Guildford Cathedral

About Guildford Cathedral

Welcome to Guildford Cathedral's Facebook page. Please see http://www. for full details of services and events. We look forward to seeing you here!



Holy Week and Easter
Through participation in the whole sequence of services, share in Christ’s journey, from the triumphal entry into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday to the empty tomb on Easter morning.
This year there will Compline on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday evenings, which will include a short address.
... Diocese of Guildford
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Job Vacancy
We have a wonderful new role here at the Cathedral.
We need a Marketing and Communications Officer as part of the team here on Stag Hill.
... About the role: Develop a coherent marketing strategy based on solid research which will lead to the establishment of Guildford Cathedral as a leading visitor attraction in Surrey and beyond.
The strategy will also include appropriate proactive communication of all the activity of the Cathedral. They will work with colleagues to implement the strategy and monitor its effectiveness. They will work enthusiastically as part of the Cathedral’s team of staff and volunteers to help deliver our vision.
This is a part time post (30 hours per week, negotiable).
Closing Date: 10 May 2019
Job Description and Application Form available via the website. /current-vacancies
Diocese of Guildford
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Please do join us for our Family Service at 10.00am on Good Friday, 19th April 2019. We will journey around the Cathedral following The Way of the Cross to learn more about the events of Holy Week. The service will be followed by refreshments including hot cross buns, and an activity for the children. All welcome.


🎼🎻 Our 17 year old Cathedral chorister, Hannah Dienes-Williams, is organising an extraordinary performance of Haydn's Creation, on Sat 27 April. She says 'by combining some of the finest young orchestral players and singers in the country, we hope that this concert will be nothing short of spectacular'. Book your tickets today, just £15 🎹🎺 s/boxoffice


As a way of combatting (or possibly feeding) nostalgia for the tour, here’s a video montage of the best bits, made by one of our choristers - thank you! #GCCHoi


It has been going so well, we thought we’d stay a little longer - weather at Gatwick has grounded us at Amsterdam. What do you do in such a situation? Sing Poulenc’s Tristis est anima mea, and visit the cockpit. There’s a new captain in town, and she’s got everything under control... 🙂 #GCCHoi


Our last full day, our final concert, our final service...our final* Chinese! We sang an afternoon concert at Leeuwarden’s Bonifatiuskerk, and then moved across town to sing the vigil mass at the Dominicuskerk. It has been a constant privilege throughout this tour to be singing in a variety of secular and sacred settings, and to be singing in so many different religious communities: the ecumenical movement is alive and well!
We’re back and all in bed (though your correspondent isn’t 100% certain this translates to being asleep...yet), in the knowledge that tomorrow brings reunions with families x and packing... #GCCHoi
*our only Chinese. But it was such a good one...


The first choir ever to sing Evensong in the 500 year old Cunakerk in Rhenen. #GCCHoi


What a day! We started with a visit to the incredible Utrecht Instrument Museum, and then had the great honour of singing the first evensong ever in the beautiful Cunerakerk to a packed congregation - some even had to stand! It is such a privilege to do what we do every day in a completely different cultural context! #GCCHoi


We’re loving it here in the Museum Speelklok! #GCCHoi


Here’s some video footage! #GCCHoi


This morning we are in Utrecht in the Museum Speelklok


The Cathedral Choir is safely tucked up in bed, with their lunches already prepared and bags packed* and looking forward to an exciting day in Utrecht, and Rhenen, tomorrow. We’ve had a day rich with cultural and musical experiences, (not to mention inspired cooking from the chaperones and Sub Organist! - Ed. Can we really say this?!), from the Chihuly exhibition at the Groninger Museum, to our concert in the Nieuwe Kerkhof of Groningen, and we are looking forward to more of the same tomorrow! Stay tuned - good night! #GCCHoi
*correctly, we trust...


After a cooked breakfast at Wellard’s Stag Hill grill and lunch at Rick and Mick’s greasy spoon the Cathedral Choir is now at the most incredible Chihuly exhibition in the Groningen Museum.


We’ve had the most wonderful day, starting with a chilled morning at base camp, with some games and walks, followed by a visit to the Dutch Versailles, Paleis Het Loo, where we had a chance to see the ornamental gardens from on high, as well as glance at beautiful carp, and see some of the Dutch Royal family’s transport collection! We then moved on to Deventer where we gave a concert at the Lebuinuskerk, and received a standing ovation! Now all tucked up in bed, we’re already excited about tomorrow. G’night! #GCCHoi


Our beautiful concert venue, the Lebuinuskerk in Deventer.


Standing ovation in Deventer tonight for the Cathedral Choir.


We are so full after our pancake dinner at Reuvenshoeve we hope we can still sing! Concert in Deventer at 8 pm.


beautiful place, love seeing it in the distance from my house growing up

I am terrified that it may be knocked down one day....they can't can they??


Wonderful place major refurbishing going on at the moment. It will be a once a life time you will ever see this.


Well organised relaxed evening in lovely surroundings. Hope the event is run again next year. Would definitely like to go again.


We were both there and had a fantastic time celebrating William's graduation. Guildford Cathedral is beautiful but it was a shame that the graduation ceremony didn't take place inside it as the building was being renovated. Nevertheless it did not take away the spirit of the Ceremony itself. Once again we would like to extend our best wishes to William as he moves on to the next chapter of his life.


Very Beautiful Cathedral and will be amazing when all the work is finished, the Flowers were displayed by a very nice lady who gave us lots of information about what work was being done and mentioned that come back in a years time and see the finished project ...which I will, there was also a young lady who gave me a leaflet on my arrival and also gave me some valuable information.So Thankyou it was a very pleasant visit. Afterwards I went to your shop and bought a Beautiful Nativity set. Then back on the Coach and homeward bound.


This stunning building was empty!

Perhaps emptiness makes the space more precious and more beautiful.

It reminded me of Jesus going out into the wilderness.

I find the lack of interest in such a fine building scary!

Thank you to the welcome team with whom I enjoyed a well informed and reassuring conversation.

A real pity that the cafe was closed ... another trip to Compton ensued!


Such a magnificent setting for daughters graduation, in front of so many important (and high up) dignitaries.

Cannot believe that this wonderful monument may now close through lack of funds to commit to needy repairs!


I really love listening to the choral music and coming along to the coffee concerts.


Go on, step inside. It's open despite the work going on. You won't be disappointed


Beautiful service held at the Cathedral on 1st July, for the ordination of 16 new members of the clergy in Surrey.


Attended star gazing evening very interesting talk gave us lots to think about

Starry clear night too so we could appreciate the views and sky �


At first I thought what an unusual looking cathedral, but once I had walked around the cathedral inside and out, it had made an amazing impression on my life. Can't wait for the renovations to be completed to see it in all its glory. I hope and pray that the Church of England will step forward and support this amazing House of God.


A part of my childhood which brings back wonderful memories. Beautiful architecture of a modern cathedral with great acoustics.


its a fairly modern cathedral and at present undergoing some major renovation inside to comply with health and safety since it was discovered there was asbestos mixed in with the original mortar you can view the chancery which has been competed and I was told that hopefully the remainder of the building will be finished by September this year


Very inspirational building. The atmosphere was very peaceful.


Lovely but very expensiv ! Good food , and present ! Catridel great til!


I haven't given the Cathedral five stars at the moment as my daughter and I were only able to see parts of it, as it is being renovated. The cathedral guide was very helpful, he explained about the renovation work and told us which parts we could visit, and invited us to come back in a year's time to see the difference. The cathedral is having asbestos removed from the ceiling space and a general overhaul. The Lady Chapel is bright and welcoming, with a beautiful ceiling and windows and the organ is on an open higher level at the back.I was able to light a remembrance candle for a friend for a 50p donation.

In the space between the Choir and Sanctuary is the Bishop's Throne, where before the altar, is a large carpet designed by architect Sir Edward Maufe, and hand-woven at Wilton. Beautiful windows and architecture throughout. Looking forward to seeing the finished result.


Most of the Cathedral in the weekday is currently a huge building site due to asbestos cleaning etc.but the lovely Lady Chapel is open for quiet prayer. The Refectory still offering its wonderful offerings like their veg curry. The bookshop could do with some balance a surfeit of John Stott publications and NT Wright


It was being renovated at the time, planning to revisit this summer

More about Guildford Cathedral

Guildford Cathedral is located at Stag Hill, GU2 7UP Guildford
01483 547860