Hambridge And Westport

About Hambridge And Westport

Hambridge and Westport is a civil parish in Somerset, England. It has a population of 514. It includes the villages of Hambridge and Westport in the South Somerset district. History and general informationWestport lies on the disused Westport Canal and Hambridge lies close to its junction with the River Isle. Hambridge is most notable as the place at which Cecil Sharp was inspired by the Rev. Charles Marson, Vicar of Hambridge, to begin collecting folk songs. The two villages, Hambridge and Westport share many resources including Parish Council, Church, Branch of the Royal British Legion and Recreation Trust who manage a well maintained recreation ground and Village Hall. There is a thriving school and many additional clubs and societies use the Village Hall as a meeting venue. The Hall is often used for wedding receptions and for celebration events of all kinds. It has panoramic views across the Somerset Levels towards Burrow Hill. GovernanceThe parish council has responsibility for local issues, including setting an annual precept (local rate) to cover the council’s operating costs and producing annual accounts for public scrutiny. The parish council evaluates local planning applications and works with the local police, district council officers, and neighbourhood watch groups on matters of crime, security, and traffic. The parish council's role also includes initiating projects for the maintenance and repair of parish facilities, as well as consulting with the district council on the maintenance, repair, and improvement of highways, drainage, footpaths, public transport, and street cleaning. Conservation matters (including trees and listed buildings) and environmental issues are also the responsibility of the council.

Hambridge And Westport Description

Hambridge and Westport is a civil parish in Somerset, England. It has a population of 514. It includes the villages of Hambridge and Westport in the South Somerset district. History and general informationWestport lies on the disused Westport Canal and Hambridge lies close to its junction with the River Isle. Hambridge is most notable as the place at which Cecil Sharp was inspired by the Rev. Charles Marson, Vicar of Hambridge, to begin collecting folk songs. The two villages, Hambridge and Westport share many resources including Parish Council, Church, Branch of the Royal British Legion and Recreation Trust who manage a well maintained recreation ground and Village Hall. There is a thriving school and many additional clubs and societies use the Village Hall as a meeting venue. The Hall is often used for wedding receptions and for celebration events of all kinds. It has panoramic views across the Somerset Levels towards Burrow Hill. GovernanceThe parish council has responsibility for local issues, including setting an annual precept (local rate) to cover the council’s operating costs and producing annual accounts for public scrutiny. The parish council evaluates local planning applications and works with the local police, district council officers, and neighbourhood watch groups on matters of crime, security, and traffic. The parish council's role also includes initiating projects for the maintenance and repair of parish facilities, as well as consulting with the district council on the maintenance, repair, and improvement of highways, drainage, footpaths, public transport, and street cleaning. Conservation matters (including trees and listed buildings) and environmental issues are also the responsibility of the council.

More about Hambridge And Westport

Hambridge And Westport is located at B3168, Langport