
About Fitsprint

Everything you need to be a successful instructor: FitSprint provides websites and online tools to instructors of any physical discipline.

Fitsprint Description

FitSprint was founded in 2015, by London based (Miami native) fitness instructor, Maria Ferrer Iori.

Maria first began teaching fitness in 2008, as a part time and fun way to get paid for working out.

After landing a job that seemed like a natural progression of a very expensive masters degree, Maria was surprised to find herself earning more than double her daily wage teaching an hour of Zumba. And thus, in 2010, Maria quit what her boss tried to convince her was her ‘real job’ to teach fitness full time.

A background in artist management meant that Maria was pretty good at the paperwork most instructors found annoying. Maria quickly realised her fellow instructors were similar to the artists she'd previously managed: intrinsically motivated and very talented. . . but pretty averse to admin.

This gave Maria the idea to create FitSprint, a bespoke digital platform to empower instructors. FitSprint works to- quickly, easily and affordably, provide instructors with all the digital tools they need to be successful.

More about Fitsprint
