Fraternity Spiritist Society - Registered Charity Nº 1143361

Monday: -
Tuesday: -
Wednesday: -
Thursday: -
Friday: -
Saturday: -
Sunday: 16:00 - 18:30

About Fraternity Spiritist Society - Registered Charity Nº 1143361


Fraternity Spiritist Society - Registered Charity Nº 1143361 Description

Spiritism promotes a moral framework based on Christian principles.
The Spiritist teachings inspire people to undertake voluntary work within the community and support charities. The concept of charity is central to Spiritism. It is not simply concerned with promoting self awareness and individual spiritual advancement.

Counselling delivers benefits through the provision of solace and comfort to those in need.

What It Is
The Spiritist Movement is the cluster of activities whose objective is the study, dissemination, and practice of the Spiritist Doctrine, as contained in the basic works of Allan Kardec, placing it within the reach and at the service of all Humanity.
The activities which compose the Spiritist Movement are carried out by individuals, jointly or on their own, and by Spiritist Institutions.

The Spiritist Institutions consist of:
Spiritist Groups, Centres, or Societies, which develop general activities related to the study, dissemination, and practice of the Spiritist Doctrine. They may be small, medium, or large in size;
Federations, which develop activities aimed at the union of the Spiritist Institutions and the unification of the Spiritist Movement;
Specialized Entities, which develop specific Spiritist activities, such as those devoted to social assistance and doctrinal dissemination; and Study Groups of Spiritism, basically concentrating on the initial study of the Spiritist Doctrine.

The Spiritist Groups, Centres, or Societies are:
Nucleuses of study, fraternity, prayer, and activities practiced within the Spiritist principles;

Schools of spiritual and moral education, operating according to the Spiritist Doctrine;
Posts of fraternal assistance open to everyone in search for guidance, enlightenment, help, or consolation;

Workshops which provide participants opportunities to exercise their inner growth through the practice of the Gospel in their activities;

Places where the children, the youth, the adults, and the elderly have the opportunity to socialize, study, and perform activities together to unite the family under the guidance of Spiritism;

Retreats of peace which offer participants opportunities for spiritual renewal and fraternal union through the practice of the maxim “Love one another”.



O Natal em toda idade é sempre nova alegria, mas nos dons da caridade, o Natal é todo dia.
... Natal!... Festeja esquecendo quaisquer preconceitos vãos... Natal é Jesus dizendo que todos somos irmãos. Chico Xavier
See More


Palestra com Daniel Assisi no FSS


Palestrante: Daniel Assisi Palestra: Ama teu inimigo
Speaker: Daniel Assisi
Lecture: love your enemyTranslated


Nesse domingo a partir das 16:30


Kleber Celadon com a palestra : Jesus pós-modernidade
Kleber Celadon with the lecture: Jesus post-modernityTranslated


Kleber Celadon com a palestra : Jesus pós-modernidade
Kleber Celadon with the lecture: Jesus post-modernityTranslated


Christiane - palestra de Natal no Fraternity Spirity Society

More about Fraternity Spiritist Society - Registered Charity Nº 1143361

Fraternity Spiritist Society - Registered Charity Nº 1143361 is located at FUTURE LDN, 278-280 South Lambeth Road. STOCKWELL, SW4 6RASW8 1UJ London, United Kingdom
Monday: -
Tuesday: -
Wednesday: -
Thursday: -
Friday: -
Saturday: -
Sunday: 16:00 - 18:30