
About Expand

Expand, a UK organisation that aims to help facilitate education to help all people in poor communities across the globe. For now our country of operation is Malawi where we are building structures and facilitating training http://www. xpand.org. uk

Expand Description

We have been operating in mainly Northern Malawi since 2007 and have proudly built schools, IT centres, libraries, pre-nursery schools, health centres, and sponsored young people in secondary school and beyond. We believe in working with active communities and in their contribution in order to foster ownership and sustainability. This has been successful so far in the Chisala and Mzimba District communities we work with.



Doing some great work in 2018- Brand new laptops donated to Chisala and Mkoko FP school. This will help alot with administration and learning IT for gifted learners. The new income generating scheme of a maize mill at Chisala school should help us generate some revenue from within Malawi. Also bricks are being burnt to redo all the toilets at Chisala FP school which now has 760 kids. Thanks St Giles International School UK :)
... Citrefine International UK donated uniforms donated to Mkoko Primary! Thank you and this will make a huge difference to the kids. The Closing ceremony for the school year on the 19th July for Mkoko school was a lovely event and the Directors of Kawandama Hills Plantation attended to show their support for the school. It's small but growing and there is much improved attendance.
Got more coming up this year so watch this space!
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HAPPY 2018 Expand supporters! We are 10 years old this year!!
Check out our new year newsletter and see what we have planned for 2018! http://mailchi.mp/7cf2219b3a62/10-years-i n-malawi


January 2017 Newsletter


spreading the love....


Hi everyone! New Expand website is up and running! www.xpand.org.uk
Check it out and see how you can support us and our projects in MALAWI, the Warm Heart of Africa


spreading the love....


Mkoko School had a visit today from the US Ambassador's Self Help Fund! If successful we can use $10,000 to build 3 container classroom blocks and a container office for the school administration. This would make this remote school into a Full Primary school. The school would hopefully become an local outgrower for nearby company, Kawandama Hills Plantation, and plant trees for leaves that contain valuable essential oil. They could sustain themselves from this income. School garden and feeding programme await. Very exciting. Fingers crossed :)


Expand projects in Nkhata Bay and Mzimba Districts


Saved by the Ball (SBB) is a great organisation in Mzuzu promoting, teaching and providing equipment for lawn tennis and table tennis. I LOVE tennis and its great to see so much enthusiasm for it in Malawi. It's helping vulnerable and poor children and youth in the Northern region. Please help support us to support them to fund tournaments, trainings and equipment. We have been helping for 3 years now and we are so happy with the developments :) These pictures are from the team that went to Blantyre for the third lawn tennis 'Malawi Open'. Expand, Kawandama Hills Plantation & Total Landcare all supported them. Mary Luhanga won the ladies! The players are (mens) Egon Taschler, Cassim M'bwana, Ramesh Banda, Sekelani Makuluni and (womens) Mary, Zione Nkhoma and Linda Msiska.


Expand projects in Nkhata Bay and Mzimba Districts


Happy new year everyone! Thanks for the support this year and 2015 has exciting things in store. Finishing two teachers houses, starting two more, and continuing our secondary school bursary scheme.
Please do continue to support us through our online just giving donations page on our website at www.xpand.org.uk. Many thanks!


Its been a while since an update apologies, and pictures to come shortly!
In 2013 we built a pre- primary school in Chikangawa, Mzimba District and had Outlook Expeditions join us for a week of it. The school now has around 50 little children and the parents contribute food.
Thanks to St Giles International School in UK who are also supporting us again in 2014 to construct 2-4 teachers houses at Chisala school, Nkhata Bay site. We will keep you updated!


Can I just take a moment to promote a fantastic play happening in Shoreditch Church, London, called Knowledge of Angels, based on the book by Jill Paton Walsh. Its absolutely brilliant and deals with themes of religion and tolerance. Fantastic cast and professionally done. if you have spare evening, do head to see it.
Wed-Saturdays from 7pm till around 9pm. Tickets in advance or on the door. www.popelei.com


Hi all- Tanya is back in the UK and available to meet or discuss anything to do with Expand. We are still looking for support so pls feel free to get in touch by FB or email (tanya@xpand.org.uk).


Tanya is coming out to UK for a while and will be hitting the fundraising for Expand with explosive energy! We have projects in education, health, forestry, building and the bursary scheme. She is getting together all proposals and budgets, which will be available upon request.
Please get in touch if you know of any trusts, companies or people who may want to get involved with Expand and make a real difference in Malawi. Tanya can meet with them when she is back in mid September. Our website is soon to be updated and revamped- watch out for it!


Hi all- pls check out http://www.facebook.com/CitrefinePlantati ons for more info on our essential oil plantation in Malawi. We employ 200 Malawian workers and are helping organise an outgrowers scheme for early next year. This will mean Malawians can grow oil producing species and sell to us to generate a guaranteed income for themselves. Volunteers are always welcome to help us out here, and we currently have a lovely couple here at the moment.


This centre will have football, netball, volleyball, darts, boxing, table tennis and equipment for much more. Should keep the youth busy...

More about Expand

+44 7931 740726
http://www.xpand.org.uk http://twitter.com/Expand_charity http://www.justgiving.com/expand/donate