
About Futurefest

FutureFest is a one-day festival that celebrates our power to shape the future. Our next FutureFest festival is on 20 March 2020 and features talks and debates from over 80 speakers, immersive experiences, comedy, music and interactive performances.

Futurefest Description

Created by Nesta, this festival brings together thousands of people to occupy the future through a range of multi-sensory experiences – including talks and debates, comedy and music, artistic installations and interactive performances. Past festivals have welcomed thinkers and performers such as Edward Snowden, Vivienne Westwood, Akala, Jon Ronson, Imogen Heap and Brian Eno.



Can blockchain save the world? Vinay Gupta at #FutureFest18, watch his full talk here http://bit.ly/2LfbeB9


Tune in to the BBC Radio Five Live podcast from #FutureFest18 tomorrow at 7pm, featuring Nick Clegg, Imogen Heap, Noel Sharkey and Ghislaine Boddington https://bbc.in/2NnN1W4


What if chips in human bodies linked to all the world's data and knowledge? The Reader got us thinking at #FutureFest18


What impact will AI have on relations between superpowers? Watch the #FutureFest18 talk by Evgeny Morozov in full here http://bit.ly/2uBQ1Ho


When @NicolaSturgeon met robots of the future in the Bio-Body-Tech room at #FutureFest18 @bodydataspace


Would you swap your line manager for a robot? We asked people what they really think about AI and robots. Take a look at their responses http://bit.ly/2JBQm1c


Gizmodo shared their experience of the Black Box Bellagio data casino at #FutureFest18


London's Night Czar Amy Lamé stressed the importance of night culture at #FutureFest18


What are the implications of increasing robotics and machine-led care in the health sector? Listen to the BBC Click podcast recording of the #FutureFest18 "Machines that care for us" debate https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/w3cswhdk


How can we as humans become more compassionate? Ruby Wax shared her thoughts at #FutureFest18


"It feels a bit like the human body is getting gentrified." Douglas Rushkoff on human augmentation at #FutureFest18


This year, we asked FutureFesters to share their thoughts on how they'd shape an alternative future to benefit society. Take a look at the winners and runner-ups short vlogs here http://bit.ly/2LlQvYt


Take a look at some of this year's main-stage talks in full in the #FutureFest18 playlist http://bit.ly/2zEpu13


Paul Mason on human rights against the rise of algorithm and machine control


#FutureFest18 curator Ghislaine Boddington shares her thoughts on what it means to be human, and some of the key takeaways from this year's festival http://bit.ly/2Ji4MDK


"Escapism actually makes you feel better about the world you live in. It's a respite, but it can also mean that you come back with a different relationship to the reality that you left for those few hours."


"I don't see the future as a noun at all, I see the future as a verb." Douglas Rushkoff on creating our future at #FutureFest18


"That whole white male approach is going to be inherent in everything we do and touch, and that's what we've got to change right now." @RussShaw1 talking occupational futures at #FutureFest18


"FutureFest brought together thousands of people looking for a different story." Nesta's CEO, Geoff Mulgan, shares his thoughts on #FutureFest18 in this blog http://bit.ly/2ugekdD

More about Futurefest

Futurefest is located at Tobacco Dock, E1W 2SF London, United Kingdom
020 7438 2500