
About Fit&Feminine

* Lacking motivation?
* Not achieving your goals?
* Need help?
* Bored of the gym?
* You're never to old
* I can help improve your health and wellbeing

Fit&Feminine Description

Fit& Feminine

WELCOME and remember! ! !

What To expect At Our First Meeting

- get to know one another
- TIME needed to achieve your aims
- training schedule
- nutritional advice
- will check current weight and body mass index (BMI)
- will ask for your current state of health and fitness

FREE ! ! ! Duration about 30 minutes.

Individual Training

* home training - £20
* home training + nutrition plan - £40
* gym - £20 + entrance to the gym
* gym + nutrition plan - £40 + entrance to the gym


* home training - £30
* home training + nutrition plan - £70
* gym - £30 + entrance to the gym
* gym + nutrition plan - £70 + entrance to the gym

Each training is adapted according to individual needs and expectations. A wide range and variety of exercise are the main advantage of my workouts. Many years spent practising various disciplines allow me to perfectly choose program training so that in the shortest time you reach maximum desire effect.


* Diploma in Fitness Instructing and Personal Training Level 2 & 3 (QCF)
* Degree in Physical Education and Sport
* Nutrition Adviser
* First Aid

I also provide online consultation:

Barbara Piela
Email: basia.
Mobile: 07780114025
www. climbingholidays. ue



No-bake Healthy Energy Balls sweetened with datesūü••ūüĆįūü時ėē
‚ÄĘ8/10 dates pits removed... ‚ÄĘ1 cup uncooked old fashioned rolled oats ‚ÄĘ1/3 cup sesame seeds ‚ÄĘ1/3 cup unsweetened coconut flakes ‚ÄĘ1/2 cup hazelnuts/almonds
Fill a glass container with very hot water. (I heat about 2 cups in the microwave for about 1 1/2 minutes.)
Add dates to water, cover with plastic wrap and set aside for 10-15 minutes. This softens the dates and makes them easier to puree, but may not be necessary if dates are very soft.
Remove dates from water and place in a small food processor.
Add to the food processor about 1 Tablespoon of the water the dates soaked in.
Pulse until smooth, scraping down sides as necessary. Add additional water to thin the consistency of the paste, if desired.
Set date "paste" aside.
Grind up rolled oats and nuts (hazelnuts/almonds) in food processor.
Combine coconut flakes, ground oats and nuts in a medium sized bowl.
Add date paste to the dry mixture.
Stir to combine all of the ingredients. Add water from dates if necessary.
Form dough into tablespoon-size balls.
Coat the balls in the sesame seeds.
Refrigerate balls in an air tight container.
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The importance of stretching
It's not enough to build muscle and achieve aerobic fitness. You need to think about flexibility, tooūüŹčÔłŹ‚Äć‚ôÄÔłŹūü§ł‚Äć‚ôÄÔłŹūüßó‚Äć‚ô ÄÔłŹūüßė‚Äć‚ôÄÔłŹūüí™ūüĎá!!
You may think of stretching as something performed only by runners or gymnasts. But we all need to stretch in order to protect our mobility and independence. "A lot of people don't understand that stretching has to happen on a regular basis.
... Why it's important
Stretching keeps the muscles flexible, strong, and healthy, and we need that flexibility to maintain a range of motion in the joints. Without it, the muscles shorten and become tight. Then, when you call on the muscles for activity, they are weak and unable to extend all the way. That puts you at risk for joint pain, strains, and muscle damage.
Regular stretching keeps muscles long, lean, and flexible, and this means that exertion "won't put too much force on the muscle itself." Healthy muscles also help a person with balance problems to avoid falls.
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1/2 almond butter... 1/2 cup honey 1 teaspoon vanilla extract 1 and 1/4 cups quick oats 1/2 cup Whole Natural Almonds roughly chopped 1/2 cup sweetened dried cherries 1/4 cup mini semi-sweet chocolate chips 1/4 teaspoon salt 1 cup crispy rice cereal
Line an 8-inch square baking pan with foil, making sure to leave some overhang for easy removal, and set aside.
Add the almond butter, honey, and vanilla extract to a large microwave safe bowl and microwave for about 20-30 seconds or until you can easily stir everything together. Set aside to cool.
Once the mixture has cooled, add the quick oats, chopped Whole Natural Blue Diamond Almonds, dried cherries, mini chocolate chips, and salt and mix until everything is well combined. Add in the crispy rice cereal and gently mix until just combined.
Scoop the mixture into the prepared baking pan and firmly press it down into one even layer. Cover tightly and transfer to the freezer for 45 minutes to 1 hour, or until the bars are firm. Remove from the pan and slice into 10-12 granola bars.
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For many, the goal of any exercise is to reduce body fat, torch calories and lose weight. While these are all desirable factors, the benefits of working out are so much more. Physical activity can also boost your mood, strengthen your heart, reduce the risk of cancer and diabetes, ward off viruses, improve memory and detoxify your body. When it comes to nutrition, it’s all about nourishing your body with the foods you eat - than depriving it. If your focus is on slimness, you may not be doing what’s best for your body. Here are five ways to supercharge your diet and lifestyle and start working toward the right goals.
*Listen to your body *Eat a Healthy Breakfast *Choose an exercise you love *Skip the diet foods *Don’t make anything off-limits
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Have you had your salad today? Eating salad almost every day may be one of the most healthy eating habits you can adopt -- and one of the simplest. Salads are cool, crunchy, and fun to eat (lots of textures, colors, and flavors). EAT MORE SALADūüėć!!!


I ‚̧ tortilla pizza!! Who has tried it? I used whole wheat tortilla wrap and topped it with 1tbsp tomato pur√®e and dried oregano+mint for the base, followed by Parma ham, black olives, cocktail tomatoes and spinach, lean protein cheese and low fat mozzarella, some crushed chilli flakes and basil. Simply pop it into the oven and bake for 12-15 mins around 200 degrees like a normal pizzaūüėČ. Enjoy itūüĎĆ!


Eat Your Way To Good SkinūüćáūüćČūüćčūü•Ďūüćéūüć∂ūüć≥
Avoid fried, highly processed foods and sweets. Drink water!!! Eat salads, and increase your whole fruit and vegetable intake. All of these things. You are what you eat. Do it, do it, do it!!! But did you know there are foods that should be added to your diet, to improve your skin and hair and nail growth? Yes indeed. Next time you head to your local supermarket, consider adding a few of these items to your grocery list. Eat these, and you’ll absolutely notice the difference!


Salmon is one of the most nutritious foods on the planetūüí™ūüŹč‚̧ūüėčūüėĀ
This popular fatty fish is loaded with nutrients and may reduce risk factors for several diseases.
Here are 11 amazing health benefits of salmon.
... Rich in Omega-3 Fatty Acids Great Source of Protein High in B Vitamins Good Source of Potassium Loaded With Selenium Contains the Antioxidant Astaxanthin May Reduce the Risk of Heart Disease May Benefit Weight Control Can Help Fight Inflammation May Protect Brain Health Delicious and Versatile
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It's already Wednesdayūüėõ, and it's miserable outside so don't let the weather get you down!
I'm starting my day with a simple breakfast of three egg omelette with buttery fried mushrooms, grilled tomatoes and a slice of toasted sourdoughūüėč.


Baked porridge with blueberries. Finger-lickingūüėč. Healthy & fit ūüí™!!
2 cups of rolled oats 2 cups of unsweetened almond milk 3 tablespoons of honey... 1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon 2 eggs 5 tablespoons ground almonds 5 tablespoons coconut shreds
*You can add your favorite fruit for decoration. and taste. *All ingredients mix together and set aside for 30 minutes. *Put it into the mold and bake in 180' for 35 minutes.
Bon Appetit!!
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Guess what ‚Äď by the time you experience the sensation of the thirst, you are already dehydrated. That thirst is your body calling for re-hydration.
So, really, what does this mean? Why should we drink more water?
‚ÄĘPrevent cancer... ‚ÄĘBe less cranky ‚ÄĘPerform better ‚ÄĘLose weight ‚ÄĘHave less joint pain ‚ÄĘFlush out waste and bacteria ‚ÄĘPrevent headaches ‚ÄĘMake your skin glow ‚ÄĘFeed your body
Your body is composed of roughly 60% water1. That means when we are dehydrated ‚Äď and most of us spend our days constantly dehydrated to some degree ‚Äď we are affecting the performance of the majority of our body. Nearly all of our systems do not function as well without the proper water intake.
For most of us, we should prioritize the consumption of water far more than we currently do.
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Here’s how cocoa butter can help improve your health!


Simple but delicious - nothing beats that fried egg & crispy chorizo on crumpet with almonds, grapes and cherry tomatoesūüėčūüĎćūüí™!!


"Eat Right at the Airport"
Smoked Salmon & Scrambled Eggs on toasted rye bread with cherry tomatoesūüí™ūüĎĆūüí£ūüėé!!
This dish is great if you don’t anticipate eating again soon, as it is a good source of fibre, protein and fat, all of which slow down gastric emptying.
... This dish contributes a good supply of Vitamin D. Both smoked salmon and eggs are excellent sources. Vitamin D is essential in the diet to maintain healthy bones.
Eggs are also a great source of protein, containing all the amino acids we need.
Oily fish is recommended to be included in your diet at least once a week. In addition to being another valuable source of vitamin D, salmon also contributes vitamin A and essential fatty acids, most notably omega-3 fish oils which helps to lower blood cholesterol.
Added to rye bread, which is a good source of fibre and B vitamins.
The energy (512 Calories) may be a little on the high side for those wanting to lose weight, but you definitely shouldn’t feel the need for a mid-morning snack in a few hours’ time.
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Sunday's are for making extra special breakfasts... 2 poached eggs, 1 giant crumpet, grilled chorizo and fresh tomatoes with basil. YUMMYūüí£ūüĎäūüėć!!


If you think of exercise as a 60-minute commitment 3 times a week at the gym, you're missing the point completely. If you think that going on a diet has something to do with nutrition, you don't see the forest through the trees. It is a LIFESTYLE. I know it sounds cliche, but you have to find things you love to doūüėČ!!


"Eat healthy, worry less, build faith, work hard, stay strong."ūüėäūüí™ūüėČ

More about Fit&Feminine

Fit&Feminine is located at Flat 5 Hillborough Court, 32 Roxborough Park, Harrow, Ha1 3Az London, United Kingdom