Goodly Heritage Bible Church

About Goodly Heritage Bible Church

This is a Spirit led and mission-driven Church, a place of true spiritual resources for all Christians to draw strength, inspiration & insight for colourful living on earth. It is also a place of supernatural relief to the hurting world.

Goodly Heritage Bible Church Description

The GHIC is not a physical building but a united family and part of the body of Christ with the central focus of helping one another to fulfil our potentials in Christ and also exists to encourage all peoples to pursue a lifelong, meaningful, rewarding and joyous relationship with Jesus Christ. Every Christian is expected to live a kingdom experience on earth.

The GHIC is the Church arm of the Christian Roberts Ministries Inc. and is also a non-denominational evangelical Church committed to providing a place called home for the homeless, refuge to the refugee, relief to the oppressed and unconditional love of Christ to the excluded in the society. GHIC is a local Church with a global positive impact.



A man can be deceived but Not God.


Watch out! Goodly Heritage Bible Church is hosting Bishop Timothy Aremu (Winners Chapel, Ibadan) on Thursday 22nd May, 2014. Time: 6pm


It is only a wicked father that would sleep In a massive house while his children sleeps in the open, or that would be feeding on the best of meals while his children goes hungry.
It is time to change if this is the kind of father you are.


We would become an irresponsible father and bad shepherd; therefore, worst than an infidel, if we cannot feed the children and the sheep God has brought to us to be fed and nurtured . It would take the of grace of God for such hungry children not to be enticed by other fathers, especially the fake ones who would want to take advantage of their desperation for food .


The only way you could resist people's attempt to make you what or who you are not, Is to know and be restricted to being what you have been made to be.
John the baptist's victory over the attempt of the people to make him who he is not, was because, he knew and insisted on being who he had been made to be; a messenger and not the messiah.


If what you are standing on is not Christ the solid rock, then you are standing on what will cave-in any time soon.
While not shift your base today. There is enough space in Christ.


God will make this week a disappointment free week for you In Jesus name.


1John 4:20. If any man say, I love, and hate his brother, he is a liar......
If the God of love resides in us, the only evidence of His residence in us, is for us to love unconditionally.


The utterances from your mouth will reveal the content of your heart . Do you want to take control of what proced from your mouth? then guide what you allow to filter into your heart.


Until you learn to be in regular contact with God via His Word you remain contaminated.


You have a part to play for God to fulfill what He has promised.
God will do what you can't do if you can locate and be committed to doing what you can do.


There is no medical doctor or an engineer that can fix a broken health or a broken appliances, unless we give him the opportunity to fix what has gone wrong.
Jesus, if given the opportunity, can fix whatsoever has gone wrong in your life .
... He said in revelation 3: 20; that He is at the door knocking, when we open the door He would come in.
Why not give Jesus the opportunity to fix that issue in your life.
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Service unto Him, cannot and should not replace our relationship with God. He values our relationship.


To make impact for God, it is not enough to be a messenger, you must also have a message and to a particular target audience God wants you to reach for Him.
All God's general who made impact for Him do not only have a message but were sent to specific people.
Jeremiah was raised to speak against the sins of Judah. In Matthew10 : 2- 8; the disciples were commissioned and sent with the message of the kingdom to Israelites, so were other servants.
... Do you know who you have been sent to and what is the message?
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Esther 4:16: Go, gather together all the Jews that are present in Shushan, and fast ye for me, neither eat nor drink three days, night or day : I also and my maidens will fast likewise ; and so will I go unto the king, which is not according to the law: and if I perish I perish.
There cannot be any conspiracy, no matter who is behind it, that can work or stand against those who know what to do to contact heaven.
... As you contact heaven this month, no conspiracy of the enemy shall stand against you in Jesus name.
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It is not everyone that is qualified to hear your dream, because It takes matured person to not only interpret your dream but also to guide you, so that the dream would come to pass, while it takes the Insecured to terminate the dream.
Joseph's dream was almost aborted by insecured people called his brothers ,while Pharaoh's dream was not only given an interpretation to but was given direction by a matured mind called Joseph.
In this new week, God will send your way those w...ho will not only interpret your dream but who will guide you into fulfilling it in Jesus name.
Do have glorious week.
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More about Goodly Heritage Bible Church

Goodly Heritage Bible Church is located at 15b York Hill, West Norwood, London., SE27 0BU London, United Kingdom
+44 (0) 7903459617