Fit & Able Fitness: Personal Trainer & Online Coach, Fat Loss Specialists

About Fit & Able Fitness: Personal Trainer & Online Coach, Fat Loss Specialists

Ever wondered what it would be like to be fit & able. I did, I wanted to be around to see my children grow up, I wanted to be able to play in the park with them, to take part rather than holding the coats. Get in touch if you want this too.

Fit & Able Fitness: Personal Trainer & Online Coach, Fat Loss Specialists Description

Ever wondered what it would be like to be fit & able. I did, I wanted to be around to see my children grow up, I wanted to be able to play in the park with them, to take part rather than holding the coats. Get in touch if you want this too.



Water: Every cell in the human body requires water with most of us being dehydrated without even knowing it.
Drinking water helps reduce snacking. Quite often we are simply thirsty and not hungry. So when the hunger sets in, try drinking a glass of water and waiting 30 minutes.

#Make1ChangeToday #M1CT #FitandAbleFitness

#Make1ChangeToday #M1CT #FitandAbleFitness

#Make1ChangeToday #M1CT #FitandAbleFitness


Get a head start on your New Year, New Me Resolutions and improve your fitness in time for the Christmas parties with a FREE week of Fitcamps and the all NEW Boxercise classes with Fit & Able Fitness at Turning Pages Community Centre, Nesbit Road, Eltham.
AND 25% off your New Year January Classes!!
Great for building confidence, stress busting, social & fun.
... Suitable for beginners or regular exercisers.
Get in touch today by messaging Michael via our facebook page at s/ or 07545151913 (call / message / whatsapp)
FREE HOLIDAY SURVIVAL GUIDE =========================== Don't forget to ask for our free Holiday Survival Guide, full of tips & advice, exercises, recipes and much more to help you navigate your way through to 2019.
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Time to take charge of your life and finally reach for them goals!
#Make1ChangeToday #M1CT #FitandAbleFitness

#Make1ChangeToday #M1CT #FitandAbleFitness

#Make1ChangeToday #M1CT #FitandAbleFitness

#Make1ChangeToday #M1CT #FitandAbleFitness

#Make1ChangeToday #M1CT #FitandAbleFitness


Stress: just the word itself causes me to shudder. It's everywhere, family, the boss, work. Stress can have a major impact on our weight management. Causing us to not choose wisely and often crave energy dense high calorie foods.
Take some short "me time" sessions to really help to calm your mind and gather your thoughts.
... Meditation is really good for this. I like to use this during cool down sessions after exercise but also great to fit in 5 minutes for yourself on rest days like today.
Try this:
Sit comfortably with your back against the wall. Sitting up tall, Legs crossed. Arms comfortable across your thighs. Thumb and index finger touching. Then breath deeply into your stomach for 5 to 10 min (you can set a timer if it helps then you could keep your eyes closed).
Count how long it takes to do your breaths. Your goal is to try and take a 10 second count for a full inhale and exhale. So you breathe in for a few seconds (1 thousand 1, 1 thousand 2, ...) pause for a second or two and completely exhale while counting. Then you pause for a second or two before inhaling again.
Maybe it takes you 6 seconds for a complete breath initially, but you can work up to the 10 seconds as you learn to breathe into your stomach.
Give this a try for 5 min and let me know how you feel.
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#Make1ChangeToday #M1CT #FitandAbleFitness

#Make1ChangeToday #M1CT #FitandAbleFitness

#Make1ChangeToday #M1CT #FitandAbleFitness


Don't make the same mistake today. Make today is the day you say no more and take action!
#Make1ChangeToday #M1CT #FitandAbleFitness


I have lost a lot of weight, I've studied and qualified as a personal trainer. So people tell me "it's easy for you".
Why? I didn't get fat eating salad or plates of broccoli!!
I'm the same as you. I like a beer, I love cake and most junk food to be fair!! The struggle is still there, personally I think it is harder than a recovering alcoholic because you can't just avoid food. You must eat and it is everywhere!
... But I learned I wanted to be a good role model for my children, I wanted to be able to move around more easily, walk my daughter down the aisle, be the grandad who doesn't just sit in a chair tired but have the energy and ability to take them to the park and be involved, I like my health!
So I decided, I made the decision it was far more important to me to improve my life!
#Make1ChangeToday #M1CT #FitandAbleFitness
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#Make1ChangeToday #M1CT #FitandAbleFitness

#Make1ChangeToday #M1CT #FitandAbleFitness

#Make1ChangeToday #M1CT #FitandAbleFitness


Second time at Michaels class. Don't ache so much today. � . Thoroughly enjoying the classes. Even at my age !! Everyone friendly and very helpful. Would recommend these fitness classes.


Really enjoyed my first session - lets you start at your own tempo and encoirages when needed - looking forward to posting my own "before and after" photo's... See you next i hope!


Michael is an excellent PT he knows how to motivate me, he makes each of my training sessions challenging but rewarding. I would have no hesitation in recommending him as your personal trainer if you want to achieve your fitness and health goals.


Michael is a great personal trainer. He makes you feel comfortable and at ease. I have lost 7lb in 4 weeks and i love to see the inches coming off. His classes are great fun and i actually miss them on the nights they arent on.


I’ve dropped over half a stone, and 2 waist sizes, in just 8 weeks training with Michael.

This is so much more than just a guy telling what exercise to do next. He leads you to understand principles of nutrition and exercise as well as pushing you to levels of fitness you didn’t realise were within your capabilities.


I’m so glad I found a wonderful friendly team of people to work with. Micheal is amazing at what he does, he’s always on hand to give you that boost when you need it, always happy to help in anyway to get you that step closer to achieve your goals. His sessions are never the same and are fun filled! A pleasure to work with him �


I have been going for 3 sessions now and I am loving it ���The classes are fun and everyone is so nice.


I have been going for 3 weeks and I am loving it!! Michael is such a great trainer and really helps you! Pushes you to reach your goals. The classes are fun and everyone is so nice, i am very glad I found the group very happy .


I already have a relatively OK level of fitness but its simply not good enough to keep up with the intensity of Judo, which I started doing last year. I met Michael by chance & it turns out he is a Judo black belt so is perfect for what I need. Though I don't do 1-2-1 sessions, the classes are suitable for increasing my fitness & the intensity is generally what you want to make it. Michael is encouraging more than he is strict so this allows you to work your way in nicely until you feel ready to give it your all each session.

Classes are extremely friendly & welcoming with a wide range of people & 50/50 gender mix (in case you don't always feel comfortable with more men or more women!). Timings of the classes also work well if like me you work full time.

Michael is always encouraging generally cares about the health & progress of the people in his class, ensuring they see results for themselves. Michael's advice is sound & I reckon what he doesn't know about fitness isn't worth knowing.


Great guy with honest opinions and excellent advice. Good place to look to change your life!


Great Personal Trainer. Have known Michael for just over a year or so.

Always offers support and the advice he gives is spot on.

He is so passionate about what he does which I think makes all the difference.

He is reliable, honest, he will get you results.. You have nothing to lose.. apart from weight. Michael O'sullivan you rock..


First PT I've had and he is fantastic!! After lots of diets ect I'm finally reaching my goals!! He is always around to answer any questions you may have, aswell as being very supportive!


Excellent coach. Really knows his stuff. Pushes you to reach your goals. Great team work he shows me and guides me in the right direction and I apply the hard work. Already lost weight, improved stamina and strength only been doing it 3 weeks. My push ups and squats have improved greatly. Michael is always available for help and advice. Can't recommend enough.


Excellent coach and excellent classes. He really helps you keep motivated and is there for support beyond just the classes. I would recommend him 100%.


Everything about the classes are amazing. There hard work but good fun. Micheal is the best PT and now a good friend and is always around to motivate and keep me on track in and out of fitcamp. Can't imagine ever not going to fitcamp I LOVE it! Xx


Cannot fault a single thing your an outstanding trainer and im happy ive finally found some excercise that i enjoy you without fail always switch it up and every time i come theres something different and fun to complete. You dedicate your time in and outside the classes to help with information and support couldnt thank you enough thank you x 💪💪


Best way of exercising, getting fit, losing weight, getting healthier. All in one! Each day is different and not boring. Can't praise Michael enough for his great support and advise.


Awesome man , cannot even describe in words how amazing this coach is. He is very helpful , listen to you , actively reply you , very humble amd never force you to do any exercise regime. I have been inspired by his story and have dropped inches. His approach is different than others. I would definitely recommend this man and am 100% you will see some great results .


Always on hand to answer any questions, very helpful and informative.

More about Fit & Able Fitness: Personal Trainer & Online Coach, Fat Loss Specialists

Fit & Able Fitness: Personal Trainer & Online Coach, Fat Loss Specialists is located at Turning Pages Community Centre, SE9 6HS London, United Kingdom
07545 151913