not challenged then the outcome can be extremely negative. I encourage an friendly comments questioning this review as debate is the true meaning of the democracy we are meant to be living in.


They're biased towards anyone that isn't left and never report a full story just because they support one opinion


The first stat on the first meme on the page was a straight-up lie.

Of course, it was a lie they use to accuse others of lying for not believing in the lies they tell, and saying the lies they tell are lies.

Steer clear.


Recently read the exposé by the writer you sacked.

You didn't like paying people well, you don't have knowledge of the world outside your bedroom and you exploit people, use pseudonyms, edit and remove comments you can't outwit...

Your stories are fake news.

"Hypocritical man baby", apparently


Okay people don't take this site too serious. This is a comedy site it is for entertainment purposes only.


No thanks I can read MSM if I want to be brainwashed . Totally biased rubbish .


Left wing bias. Look up the meaning of the word independent. Now get one of your Libtard supporters to read this to you.




Can't be taken seriously as it is so biased and their views are clouded by their hatred of anything non-Corbyn. They run stories regarding Tories deporting people sleeping on the streets and have headlines like disgusting, sickening etc but completely fail to mention that they can only be deported if here illegally - in which case the Government is doing their job. But by this point EP have done their job of stirring up hatred amongst those too lazy to think beyond a headline. Like many social media groups like this from the far right and far right, it isn't about journalism, it is about agitation and creating division, anger and hatred. I will probably be blocked for typing this!!!!

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