Facebook London

About Facebook London

We build awesome stuff fast.



Facebook recently announced new academic collaborations to help Facebook AI Research (FAIR) build additional AI-specific labs and strengthen existing offices.
As part of this effort, University of Oxford Associate Professor of Engineering and Science Andrea Vedaldi will join our London office, where he will focus on computer vision and machine learning. He will also continue to teach and supervise research students at Oxford, several of whom will be supported by Facebook through PhD scholarships. Learn more in the post below.


Certificate Transparency is an open framework that helps detect malicious TLS certificates and phishing attacks. In this F8 video, Facebook engineers discuss how to integrate Certificate Transparency monitoring into your systems to help protect your website from impersonation attacks. #tbt


It isn’t enough for virtual assistants to offer a rote response to your voice or text. For AI systems to become truly useful in our daily lives, they’ll need to achieve what’s currently impossible: full comprehension of human language.
One strategy for eventually building AI with human-level language understanding is to train those systems in a more natural way, by tying language to specific environments. Read on to learn about the Facebook Artificial Intelligence Research's (FAIR) work on Talk the Walk, a new research task that explores this embodied AI approach.


In this F8 video, you’ll learn about how the latest advances in deep learning and AI are opening up new possibilities in spoken language and audio technologies. Watch Facebook engineers discuss the challenges of getting to human level accuracy — from handling complexities in language to noisy environments. #TBT


We recently announced that we’re open sourcing LASER toolkit, Language-Agnostic SEntence Representations. The LASER library calculates multilingual sentence embeddings, and includes an encoder that supports nine European languages. Learn more below.


Listen to Instagram engineer Carl's F8 talk about type-checked Python. He discusses why you might want to add type annotations, how to add annotations, and what gradual typing means and why that matters. Carl also discusses common issues his team has run into at Instagram, and how you can avoid them. #python #tbt


More than a billion people now use Facebook Messenger to instantly share text, photos, video, and more. As we have evolved the product and added new functionality, the underlying technologies that power Messenger have changed substantially.
The post below highlights how we've overhauled and modernized the storage service to make Messenger faster, more efficient, more reliable, and easier to upgrade with new features.


Check out TechCrunch's recent article on Spiral, a Facebook system that uses machine learning to automatically (versus manually) make the thousands of systems running Facebook more efficient. Replacing hand-tuned heuristics with Spiral allows Facebook engineers to optimize services in minutes rather than in weeks.


This video offers a great overview of what it's like to work as a production engineer at Facebook.
Production engineers work within Facebook's product and infrastructure teams to make sure our products and services are reliable and scalable. This includes writing code and debugging hard problems in live production on a variety of projects, from customer services like Chat and Newsfeed, to back-end services like our Hadoop data warehouses, and infrastructure components like Memcache. Learn more in the video below.


Recently, Facebook hosted more than 500 engineers at the Computer History Museum in Mountain View, California for the fourth Networking @Scale conference. This year, speakers from IBM, Microsoft, Amazon, Blizzard, and Facebook shared their experiences in designing, building, and operating some of the world's largest “scale” networks. During the event, the Facebook Network team also announced that we open-sourced the underpinnings of our layer 4 load balancer, and shared IPv6 adoption data that we've seen for countries around the world.
You can watch videos of all of the presentations in the recap post below.


Thomas, an engineer at Facebook London, recently sat down with us to talk about what it’s like to work on Facebook’s AR Studio team. Thomas discussed everything from what a typical day looks like for him, to how the tools his team builds help create AR experiences for people on Facebook.


Watch Facebook engineers Katie and Kasper discuss the ways Facebook optimizes developer workflows today, and share how deep learning will be used to power the next wave of advancements in developer tools. #F8 #TBT


The latest episode of Inside Facebook Mobile features a fascinating interview with Emil, an engineer at Facebook London. Emil has spent the last 18 months working on Sonar, an extensible mobile app debugger that Facebook recently open sourced. In this discussion, Emil shares what inspired him to build Sonar and how it's used across Facebook today.


Facebook's vast scale and range of engineering initiatives present a tremendous opportunity for data science to tackle interesting, important challenges and to affect products and services used by billions of people every day.
In the post below, you'll learn more about how Facebook's data scientists help build more efficient tools and systems, improve performance, and devise long-term scaling strategies across our infrastructure stack.


Facebook's strength in AI comes from the ability to quickly bring cutting-edge research into large scale production. In this video from F8 2018, Sarah, a technical program manager at Facebook, discusses how Facebook's new open source deep learning framework combines both research and production needs into one tool to accelerate AI development. #TBT


Since IPv6 first launched six years ago, its deployment has grown steadily around the world, delivering significant performance, speed, and other technical benefits over its predecessor, IPv4. To better understand Facebook's IPv6 traffic, we have been measuring IPv6 adoption rate around the world. We presented some of our findings at last month's Networking @Scale conference and shared highlights in the post below.
We hope those involved in improving internet services will find this information useful, and work with Facebook and others to help drive IPv6 adoption even higher.


This talk from F8 2018 covers how Facebook has moved machine learning to the phone, launching a full machine learning runtime inside Facebook. Take a few minutes to watch Andrew, a software engineer at Facebook, share what we've built, how it's used, and what it means for developers. #TBT


At Facebook, we have been growing our global wide-area backbone networks and edge network points-of-presence (POPs) for more than a decade. Our previous network provisioning systems proved inadequate for the scale and complexity of building these networks, so we created our own comprehensive, flexible workflow system with Zero Touch Provisioning.
In the post below, you'll learn about how Zero Touch Provisioning is empowering our engineers to move faster, to solve problems more creatively, and to take a far more iterative approach to building our networks and network deployment tools.


In this 30-second video, Facebook AI Research Chief AI Scientist Yann LeCun answers the question, “How do we get machines to learn?” #TBT #machinelearning


a very beautiful and amazing experience, I feel honored to be on Facebook London..

Thanks very much and I love Facebook London so much


Where we move fast and fix things ;-)


Smart stake holder uses f.b like me.

I earn money through f. b with just timepass .

I can make girl friend on f. b.

all friend who far away from me , I can see updates abt him.


For years now I have tried to find an old friend I have not seen since the 1990s. Paul Harrison is from England. In the 1990s he was in Oklahoma city studying Pathology at the University Hospital and had a friend named Stuart. I would love to connect with them both and see how their lives turned out. If you can help with my search please let me know. Donna


Facebook phone number uk 44 8000 418 306 is the best phone number to reach Facebook customer service uk 44 8000 418 306 Facebook support uk Facebook phone number uk 44 8000 418 306 Facebook toll free number uk 44 8000 418 306 Facebook contact number uk 44 8000 418 306 .

Facebook uk England


A stunning building with a great team, very inspiring


no contact or customer service, its all bots, even the cunt in charge is a fucking android


can u please help me? some guy gave me threat that, I will disable ur id within one our. and he done it.�� how it is possible? my id is genuine. how he disbale my id? � and my id was disable 3 times. after submit my passport I got my id back. after proving the id why my id is go to disable after got a feww fake reports. its really very harrasing issue. I want my blue base. I don't want to get herrous anymore. please let me know something. thank u.


Why did you deleted people fb pages then continue to send friends notification texts. I'm in the EU and under EU your are in breach of my rights.

Also as your texting my Australia number Facebook is also breaking Australian law.


Well, what a complete shower of shite company Facebook really is. No means to contact directly after patiently waiting for a month to have issues resolved on paid business pages (which I've reported multiple times). It's still not fixed, you've got 20,000(ish ?) moderators and you can't even get back to a paying customer after a month? Pathetic really, I bet Myspace wouldn't have taken a month ;) GTSFRO.


The most useless, uncaring, inefficient company I have ever had to deal with


Most of the privacy policies promised are npt working. There is no chance to remove all of the so called "Interests" on which ads targeting is based.


I've had my posts blocked on my own page without any warning from the CIA funded Facebook and I want to speak to someone about it. But not It will not even allow me to speak to an actual person, how rude and disgusting. They're curtailing my free speech. I have autism and I let off steam with my facebook rants. I am a danger to no one. Disgusting.


I am in absolute turmoil my 10 year old business page has been unpublished by you and i have no-one to talk to about the issue, of how its happen why its happened , just that you think i shared porn, OMG we are a cosmetic surgery clinic that deal with treatments to the body, its not porn no-one is naked, i really dont understand how you can just do that? without having a discussion, has someone complained? its it one post? has our post been shared ? as we cant even share on a business page, so we dont understand



I have two people (that I know of) imitating me on Facebook. One using my name and personal information, the other a different name. My friends and I have continued to report both, however Facebook is doing absolutely nothing about it! They are continuing to add people and post statuses/photos. This is extremely stressful and there is nothing I can do, other than wait for your response!

Your immediate attention on this matter would be much appreciated



Hello can someone reply me in case 10210940099245138 ??? Now I'm waiting about 3 months... horrible service....


Have been trying to get FB adverts to work since January. Impossible to touch base with FB themselves for account number 358386543 we appear to have everything in place but nothing works. 6 months is enough time to wait.


Got restricted for no reason, have appealed with no luck. Keeps happening and noone is responding to me. I am not breaking any rules or regulators so no idea what the hell is going on.

Appeals are getting ignored.

And ignored.

and ignored.

and ignored.

Seem to be an awful lot of bots on FB,


Facebook the social network that likes to be anti-social by NOT communicating with it's users in person. Also STOP treating me as a business by trying to charge me for my posts and holding my posts to ransom, If I was a busness making a profit than there wouldn't be an issue however, I'M NOT!!!

More about Facebook London

Facebook London is located at 1 Rathbone Square, W1T 1FB London, United Kingdom