Groupex Fit Uk

About Groupex Fit Uk

GroupEx Faversham Studio
Personal Training, Fitness Classes, Sports Massage.

Online Personal Training:
groupexfitness. co. uk /online-personal-training



So please make sure you take shade where possible, sun cream up and stay hydrated if possible just cold water.
Try to stay away from alcoholic drinks as this will make you feel 10 times worse. Just stay safe and we will see you all at classes and sessions this upcoming week.
... GroupEx Faversham Studio
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We currently have space available for our Faversham Boxercise classes.
Punch, kick and exercise yourself fitter and healthier with our great Boxercise classes.
We have helped many get to their goals weight and stay there, we will get you stronger, faster and punching away like never before.
... Monday 8pm (2 spaces) Tuesday 8:15pm (3 spaces) Friday 9:30am (5 spaces)
Your also get a free copy of our recipe ebook when you become a member. Along with weekly nutrition help at no extra charge (just check the white board when you come to your class).
There has never been a better time then NOW to join our classes.
Just for being a member here is what you get Classes are £5 (First Class £2.50)
You get: -Free Loyalty Card -Entered Into All Prize Draws Automatically -Weekly Texts With Updates to Our Services -Access To GroupEx Chat -Free Ebooks When They Are Released (All made by us) -Small Classes To Maximize Results
We are a great little community so why not give it a go. All classes require booking. 07943164184
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Staying hydrated is the very first part of any fitness or weight loss journey.
Without it workouts will be hard, headaches will set in, your then resort back to old habits and right back to square one.
If your going to lose weight let's do it right and let's make it sustainable.
... No quick fixes, work for it.
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Next GroupEx Stretch Saturday 6th July 8am


New Equipment Inbound
So over the last few months I have said we will be investing some money in new kit.....guess what we have.
We have more to come but we want a good range for our clients.
... We have clients all having different goals (I know just all stick to one lol) some have to be ready for anything. We can now cater for people wanting to lose a few lbs and tone up all the way to people wanting to lift big (max weight we carry is 120kg). So not Olympic big but big enough.
We have equipment that normal gyms don't have and we have no idea why as it's all well used and works incredibly well for clients.
So why not join our amazing client list and start smashing goals, nutrition help al the way and we even make our own recipes for you to try.
Lots of knowledge to give and lots to learn from us.
GroupEx Faversham Studio
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Ovarian Cancer Action (thanks to our association with Boxercise) And SoccerAid (collecting until july 20th 2019)
... We are not asking for cheques for hundreds all we are asking is for maybe 20p here and 10p there. As this is our first year of helping these 2 charities as we think they are not supported very well.
We are setting our first benchmark if collection. So your find these in the kitchen at the Studio and we do hope you can donate even 5p will be something for them.
We have added some change in ourselves to get things started.
So join us in helping kids stay active and ovarian cancer get the help it needs.
Cancer research get all the help and glory so lets help a smaller charity gain some extra pennies.
Thank you GroupEx Faversham Studio Team
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One of the popular questions (not just by guys) I get asked is how to build muscle but not lift heavy weights.
It is possible but takes a lot longer then just lifting heavier weights.
So we know it's hard to press, pull and curl heavy weight as I tend to train to failure then drop down weight myself.... So belive me I know but it's worth it.
That tiny bit of pain or being uncomfortable for a few moves makes all the difference.
So just think of those goals, think of your achievements you have already done and ones yet to come.
Smash your sessions and those goals will come. Then we set new ones yay.
GroupEx Faversham Studio
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A new did you know???
So food association is where you have had a bad day and thanks to American movies people grab for ice cream or head to the pub (that's an English trait).
The idea is to back away from this and if you had a bad day, head for a run or go to a fitness class or book in another PT session that day.
... Destress by doing not by eating the problem away.
It's a habit we all need to change.
GroupEx Faversham Studio
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Happy fathers day to all fathers out there.
Also a huge shout out to all single parents who had mother and father all in one. Huge well done and your smashing it.
Enjoy a treat or 2 but remember to keep yourself within your macros.
... Have a good day
GroupEx Faversham Studio
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Strong Smurf
So summer is pretty much here now, have you achieved what you wanted to after last summer?
Even if you haven't got the Greek God Body for 2019. It's never too late to start. Get yourself down to our classes and/or our personal training sessions and really boost yourself.
... So far this year here are some achievements we have helped with.
Kirsty - Feels a lot stronger and thanks to our yoga and stretch & tone classes is a lot more flexible. Huge well done.
Michelle - Has achieved great definition in her muscle and looks athletic to complement her running. Great work.
Aubs - With all his problems he has had to face over the last 12 months still pushes him self and is gaining muscle. Great for an older gentleman.
Natalie - I feel inside and out fitter and stronger then ever before, great work and keep it up.
This is a tiny snapshot of our clients and they are all committing and doing what they can. Just a huge well done to everyone and we will post about everyone over time as we are proud of all of you.
Keep it up.
GroupEx Faversham Studio
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So we have heard all the excuses I think and rarely we hear the 100% truth.
I was stumped last year when I got a message for a cancellation and got told it was to have a big takeaway as they were stressed. I tried to say after class your feel better but also threw me a little hearing it.
Anyway your always find a reason not to train but all you need it to find your motivation and will power to train.
... You want: Summer bodies > Work For It Feel better > Work For It Reduce That Belly > You Guessed It WORK FOR IT.
It's not all about what you do in training and sessions it's what you do outside of it.
Have a great Sunday GroupEx Faversham Studio
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Join Our GroupEx Chat TODAY!! Members only
To all active members, our chat is getting more good information for your journey added all the time and we have a lot going in there over the next few weeks.
... So make sure you are a part of it as an active member you get access to this completely free.
Please post things you are doing, things you want to know and random stuff inbetween as well. Let's make this a great chat.
GroupEx Faversham Studio Team 8772799/
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It all comes down to choices and what you want to do and what you want to say it hasn't been done due to m this, this and that excuse.
Life will never be easy so adapt and overcome.


So over the next week or so, we will reveal the 10 rules of staying on track.
Here is Rule 1: No shortcuts, what this means is ditch the silly shake diets, ditch the zero fat diets as they never work out well and definitely ditch the silly all your veggies in 1 tablet diet plans.
Only hard work, sweat and lots of times saying no to that takeaway and foing out drinking each week. If it means enough to you, your do it for the sake of your goals.
... You set your goals, you want this and YOU have to make it happen with the guidance from your lovely GroupEx Coaches.
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Muscle is what most people want really,
You might say "No Inwant weight loss" but one of the fastest ways to burn excess fat is by creating more muscle, works with makes and females.
So the idea isn't to be big and bulky (or to some it may well be their goal) but to be lean and healthy. See definition, move swiftly and enjoy life.
... So get working for it at one of our amazing classes.
Booking required for all services
GroupEx Faversham Studio
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What's that? Want to get in shape before summer fully hits? With our weekly tips on food and our nutrition help your hit 2019 like never before.
Then why not come down and be apart of a great class and community.
... Faversham Boxercise @ GroupEx Faversham Studio
Monday 8pm Tuesday 8:15pm Friday 9:30am
Booking Required via text/call or email
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So when do you take a break from training......erm I have to say NEVER lol.
So many people think I want to get from one weight to my goal weight. We do this by being in a macro/calorie deficit.
Then when they reach their goal weight....BOOM they are down the pub again, ordering takeaways and missing session after session.....the a few weeks later get back on the scales and what's happened???? Gained weight and back to square one.
... This is what you should be aiming for.
Step 1: Choose to start your journey.
Step 2: Lose weight by committing.
Step 3: Learn from my coaches how to maintain weight while enjoying my life.
Step 4: NEVER MISS TRAINING to stay on track.
So get yourself down to classes or PT sessions.
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So by now we have all seen Endgame or would hope you have if not *spoiler alert*
As we say good bye to a hero that doesn't mean we can all go back in time and live a new life or get given a serum so be turned into a superhero and have the perfect body.
Even tho we like the fantasy of what could be, we have to face reality and these guys and girls on these films put in a lot of effort. You have to keep in mind these people have all day every day to go down the gym. If your tim...e is limited then that sneaky burger and that sneaky packet of crisps really could be the difference of in shape or overweight.
When time is limited you have to be even more aware of what your eating and drinking to get those super results.
So start this week off with being aware and start looking at your food intake.
GroupEx Faversham Studio
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More about Groupex Fit Uk

Groupex Fit Uk is located at Unit F2, Shipyard Estate, Upper Brent's, Me13 7dz Faversham, Kent