Global Witness

About Global Witness

Global Witness works to expose the corrupt exploitation of natural resources and international trade systems, to drive campaigns that end impunity, resource-linked conflict, and human rights and environmental abuses

Global Witness Description

Since 1993, Global Witness has run pioneering campaigns against natural resource-related conflict and corruption and associated environmental and human rights abuses. From Cambodia to Congo, Sierra Leone to Angola, we have exposed the brutality and injustice that results from the fight to access and control natural resource wealth, and have sought to bring the perpetrators of this corruption and conflict to book.

Our work has revealed how, rather than benefiting a country’s citizens, abundant timber, diamonds, minerals, oil and other natural resources can incentivise corruption, destabilise governments, and lead to war. Through our investigations, advocacy and campaigning, we seek solutions to the ‘resource curse’ so that citizens of resource-rich countries can get a fair share of their country’s wealth.

Global Witness' first ever campaign aimed to stop the trade in illegal timber from Cambodia to Thailand which was funding the Khmer Rouge. Within 6 months we achieved an astounding victory: the overland border was closed. This ultimately helped to bring about the final demise of an organisation that had terrorised a generation of Cambodians.

Our campaigning against conflict diamonds in Angola, Sierral Leone, Liberia and the Democratic Republic of Congo led to the creation of the precedent-setting Kimberley Process Certification Scheme and to our joint nomination for the Nobel Peace Prize in 2003. Three years later we contributed to research and campaigning around the 2006 Hollywood blockbuster, Blood Diamond.

Global Witness is largely responsible for natural resources occupying the prominent role in the international agenda that they currently do. We were part of the coalition that successfully campaigned for the creation of the Extractives Industries Transparency Initiative.

www. is the destination on the web for news, reports and information regarding natural resource-related conflict corruption, and associated human rights and environmental abuses.



Chilling news from the UK Environment Agency. This is an emergency.
There is no time to waste. The Govt now needs to: 🛢️ End new North Sea oil & gas extraction ☀️ Invest in a just transition for fossil fuel workers... ⛽️ Stop investing in overseas fossil fuels
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Peru’s forest crime watchdog has had its independence restored! Which is great news for the Amazon 🇵🇪 🌳. But there’s so much more to be done to secure the future of a rainforest critical in tackling #ClimateBreakdown. Read our latest blog on #OSINFOR now:


It couldn't be clearer: wrecking our environment is jeopardising nature and humans. We must stop investors financing the destruction of our forests - and the Land & #EnvironmentDefenders who protect them - if we are to save nature and tackle climate change


Thrilled that Reuters journalists Wa Lone and Kyaw Soe Oo are free after being pardoned 17 months into a seven year unjust sentence. They are two of at least 43 journalists arrested since Aung San Suu Kyi took office.


We crunched the data collected by Companies House and found thousands of risky UK companies – e.g. located at mailbox addresses, with links to secrecy jurisdictions. We also found companies controlled by children under the age of two 🚸 shouse/


On #WorldPressFreedomDay our Ava Lee blogs on the daily and less visible threats that journalists face when they uncover wrong-doing.


New data from World Resources Institute shows that last year an area the size of Belgium was lost from the world’s primary rainforests. Government, companies, and investors must act now if we are to avoid #ClimateBreakdown.


Avoiding the worst impacts of #ClimateChange is possible - but the clock is ticking. We must say NO to new oil & gas extraction that will push us to the edge of #ClimateBreakdown


Global Witness host a panel of experts as we dive deep into the stranger-than-fiction world of 1MDB, an astonishing tale which stretches from Golden Globes to Glass Pianos.
A detailed account of this audacious fraud can be read in the US bestseller ‘Billion Dollar Whale’ - that is, unless you live in the UK, where libel lawyers have kept it off the shelves.
We’ll be talking to Bradley Hope, author of ‘Billion Dollar Whale’, and Clare Rewcastle Brown, who broke the story and f...aced a sustained legal campaign against her in response. We’ll also be joined by Rebecca Vincent from Reporters Without Borders for a discussion about the daily intimidation faced by anti-corruption journalists around the world.
So stand up for investigative journalism and join us to discuss this incomparable story of glamour, corruption, and journalistic suppression.
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As the #UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues get under way, it's crucial to recognise the threats all #indigenous peoples face when they protect their land and our global #environment. In Brazil, for example, indigenous peoples are facing fierce attacks on their constitutional rights to land and territory.


The deadly landslide in Kachin, Myanmar is devastating but unfortunately not surprising given the many incidents like it and the continued presence of military-linked companies, cronies, drug lords, armed groups and shadowy Chinese business interests controlling the country’s corrupt jade trade.
This preventable tragedy underscores the urgent need to completely shut down large-scale jade mining operations until fundamental reform is brought to the country’s jade industry.


🛢️ Oil and gas production from currently active fields is already more than we can afford to burn if we want to limit warming to 1.5°C. Yet the industry is forecast to spend $4.9 trillion on *new* fossil fuels.
That's an investment we simply can't afford.


We crunched the numbers from the IPCC’s report on #ClimateChange and found that any production from new oil & gas fields will prevent us from achieving the Paris Agreement’s 1.5°C goal.
So why is the oil & gas industry forecast to spend $4.9 trillion on new extraction?


Each year, European consumption is responsible for the deforestation of a land mass almost as big as Cyprus. Banks, investors and our pension funds must ensure they are not financing the destruction of forests critical for curbing climate breakdown 🌳#EarthDay


You’ve seen the facts. Now let’s name their cause. It’s time to for us to turn up the heat on investors and businesses which would rather see the #ClimateChange than a change in their bottom line. Let’s let them know how much #OurPlanetMatters to us. #ClimateBreakdown


We have been calling for investor regulation to ensure that the money they supply doesn't damage people or planet - this renewed call for financial responsibility on #climatechange must not be ignored


"The [...] standard process of naturalisation [...] takes a minimum of 12 months. The primary applicant then agrees to “donate” €650,000 ($735,000) to the government of Malta." 💸💸💸


ICYMI Massive Attack delivered an important and fitting tribute to Land and #EnvironmentDefenders who have been killed, during their show in Mexico City last week. Add your voice here:


Daughter of Congolese President apparently used stolen state funds to buy luxury apartment in #Trump NYC Hotel & Tower. The murky scheme featured a notorious Portuguese middleman, a top US law firm, and a complex network of secretive companies


You are doing a great job. We are so looking forward to you shining a light on the Solomon Islands where the corrupt logging continues unabated.


What is the mission statement of the Global Witness? Unification of mankind would be optimum in terms of environment protection and resource management.

Resource management, if prioritised, could be the solution to poverty and inequality that sustains war; war in turn sustains pollution, and pollution is a prime ingredient of imbalance plaguing society with illness; physical and psychological. Illness then spreads and the vicious-circle goes round and round feeding on itself.

The reason I mention CLIMATE BALANCING in the Subject Heading relates to discontent. With a large proportion of Earth’s population discontent about weather conditions, Global Warming, Climate Change and disasters, as well as corruption and resource mismanagement, the vibrational expression of humanity is impaired accordingly. “Loving thine enemy” may well help between two people, but unless it extends to Earth’s environment, the environment is subsequently stressed and cursed. Regardless of the old saying, IGNORANCE IS NOT BLISS; witness the world.

My hard-earned well-learned contribution to Global Witness – if permitted – would be to start a counselling team concentrating on the art-and-science of living; that is, discovering the best and most effective use of our potential value as beings on this still beautiful planet, especially, and not least, by consciously turning the tide of discontent to appreciation, for being alive with the right to be right. This of course can only start with one individual – the one reading these words; everyone matters or nobody matters.

Thank you for your time. There is clearly much to discuss, and I look forward to participating with you in this healing process.


Peter J Watson | BSc Architectural Technology (CIAT Accredited)

Atlas and Partners - Architectural Services – Planning Management -- Ontological Council

T: 01834 831 855; M: 07810 891 375

Bay Vu, Trelessy Rd., Llanteg, Pembrokeshire SA67 8PU UK


We like to hear it like it is and when it happens! Time to put a little light on the events of our world.....good to be in the know!


We Hondurans stand up in favor of Global Witness. All this legal persecution that you guys are facing is merely fear of the government to be internationaly exposed. We all know about corruption in our amazing country, everybody knows. CICIH must arrive in Honduras immediately other wise many more will die.

At this point I am an asylum seeker in Norway, but unfortunately the government already convinced the majority of international communities that we do not need any kind of protection. We urge Global Witness to carry out a deeper research of all corruption in HN and bring it to the world knowledge.


Very powerful and we really need these kind of works. Thanks to make these happen.


Very pleased with their publications on the situation that our country Honduras lives in the area of ​​human rights defense, hopefully they can continue to investigate since our media do not speak because they represent the same economic groups that sell our territories and kill The people who defend the earth, water and our greatest resources. Thank you for that commitment.


This is a transparency lighthouse in a wilderness of shell companies on offshore beaches, shuttered backroom planning palaces for land rapists, A must for the battle of finding out and weeding out these ethical pests, and protecting the people who do that work!


The hearts of millions of poor citizens of Nigeria overflow with gratitude to Global Witness for their relentless efforts in the fight against corruption especially the Malabo oil deal... an oil bloc worth $500b sold to Shell and ENI for $1.2b and the money pocketed into the Minister and President's accounts. For years, our institutions have failed to unravel the mystery connecting Shell and the so -called leaders... how could they, when the stench of corruption oozes out of every desk. Global Witness has given the neglected and impoverished hope that someday, criminals in the guise of investors will be held accountable for every ill committed towards our great Nigeria. We pray that you do not wear out because the battle has only began as the Nigerian accomplices are denying their involvement. Thank you once again...with our prayers, tears and blood, Nigerians honor Global Witness.


Thanks for putting an eye on this beautiful but rottened country called Honduras.. a 90% of our country agree with you guys.. a lot of people get killed just for defending their homeland and that's a FACT.


Thanks corruption is too much in the world, I hope this too happen in Liberia the land of no justice, where the Liberia Anti Corruption commetee set up by the president to fight corruption only after people who disagree with her corrupt ideas,wat become her son Robbert Sieleef corruption case too, God will punished them all.


Thank you for standing with #Honduras #BertaCaceres didn't die: she multiplied �


Thank you Global Witness; for shedding some light and hope on millions of Hondurans that are being oppress by the systematic poverty and impunity; placed by this government and its shameless corruption.


People fear to expose the truth where the government hiding the fact of wrong doing and did not want people to know. If without Global Witness stand on the victims side to explore the truth about their government, the world could be living in dark oppression and wild.


I welcome a new ( at least for me ) ally in exposing so many wrongs around the world as well as the United States which now has shown us and the rest of world how greedy, uncaring, irresponsible and criminal they have become ... !

I have grave doubts about a positive change in this country and if he ( trump ) is going to change his behavior or negative and racist attitude ever ... thanks for allowing to become a partner despite my limited funds but I often have gatherings at our home or at someone else's and there are a few who can do a little better than I can. John P. Choice


Great stories. I've learned how a lot of nasty stuff is able to take place and how it takes place. Quite educational.


All Honduras its grateful for all your services and hard work, we need help and its not a new. But our government and our news papers try to hide the HUGE NEED for security, respect of the human rights, impunity, to control the country budget and more and more

I hope your work brings fruits and we are looking forward to see more from you guys! �����


24 years of exposing corruption, manipulation and humanitarian crisis all over the world. Hands up � to Global Witness - an outstanding organisation �


Fantastic work !!!

Forever grateful if all the work done in and for Honduras my beautiful land taken hostage by a small group of indecent individuals

Thank you and thank you

God bless you!!!


The very model of trashy reporting because, today, trash can do reporting without any hindrance whatsoever. Internet insists that there will be no regulation, period. Without regulation, you have trash who will attack anybody and do other peoples bidding -- Since there is no loyalty. you can get dumb people, feed them a few slogans to cut and paste insults and you are in business!


You are doing a great job. We are so looking forward to you shining a light on the Solomon Islands where the corrupt logging continues unabated.


What is the mission statement of the Global Witness? Unification of mankind would be optimum in terms of environment protection and resource management.

Resource management, if prioritised, could be the solution to poverty and inequality that sustains war; war in turn sustains pollution, and pollution is a prime ingredient of imbalance plaguing society with illness; physical and psychological. Illness then spreads and the vicious-circle goes round and round feeding on itself.

The reason I mention CLIMATE BALANCING in the Subject Heading relates to discontent. With a large proportion of Earth’s population discontent about weather conditions, Global Warming, Climate Change and disasters, as well as corruption and resource mismanagement, the vibrational expression of humanity is impaired accordingly. “Loving thine enemy” may well help between two people, but unless it extends to Earth’s environment, the environment is subsequently stressed and cursed. Regardless of the old saying, IGNORANCE IS NOT BLISS; witness the world.

My hard-earned well-learned contribution to Global Witness – if permitted – would be to start a counselling team concentrating on the art-and-science of living; that is, discovering the best and most effective use of our potential value as beings on this still beautiful planet, especially, and not least, by consciously turning the tide of discontent to appreciation, for being alive with the right to be right. This of course can only start with one individual – the one reading these words; everyone matters or nobody matters.

Thank you for your time. There is clearly much to discuss, and I look forward to participating with you in this healing process.


Peter J Watson | BSc Architectural Technology (CIAT Accredited)

Atlas and Partners - Architectural Services – Planning Management -- Ontological Council

T: 01834 831 855; M: 07810 891 375

Bay Vu, Trelessy Rd., Llanteg, Pembrokeshire SA67 8PU UK


We like to hear it like it is and when it happens! Time to put a little light on the events of our world.....good to be in the know!


We Hondurans stand up in favor of Global Witness. All this legal persecution that you guys are facing is merely fear of the government to be internationaly exposed. We all know about corruption in our amazing country, everybody knows. CICIH must arrive in Honduras immediately other wise many more will die.

At this point I am an asylum seeker in Norway, but unfortunately the government already convinced the majority of international communities that we do not need any kind of protection. We urge Global Witness to carry out a deeper research of all corruption in HN and bring it to the world knowledge.


Very powerful and we really need these kind of works. Thanks to make these happen.


Very pleased with their publications on the situation that our country Honduras lives in the area of ​​human rights defense, hopefully they can continue to investigate since our media do not speak because they represent the same economic groups that sell our territories and kill The people who defend the earth, water and our greatest resources. Thank you for that commitment.


This is a transparency lighthouse in a wilderness of shell companies on offshore beaches, shuttered backroom planning palaces for land rapists, A must for the battle of finding out and weeding out these ethical pests, and protecting the people who do that work!


The hearts of millions of poor citizens of Nigeria overflow with gratitude to Global Witness for their relentless efforts in the fight against corruption especially the Malabo oil deal... an oil bloc worth $500b sold to Shell and ENI for $1.2b and the money pocketed into the Minister and President's accounts. For years, our institutions have failed to unravel the mystery connecting Shell and the so -called leaders... how could they, when the stench of corruption oozes out of every desk. Global Witness has given the neglected and impoverished hope that someday, criminals in the guise of investors will be held accountable for every ill committed towards our great Nigeria. We pray that you do not wear out because the battle has only began as the Nigerian accomplices are denying their involvement. Thank you once again...with our prayers, tears and blood, Nigerians honor Global Witness.


Thanks for putting an eye on this beautiful but rottened country called Honduras.. a 90% of our country agree with you guys.. a lot of people get killed just for defending their homeland and that's a FACT.


Thanks corruption is too much in the world, I hope this too happen in Liberia the land of no justice, where the Liberia Anti Corruption commetee set up by the president to fight corruption only after people who disagree with her corrupt ideas,wat become her son Robbert Sieleef corruption case too, God will punished them all.


Thank you for standing with #Honduras #BertaCaceres didn't die: she multiplied �


Thank you Global Witness; for shedding some light and hope on millions of Hondurans that are being oppress by the systematic poverty and impunity; placed by this government and its shameless corruption.


People fear to expose the truth where the government hiding the fact of wrong doing and did not want people to know. If without Global Witness stand on the victims side to explore the truth about their government, the world could be living in dark oppression and wild.


I welcome a new ( at least for me ) ally in exposing so many wrongs around the world as well as the United States which now has shown us and the rest of world how greedy, uncaring, irresponsible and criminal they have become ... !

I have grave doubts about a positive change in this country and if he ( trump ) is going to change his behavior or negative and racist attitude ever ... thanks for allowing to become a partner despite my limited funds but I often have gatherings at our home or at someone else's and there are a few who can do a little better than I can. John P. Choice


Great stories. I've learned how a lot of nasty stuff is able to take place and how it takes place. Quite educational.


All Honduras its grateful for all your services and hard work, we need help and its not a new. But our government and our news papers try to hide the HUGE NEED for security, respect of the human rights, impunity, to control the country budget and more and more

I hope your work brings fruits and we are looking forward to see more from you guys! �����


24 years of exposing corruption, manipulation and humanitarian crisis all over the world. Hands up � to Global Witness - an outstanding organisation �


Fantastic work !!!

Forever grateful if all the work done in and for Honduras my beautiful land taken hostage by a small group of indecent individuals

Thank you and thank you

God bless you!!!


The very model of trashy reporting because, today, trash can do reporting without any hindrance whatsoever. Internet insists that there will be no regulation, period. Without regulation, you have trash who will attack anybody and do other peoples bidding -- Since there is no loyalty. you can get dumb people, feed them a few slogans to cut and paste insults and you are in business!

More about Global Witness

+44 20 7492 5820