Go Native English

About Go Native English

1: 1 language coaching for people needing fluent English, especially for business or study. Using the natural method from Professor Stephen Krashen

Go Native English Description

How do you learn a second language? Easy - in the exactly same way as you learnt your first language - so say languages experts.

All you need is
a) to be interested
b) to be calm and relaxed
c) help with understanding - simple words, talking slowly, and using pictures, stories and actions.
d) help with remembering - hearing new words and grammar again and again, using our bodies (hand-actions or acting)

So what stops you learning?

- First - not enough time hearing and reading easy, interesting English - you need 1000s of hours to be a true expert.
- Second, trying to control what grammar you learn in each class.
- Third, worrying about tests or making mistakes
- Fourth - you don't understand what you hear or find it boring.
- Fifth - not enough practice hearing or reading the same new words in a natural conversation or story, until you remember them.

You can find out more about how we learn languages here http://esl. fis. edu /teachers /support /krashen. htm

Languages expert Professor Stephen Krashen says we have a natural ability to learn language. Here is a newspaper article he wrote
http://www. washingtonpost.com/blogs /answer-sheet /post /the-wrong-and-right-way-to-learn-a-foreign-language /2012 /06 /16 /gJQAK2xBhV_blog. html

More about Go Native English

+42 0777 014648