Global Migrate

About Global Migrate

Our aim is to provide our clients with the best service, before, during and after their visa process. Our high success rate is unrivalled.

Global Migrate Description

As one of the most successful immigration consultancies in the world, Global-Migrate has helped individuals, families, and corporate clients with their visa applications for many years. Our consultants are legally trained and keep up to date on the ever-changing immigration rules for the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, and Denmark. Global-Migrate is considered the expert of experts and whether you’re a student or a high net worth investor, we aim to make your immigration dreams come true. We provide you with unrivaled service throughout the visa process. This is why most of our customers say they would recommend us.

No matter what your situation may be, the visa application process can be confusing and stressful. Global-Migrate’s immigration experts and case workers can help make the process easier for you. They can give you advice on how to make your application successful, and can even prepare your case on your behalf.

Our experts are regulated by the Office of Immigration Services Commissioner plus other bodies that ensure that we provide top quality and accurate service to our clients. We also provide an in-house training program for all of our staff members to make sure everyone keeps up with changes to immigration rules.

To get started with the visa process, we begin with a FREE immigration evaluation that will assess the strength of your application. We will take on your case if we believe we can submit a strong and a positive application for you. By only taking on such cases, we don’t give you false hope, and we save your time and money.

Our clients can feel secure knowing that we’re always available on the other end of the phone. This is just part of our efficient and reliable service. With lots of experience and training, we also offer great value for money. Our team of advisors love helping people get their visas, and will go the extra mile to get the job done.



We would like to wish @HHShkMohd a very Happy Birthday and would like to share one of our favourite quotes of his on this day: "The race for excellence has no finish line".


Australia Immigration Changes & Update 2018:
#australiaimmigration #permanentresidency #migratetoaustralia #australiapr #australiaworkvisa #workinaustralia #ausmigration…/australi an-immigratio…/919046


🇬🇧 British and 🇮🇪 Irish nationals between the ages of 18 to 30 years time seize your opportunity to travel and work in 🇦🇺 #Australia and 🇨🇦 #Canada.
Tired of that gloomy and cold weather? Why not move to beautiful sunny 🇦🇺Australia for beaches, sun and the Aussie hospitality. Meet youth from all around the world and work on your travels to help with the expenses.
... There is nothing better than a travel program where you can travel and work to supplement the expenses So if you are looking for more diversity pack your bags for a 2-year adventure to 🇨🇦 Canada and get ready to witness some amazing adventures and picturesque sceneries on your Work Holiday Visa program.
Fancy that? Call Global Migrate today and let us get started on your application,complete a free assessment at or call us on 02079934762.
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New Zealand Immigration turnout for 2018:…/new-zealand-immigr ation-update-2e633f8…
Don't miss out on your chance to Immigrate to New Zealand. Start you application with Global Migrate today!
... #newzealandimmigration #newzealandpr #nzimmigration #studyinnewzealand #workinnewzealand #liveandworkinnz
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Canada Immigration PNP update on Saskatchewan. Read this article to find out how did Saskatchewan PNP turn out this year:
#canadaimmigration #provincialnominationprogram #saskatchewanpnp #migratetocanada #permanenetresidency…/sa skatchewan-pnp-updat…


🇦🇺 Australia is facing an acute shortage of skilled workers in nominated professions. Certain professions have an immediate requirement of foreign qualified and trained workers to fill in the labour market shortage in Australia.
🇦🇺 Australian Immigration has taken steps on reforming the Immigration laws to welcome overseas skilled Immigrants to migrate to Australia and fill these positions.
With a provision for family Immigration, 🇦🇺 Australia also provides free public educat...ion and healthcare facilities. It has subsidized schemes to ensure foreign Immigrants find it easy settle in Australia permanently and assimilate well into the country.
If you are interested in 🇦🇺 immigrating to Australia, complete a free assessment at or call us on 02079934762.
Wish you all the best !! ( Global Migrate is the UK's Most Trusted Emigration law firm with advisors accredited with UK and Australian Government.)
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Canada Immigration Update: -Time-Limit-Reduce…
#canadaimmigration #migratetocanada #workincanada #immigrationnews #movetocanada


For international investors and entrepreneurs interested in making a secure investment and obtaining UK residency rights, you can consider the UK Business Visa as a lucrative option:
#UKbusinessvisa #UKinvestorvisa #UKentrepreneurvisa #UKbusiness #liveintheuk #ukvisa #ukinvestment #ukimmigration /…/uk-business-vis…


According to the latest Help Wanted report from the 🇨🇦 Canadian Federation of Independent Business, there were 407,000 unfilled private-sector jobs in 🇨🇦 Canada in the first quarter of 2018, up from the previous record high of 399,000 jobs in the last quarter of 2017.
The national vacancy rate stood at three percent, meaning three out of every 100 jobs were unfilled. That's up from 2.6 percent in the same period a year earlier.
British Columbia had the highest vacancy rate, a...t 3.8 percent, followed closely by Quebec, at 3.7 percent, and Ontario at 3.2 percent.
If you are interested in 🇨🇦 immigrating to Canada, complete a free assessment at or call us on 02079934762.
Wish you all the best !! ( Global Migrate is the UK's Most Trusted Emigration law firm with advisors accredited with UK and Canadian Government.)
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What happens after an International degree? Make the money you have spent worth the investment by applying for post study visas that leads to permanent settlement in the country. Look at what Canada. Australia & New Zealand Immigration benefits:
#poststudyvisa #workincanadaafterstudies #australiaworkpermit #newzealandpoststudyvisa #studyandworkabroad #permanentsettlement #citizenship #immigrationservices…/canada- post-study-wo…/911940... tralia-Post-study-……/new-zealand-post-s tudy-work-visa-a2ed1…
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Canada is facing a skills shortage with over 400,000 Vacancies across different Sectors. Canada offers a Permanent Resident programme under the Express Entry Route. If you are interested immigrating to Canada , complete a free assessment at…/e xpress-entry-program/ or call us on 02079934762. Wish you all the best !! ( Global Migrate is the UK's Most Trusted Emigration law firm with advisors accredited with UK and Canadian Government.)


For those considering student visa option, have a look at these articles to figure out which country would be the best suited for you. If you're still confused talk to our team and let them make the right decision for you.
#studentvisa #studypermit #canadastudentvisa #studyinaustralia #newzealandstudyvisa #ukstudentvisaapplication #studyoverseas #studentvisaimmigration #immigrationexpert…/canada -student-visa-8110ff7c6f0b
... tralia-Student-Visa…/new-zeal and-student-v…/909857 5.html
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Nurses Engineers & Teachers certainly have an edge in Canadian Immigration and their demand in the International job market never ceases to decrease. Read further:
#canadianimmmigration #canadavisa #nurseimmigration #engineerimmigration #teacherimmigration #permanentresidency #canadapr #migratetocanada…/nu rses-engineers-teach…


People with ancestral roots and family ties to the UK can find it easier to Migrate with the UK Ancestry Visa:
#ukimmigration #ukancestryvisa #migratetouk #settleinuk Ancestry-Visa


Understand how foreign skilled workers are employed in New Zealand in this article:
#newzealandimmigration #newzealandvisa #workinnewzealand #nzmigration #migratetonewzealand #workpermitnewzealand /…/new-zealand-emp…


Learn how foreign skilled workers are employed in Australia. With complex processes involved Global Migrate offers optimal solutions to your migration needs:
#workpermitvisa #australiasubclass457 #AustralianImmigration #AustralianPermanentresidency #Australiancitizenship #Australiaworkvisa #Australiaemploymentvisa #Australianvisa…/au stralia-temporary-sk…

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