Grantham Research Institute On Climate Change And The Environment

About Grantham Research Institute On Climate Change And The Environment

We’re a climate change and environmental research centre in the UK, which brings together international expertise across economics and policy.

Grantham Research Institute On Climate Change And The Environment Description

We're a climate change and environmental research centre in the UK, chaired by Nicholas Stern, author of the Stern Review on the Economics of Climate Change, which brings together international expertise on economics, policy, finance, geography, international development and political economy.

Here we share some of our forthcoming events, key publications and job vacancies.



If you missed our recent panel discussion on whether climate protests can bring about change in government & business with Ed Miliband MP, James Murray (Editor of BusinessGreen) and Farhana Yamin (international lawyer and environmental activist) you can watch it here…/protest-and-powe r-can-climate-activ…/


Protest and Power: can climate activism save the planet? Looking forward to seeing many of you at our panel discussion this evening with Ed Miliband, Farhana Yamin and James Murray. If you can't make it in person you can watch the live stream here…/protest-and-powe r-can-climate-activ…/


What can your school, college or university do to stop climate change? Book your free place for our panel discussion next Friday at LSE. We're especially keen to get the perspective of students at this event - so feel free to share the details with your school, college or uni


As far more people in the UK have died from recent heatwaves than from storms is it time to consider naming heatwaves in order to better convey the health risks they pose?…/is-it-time-to-st art-naming-deadly-h…/


We've 4 events coming up for London Climate Action Week next week: what climate risk means for businesses in the capital, climate resilient growth in cities, financing the move to net zero & the role of courts in getting action on climate change - all events are free but booking required…/london-clim ate-action-week-2019/


Funding of up to £75,000 available to support local climate action projects in the UK…/new-funding-for- local-climate-chang…/


New job opportunity for a Climate Change Narratives Campaign Manager - to be responsible for delivering ‘The Future We See’ campaign. The campaign aims to present a clear evidence-based narrative to a wide audience about the causes and potential impacts of climate change, and the options for action. This campaign is a joint activity with our sister Institute The Grantham Institute…/campaign-m anager-climate-chang…


If you missed last week's talk by Mike Berners-Lee on the big environmental challenges facing Earth & what can we can all do about them you can watch it in full here…/there-is-no-plan et-b-a-handbook-for…/


Come and hear leading climate scientist Katharine Hayhoe discuss how people are thinking, talking, and even acting on climate change. Public lecture on 16th May.…/…/changin g-the-climate-dialogue/


Bob Ward refutes claims made by climate change deniers that polar bears rather than sea-ice decline were responsible for the mass walrus death scenes shown on David Attenborough’s new television programme…/climate-change-d eniers-haul-out-a-d…/


Exciting opportunity for any digital agencies out there! We’re inviting proposals to rebuild & develop our 2 flagship online data resources: Climate Change Laws of the World & the Transition Pathway Initiative…/tender-brief-for -the-grantham-resea…/


School students taking part in today's #ClimateStrike are old enough to understand the issues at stake & young enough to speak truth to power with no fear - a personal & professional perspective from Michal Nachmany…/a-personal-and-p rofessional-perspec…/


This video outlines some of the key challenges faced by businesses in southern Africa due to disruption to water and hydroelectricity supplies as a result of the 2015/2016 El Niño. The video has been produced as part of our El Niño project -nino/


Come & work with us - we're looking for someone to help us inform discussion & decision-making about climate change in the UK & internationally


We're recruiting for a Policy Analyst to carry out policy-oriented analysis aimed at decision-makers in the public, private & third sector out/vacancies/


Facebook misinforming tens of thousands, perhaps even millions of its users, by enabling the spread of fake news on climate change

More about Grantham Research Institute On Climate Change And The Environment

Grantham Research Institute On Climate Change And The Environment is located at London School of Economics, London, United Kingdom
+44 (0)20 7405 7686