Freelancer Financials

Monday: 09:00 - 19:00
Tuesday: 09:00 - 19:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 19:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 19:00
Friday: 09:00 - 19:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -

About Freelancer Financials

Since foundation in 2007, we've become the contractor's best friend for financial advice, mortgages & insurance cover. We've helped thousands of contractors secure their dream home, whilst protecting them against the many pitfalls of being self-employed.

Freelancer Financials Description

In 2007, Freelancer Financials' founder John Yerou decided to take action. The thorn in John's side with High Street Mortgage Lenders was their unwillingness to consider contractors for mortgages.

Over that time, John has challenged lenders' perception. By documenting contractors' true wealth - and highlighting that tax-efficient limited company accounts don't fit the accepted mortgage affordability calculation - he's changed many a lender's mind.

The result has led to Freelancer Financials becoming synonymous with contractor mortgages and the associated products and services that limited company directors need to support their business in order that they themselves can concentrate on providing their service and remaining profitable.

If you're:
• struggling to get a mortgage because of your contractor status;
• finding that life cover doesn't do the job you want it to;
• think you're paying to much tax & NICs because your accountant doesn't really understand the benefits available or even the way you work.

Freelancer Financials can help. We're waiting to hear from you today.



***Even with payslips, High St lenders reject umbrella contractors***
Everything was going so well. You, like many other #publicsector contractors, decided #umbrella contracting was the way to go.
No messy accounts. No worries about automatic payroll. And the threat of IR35 all but extinguished.
... There was even the bonus of getting payslips every week when you submitted your timesheet.
And thinking back, wasn't all that hassle you had trying for a #mortgage the result of not having #payslips?
What now? Go rushing off down the High Street and ramming your last six payslips up the advisor's nose, demanding the keys to your new home?
Hold on, Tiger.
Have you actually had a look at those payslips? Nothing like the ones you had when you were an employee, are they?
What are all those deductions? Why don't they match up to your day rate? Who are all those creditors on your bank statement?
Look. If you're a #contractor - no matter what your payment structure - you'll always get a better deal going through a specialist #broker.
They talk the same language as specialist underwriters. They have direct lines to those decision makers, who, you won't in your local branch on a Saturday morning.
Payslips or not, take the smart option. Patience, diligence and a broker on your side. Win, win every time.
Read more:â €¦/even-with-paysli…/
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Contract Vehicle Leasing for Over-Achieving Independent Professionals
So you've nailed the #contract with that big client. You know, the one you've been hankering after for longer than you care to remind yourself.'
You look the part: whether you have to suit and boot or "dress for your day", your wardrobe is dripping in labels.
... Your skill set has never been in doubt. You know the role inside out, blindfold. You want everyone to know that you've got every base covered and some they've not even seen on the diamond.
You are pitch perfect.
So, skills: check; wardrobe: check; hardware: check; OMG - what about wheels!?!?
After all that effort, you cannot turn up on the first day in that much loved (but in dire need of TLC) #car on your drive that the tat man's had his eye on for months.
Look. You only ever get to make a first impression once. And you know you want and need to make a statement from the off.
Get yourself across to our sister company, Prestige Leasing: car #leasing and finance tailored to contractors and freelancers. Here's all the gumph you need; now you just need to drive a hard bargain:â €¦/car-finance-and-…/
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For and Against: the Professional Contractor Conundrum
Have you ever thought that you're wasted where you work? Ever thought that you could do better on your own than as the sycophantic workhorse you are?
The problem most wouldbe entrepreneurs face is self-belief. Do you really have a skill or service that you could offer as a genuine commodity your industry would pay handsomely for?
... Well, you're not alone in thinking that way. Many professionals have ditched traditional employment to instead offer their service as an independent contractor.
Of course, you'll have questions: • How do you get clients? • How do you make sure that there's a demand for your service and that you'll be in demand enough to warrant the switch? • How do you go about accounting and the taxman? • How do you go about becoming a limited company entity?
Those are just the most common questions. But - as luck would have it - hundreds of thousands of professionals have had the same questions before you.
Today, contracting is a burgeoning industry, spurred on by the digital age. If you have a shortfall in your knowledge, there's a service provider who'll pick up the slack.
The trick is to stop thinking about supplying your service against the same backdrop as your employed status. Get your head around that, and you've taken a huge first step to liberation.
Our guide looks at the pros and cons of contracting to help you decide if you want to proceed further. The arguments set forth will help you decide if you've got it in you to be the entrepreneur you one day dreamed you be; good luck!
More: enefits/
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Isn't it time High Street lenders got to grips with contract income? Until they do, professional contractors need a competent IFA to broker them get a competitive mortgage: cialist/


Freelancer Financials wins top mortgage broker firm


*Government steps in to thwart rip-off Estate Agents*
When a whistleblower stepped up to highlight the volume of malpractices and shear bravado rife in 'her' chain of #EstateAgents, it shocked the industry.
Her interview revealed a whole host of dodgy tactics, immoral if not illegal, that estate agents are using to drive up their income with commission from #mortgage lenders as well as that from the house sale itself.
... • Data Protection? Non-existent. • Using buyer mortgage affordability to drive up the home sale price? Disgustingly, yes. • Sweeteners for buyers? Aplenty. • Hidden commission for mortgage providers? Absolutely. • Deterring buyers who came with their own mortgage lender in tow? Hell, yeah. • Ringfencing sellers so that the agent guaranteed themselves a commission (even though it cut down on vendor's accessible buyer pool)? Yes, even that.
Incidentally, the government launched a consultation in October 2017 to 'professionalise' the Estate Agency industry. It seems that the industry needs a little more help than that to improve its reputation.
But it's not that alone that worries us. For now, we have to accept that Estate Agents are in cahoots with mortgage brokers. But specialist borrowers like #contractors and freelancers could come a cropper if they let agents sweet talk them into talking to their mortgage provider.
Don't let them! Speak to a broker who understands your various payment structures and can translate it to a mortgage lender who can use the biggest part of your income, not just your SA302 salary!
More about:â €¦/the-great-rip-of…/
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It's bad enough getting a #mortgage as a #contractor, let alone one with #bad #credit. But you can with a specialist broker who knows contracting and has access to sympathetic lenders.


Everything you ever wanted to know about Contractor Mortgages… …but lenders on the High Street were too afraid to tell you.


Need a genuine contractor mortgage but tired of in-branch advisors fobbing you off? We hear you. What’s more, we can secure you a mortgage based on your contract rate alone. How? Find out more: ortgages-for-cont…/


Signing a fixed term contract needn't write off home ownership dreams!
So there you are, earning a regular income. Yes, you're an employee, not a contractor. But, equally true: it's only a short fixed term contract you're on (in comparison to a mortgage term).
Given this conflicting circumstance as far as traditional borrowing goes, how do lenders assess risk based on your job security? Moreover, your perceived lack of it.
... If you hit up Google for a search, you'll see the same story over and over again. Money advice forums are littered with questions like:
"I'm on a full time wage, my partner on a fixed term contract.
"Based on our joint income, we can afford £XXX for a mortgage. Easily.
"But we've been to our local branch and, even though we bank with them, they won't factor my partner's income into their calculation because it's not a permanent contract.
"Anyone got experience of this? What can we do to get a mortgage using both my full time and my partner's fixed term contract income?"
The invariable answer?
"See a specialist mortgage broker!"
And that's just about the best advice you can get if you're in that position.
There are banks and building societies willing to underwrite joint applicant mortgages where one party is on a fixed term contract. Maybe surprisingly, some lenders can underwrite mortgages on the merits of a fixed term contract alone. Heck, there are even mortgages for zero hours contracts, now.
But the problem remains: you won't get access to these underwriters on the High Street.
As with professional independent contractors, fixed term and zero hours mortgage underwriting is a specialist niche.
Underwriters don't want to pick through the bones of every fixed term contract applicant. Instead, they prefer to deal through brokers who understand the specific niche from whence such applicants came.
There are added securities in place to protect short term contract workers now. These rights will only improve as more workers and employers favour this way of working.
In the meantime, here's some more fixed term contract mortgage advice from one such specialist broker: an-fixed-term-con…/
#contractormortgage #broker
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*Contractor Guide: Dealing With Mortgage Rejection*
You started out contracting for all the right reasons. Flexibility, honing your skills, better income and the ability to keep more of it through a limited company payment structure.
What you didn’t expect was the problem you’d have getting a mortgage as a contractor.
... Many of our clients reach us after having had their mortgage application turned down on the High Street.
While it’s not right, we understand why most High Street mortgage lenders are reluctant to lend to contractors.
On the one hand, their advisors can see a contractor’s top line. But on the other, the effective salary - the bit High Street lenders can use - equates to, well: not a lot.
The problem - or one of them, at least - is how your income is translated for an underwriter.
In branch, advisors have neither the skill nor the basic mortgage affordability software to make the most of a professional contractor’s gross income.
That’s where a specialist mortgage broker steps in. Our guide to dealing with mortgage rejection as a contractor looks at the problem - and solutions - in more depth: gage-rejection/
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User uides/


https://investmentsforindependents.quora. com/Mortgages-for-…


The specialist broker's role in securing mortgages for contractors
Have you been to see your bank about getting a mortgage as a #contractor, recently?
On a scale of 1 to 10, just how painful was it?
... Yep. Thought so.
Look. That in-branch #mortgage advisors can't get their head around your true affordability is no surprise to us. You have to face up to it: as a limited company contractor, your income and payment structure are special!
Yes, you might be earning more than ever. But your accountant ties most of that up in your company as retained profit.
A typical High Street mortgage lender uses outdated affordability formulae.
No matter how hard you point, gesticulate and bounce like a frog on your seat, they can only use what they see in the salary column!
Stop it with the masochism, already.
Find a #broker who both understands contracting and can also interpret your income to an amenable underwriter.
Give yourself a break:
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The SMART Way for Contractors to Fund Buying a Home
Contractor mortgages have changed. It's imperative that professional contractors seek the expertise of a specialist broker to explain why.
We get many contractors come to us for a mortgage on the recommendation of one of our past clients. That's when the community genuinely works for the good.
... But there's a downside to this word-of-mouth that makes me shiver.
I fear for contractors whose fellow contractor has sent them to the bloke they used to get them a mortgage two years ago.
For one, more lenders welcome contractors than ever. Two years doesn't seem a long time ago, but there's a better than evens chance that their are more competitive contractor mortgages today than back then.
But here's the biggest part that worries me.
Contractors' individual circumstances play a massive part in the contractor mortgage process. It takes a broker who specialises in the field to interpret the elements of a contractor's income into a language an underwriter can understand.
There's always the chance that a generic broker succeeded in getting one contractor a good deal.
But that doesn't mean they're a good bet for all contractors. Specialists are specialists for a reason. Any contractor will tell you that, right? ;) ing-approved/
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Has your Public Sector client switched your contract to PAYE payroll?
You sign up with an agency to supply your service, the skill you've honed to perfection, to the #PublicSector. They call you; you're hired. Ka-ching!
This is what you became a professional #contractor for. The work, the lifestyle: they're everything you hoped they'd be.... What you didn't expect was for this flying carpet to be whipped from beneath your feet.
Now, Public Sector clients decide the status of all their outsourced staff. With #payroll an easy option for them, the magic is fast disappearing from the client-contractor relationship.
So, does your public sector contract span the start date of the switchover, April 6th, 2017? Or has your new one started since? Either way, check that your client hasn't inadvertently placed you on payroll. If they have, it's time to renegotiate.
In this post, we expand on the advice Chris Bryce (IPSE) gave after the shock announcement: pse-warns-of-new-…/
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We are a fulltime working couple. One with a permanent contract and the other with a limited company. After having conversations with several brokers that did not know how to handle our situation and how to request a mortgage based on our incomes we found Freelancer Financials. Not only did they find the right mortgage for us but they also asked the necessary questions without wasting our time. Natasha Saunders was our broker and she was very professional and reliable from the first moment we got in contact with her. Shortly after she received all the necessary details from us we received an approximate mortgage quote and then a few days later we received the mortgage in principle. Everything was done quickly and with transparency. Natasha was always available to reply any of our questions and her replies were always immediate and at any time of day.

Once we found a house and we moved forward with our offer Natasha was always there to help us with any information we needed. She helped us choosing our life insurance too.

When we were ready to exchange contracts for the house our sollicitor was a little unexperienced and almost made us lose the house. We were about to give up and we decided to phone Natasha to let her know. She imediately jumped in and took care of the situation to make sure we could exchange contracts and complete the purchase. We would have not moved forward or concluded the purchase if it was not for her professional way of handeling the situation and making sure all parts had the correct information to finalise the it. We are very greatful with her and definetly recommend her! Trust me, you will be in excellent hands!


Superb service from Andrew Saunders and Helen Knapp who made my recent remortgage an exceptionally quick, efficient and hassle-free experience, securing a rate better than advertised on the banks own website!

I was kept informed through every step, in detail without it getting confusing. Having previously had the nightmare of dealing with my banks in-branch mortgage advisor, it was a breath of fresh air to have everything handled by Andrew and Helen, making the experience completely stress free.

I can't thank them enough, i really can't. Looking forward to the next one in two years time!


Strongly wish to recommend the excellent levels of service we recently experience with Freelancer Financials.

Our application was complex due to my employment status, we even had to switch property after the first property was at exchange phase, creating a daunting hard date that we had to exchange/complete/move or be homeless. Elaine, Nicky stepped up to the plate and were magnificent. We truly must had been a thorn in their side, nonetheless they exerted pressure on the lender, prompt updates, completely in control and professional at times. We could not had secured lending, in the compressed time frame, with complexities without their outstanding expertise and tenacious approach to their work.

We thank you dearly – The Sherwoods


If you are an IT Contractor, I would recommend you use Freelancer Financials as your first port of call for a Mortgage.

Neetesh Pota is a highly skilled Mortgage Consultant and listened very carefully to my requirements and circumstances, he then worked tirelessly to get the very best options laid out in a very short amount of time. He's a guy who really understands Contractors and their mortgage needs.

The administrative side to this operation is very slick too with a seamless handover to Natalie Jefferson whom followed up will all of my queries and also dealt very efficiently with the individual complications of my case.

The end to end service level of this company and in particular the competency of both Neetesh and Natalie was well worth every penny.


I would thoroughly recommend Freelancer Financials. Andrew got me a mortgage based on my day rate rather then my SA302 income which enabled me to buy a long term house that I wouldn't otherwise had any chance to buy. When my conveyancing solicitor screwed up and the mortgage lender decided the loan needed to be re-assessed Andrew used his contacts with the underwriter to get another offer issued and saved the purchase. Definitely recommend.


I would really recommend Andrew Saunders & Leanie Freed, having tried two different mortgage advisers my chances looked extremely slim in finding an lender to enable me to borrow more on my mortgage having just moved into the ‘freelance’ category.

After speaking to Andrew he re-assured me he would find me a good rate, lender & make it as painless as possible. 1 month later having stuck to his word, I now have all of the above! Thank you again Andrew!


I have used Andrew Saunders twice now as my mortgage broker. The service I have received has been excellent. Andrew has found me mortgages at much better rates than I have been able to find by making my own enquiries. All done with no fuss and very quickly. Leanie Freed has assisted me on this occasion and again all done very quickly with excellent service.


I can highly recommend Andrew and Leanie. I was originally passed their details from a colleague after struggling to find a mortgage as a contractor. Within weeks they had sorted financing for me to buy my first BTL. Since then we have worked together several times and I will continue to do so as the service is excellent. I have also recommended their services to many of my colleagues that are in a similar position to me, as I’m so confident they will be able to help out. All in all very happy customer.


Highly recommend Natasha Saunders@ Freelancer Financials , who helped us got 3 mortgages. All the 3 mortgage deals are the best ones we couldn't achieve from high street banks and other brokers. Natasha is highly professional and truly caring her customers. There were some issues due to bank's delay , she and her team member Nicky Agra tried their best effort to push the bank and solicitors, and eventually all mortgages were processed promptly until completion. Natasha and the team has taken personal care of their customers and provided the best customer services beyond normal professional standard.

I would always recommend Freelancer Financials to my friends and colleagues!


We are a fulltime working couple. One with a permanent contract and the other with a limited company. After having conversations with several brokers that did not know how to handle our situation and how to request a mortgage based on our incomes we found Freelancer Financials. Not only did they find the right mortgage for us but they also asked the necessary questions without wasting our time. Natasha Saunders was our broker and she was very professional and reliable from the first moment we got in contact with her. Shortly after she received all the necessary details from us we received an approximate mortgage quote and then a few days later we received the mortgage in principle. Everything was done quickly and with transparency. Natasha was always available to reply any of our questions and her replies were always immediate and at any time of day.

Once we found a house and we moved forward with our offer Natasha was always there to help us with any information we needed. She helped us choosing our life insurance too.

When we were ready to exchange contracts for the house our sollicitor was a little unexperienced and almost made us lose the house. We were about to give up and we decided to phone Natasha to let her know. She imediately jumped in and took care of the situation to make sure we could exchange contracts and complete the purchase. We would have not moved forward or concluded the purchase if it was not for her professional way of handeling the situation and making sure all parts had the correct information to finalise the it. We are very greatful with her and definetly recommend her! Trust me, you will be in excellent hands!


Superb service from Andrew Saunders and Helen Knapp who made my recent remortgage an exceptionally quick, efficient and hassle-free experience, securing a rate better than advertised on the banks own website!

I was kept informed through every step, in detail without it getting confusing. Having previously had the nightmare of dealing with my banks in-branch mortgage advisor, it was a breath of fresh air to have everything handled by Andrew and Helen, making the experience completely stress free.

I can't thank them enough, i really can't. Looking forward to the next one in two years time!


Strongly wish to recommend the excellent levels of service we recently experience with Freelancer Financials.

Our application was complex due to my employment status, we even had to switch property after the first property was at exchange phase, creating a daunting hard date that we had to exchange/complete/move or be homeless. Elaine, Nicky stepped up to the plate and were magnificent. We truly must had been a thorn in their side, nonetheless they exerted pressure on the lender, prompt updates, completely in control and professional at times. We could not had secured lending, in the compressed time frame, with complexities without their outstanding expertise and tenacious approach to their work.

We thank you dearly – The Sherwoods


If you are an IT Contractor, I would recommend you use Freelancer Financials as your first port of call for a Mortgage.

Neetesh Pota is a highly skilled Mortgage Consultant and listened very carefully to my requirements and circumstances, he then worked tirelessly to get the very best options laid out in a very short amount of time. He's a guy who really understands Contractors and their mortgage needs.

The administrative side to this operation is very slick too with a seamless handover to Natalie Jefferson whom followed up will all of my queries and also dealt very efficiently with the individual complications of my case.

The end to end service level of this company and in particular the competency of both Neetesh and Natalie was well worth every penny.


I would thoroughly recommend Freelancer Financials. Andrew got me a mortgage based on my day rate rather then my SA302 income which enabled me to buy a long term house that I wouldn't otherwise had any chance to buy. When my conveyancing solicitor screwed up and the mortgage lender decided the loan needed to be re-assessed Andrew used his contacts with the underwriter to get another offer issued and saved the purchase. Definitely recommend.


I would really recommend Andrew Saunders & Leanie Freed, having tried two different mortgage advisers my chances looked extremely slim in finding an lender to enable me to borrow more on my mortgage having just moved into the ‘freelance’ category.

After speaking to Andrew he re-assured me he would find me a good rate, lender & make it as painless as possible. 1 month later having stuck to his word, I now have all of the above! Thank you again Andrew!


I have used Andrew Saunders twice now as my mortgage broker. The service I have received has been excellent. Andrew has found me mortgages at much better rates than I have been able to find by making my own enquiries. All done with no fuss and very quickly. Leanie Freed has assisted me on this occasion and again all done very quickly with excellent service.


I can highly recommend Andrew and Leanie. I was originally passed their details from a colleague after struggling to find a mortgage as a contractor. Within weeks they had sorted financing for me to buy my first BTL. Since then we have worked together several times and I will continue to do so as the service is excellent. I have also recommended their services to many of my colleagues that are in a similar position to me, as I’m so confident they will be able to help out. All in all very happy customer.


Highly recommend Natasha Saunders@ Freelancer Financials , who helped us got 3 mortgages. All the 3 mortgage deals are the best ones we couldn't achieve from high street banks and other brokers. Natasha is highly professional and truly caring her customers. There were some issues due to bank's delay , she and her team member Nicky Agra tried their best effort to push the bank and solicitors, and eventually all mortgages were processed promptly until completion. Natasha and the team has taken personal care of their customers and provided the best customer services beyond normal professional standard.

I would always recommend Freelancer Financials to my friends and colleagues!

More about Freelancer Financials

Freelancer Financials is located at Avondale House, 262 Uxbridge Rd, HA5 4HS London, United Kingdom
Monday: 09:00 - 19:00
Tuesday: 09:00 - 19:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 19:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 19:00
Friday: 09:00 - 19:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -