Greece Solidarity Campaign

About Greece Solidarity Campaign

Greece Solidarity Campaign

Greece Solidarity Campaign Description

The Greece Solidarity Campaign (GSC) is an independent campaign and non-party political organisation, established in response to an appeal by Tony Benn in February 2012 for solidarity with the people resisting ‘austerity’ in Greece.

The working people of Greece are being driven to poverty and mass unemployment by the demands of the so-called Troika – the European Union, the European Central Bank, and the International Monetary Fund – which has imposed Lucas Papademos, formerly of Vice-President of the ECB, as Prime Minister.

Greece is at the cutting edge of the austerity measures that are being introduced across Europe. All the evidence shows that while these measures may protect the interests of the rich, they just make matters worse for the majority of the population.

What happens in Greece today will be repeated in Portugal tomorrow, and in Ireland and Italy the day after. In Britain, the Coalition government is pursuing similar measures which will see workers earnings cut, working longer for a smaller pension, the marketisation of education and the dismantling of the NHS along with other public services.

The Greek people have shown mass resistance to these outrages and we commit to build a movement of solidarity with them.



For information …


Read with care and find the truth between the lines ...


... the future for FYROM?

User 187715


1968 was a turning point in world history, and Transform marks the 50th anniversary by addressing a number of these themes. Come along and hear from the authors, including Marina Prentoulis, Chris Hazzard, Sinn Féin MP for South Down, Michael Wongsam, Francisco Dominguez and Kate Hudson. Chaired by Professor Mary Kaldor.
Refreshments ALL WELCOME.Free. Please register


Report of GSC delegation to Greece 2018 -


Very passionate, decent campaign.


Stay strong people of Greece! You deserve dignity and respect.


Pues que en todos los países debería de haber una pagina de solidaridad con el pueblo Griego y su soberanía, Grecia somos todos.


People, I think Greece Solidarity Campaign are Excellent.


People must realise that all this money saved the Banks and its system, not the people who try to make a living via abjection and humiliation. It is high time people in all over the world knew what exactly is happening...and it is not only Greece!!


No more technocrats no more bureaucracy, Vote No, get out of the EU


If only, the rich greeks donate halve of their wealth to their treasury, to uplift their country out of the current dillema. Then, they are worth considering as true blooded greeks. Once u were an empire nation, now u have become a beggaring nation. Where is ur pride n loyalty???


#ChangeEurope #Change4all


I was just watching Russia Today to a short piece on Greece and the former finance minister of Syriza was saying that people are fainting due to mail nutrition!. I was thinking that the best thing to do when in a siege situ as Gredce is with Troyka etc, is to 'dig for victory' turn EVERY possible place over to growing fruit and veg!. Even verticle veg and herb etc gardens grown in guttering. If people have fresh organic fruit and veg they will be healthy at least and a strengthened population to introdue other self sufficiency practices, such as supplying domestic and factory energy from DIY renewable energy made from motors taken off scrapped washing machines, food processors, DVD and VHS players etc etc.

More about Greece Solidarity Campaign

Greece Solidarity Campaign is located at Housmans Bookshop, 5 Caledonian Road, N1 9DX London, United Kingdom