Hammersmith Medicines Research - Hmr - エイチ・エム・アール

About Hammersmith Medicines Research - Hmr - エイチ・エム・アール

HMR (Hammersmith Medicines Research) is arguably London's leading research unit doing trials with healthy volunteers. We've done over 550 trials, with an exceptional record for safety and putting our volunteers first. If you would like to find out more about HMR, or are interested in placing a study with us, please visit our website - http://www. hmrlondon.com

HMR („ā®„ā§„ÉĀ„ÉĽ„ā®„Ɇ„ÉĽ„āĘ„Éľ„Éę) „ĀĮ„ÄĀšłĽ„ĀęŚĀ•Śļ∑„Ā™„Éú„É©„É≥„ÉÜ„ā£„āĘ„ĀģśĖĻ„ÄÖ„āíŚĮĺŤĪ°„Āę„Āó„Āü„É≠„É≥„ÉČ„É≥śúČśēį„Āģś≤Ľť®ďŚįāťĖÄśĖĹŤ®≠„Āß„Āô„ÄāÁßĀ„Āü„Ā°„ĀĮ„Āď„āĆ„Āĺ„Āߍ®ą550šĽ∂šĽ•šłä„Āģś≤Ľť®ď„ā퍰ƄĀĄ„ÄĀ„Éú„É©„É≥„ÉÜ„ā£„āĘ„ĀģśĖĻ„ÄÖ„Āä„āą„Ā≥ŚģČŚÖ®śÄß„Āł„ĀģťÖćśÖģ„Āę„Āä„ĀĄ„Ā¶śäúÁ姄ĀģŚģüÁłĺ„ā퍙á„Ā£„Ā¶„ĀĄ„Āĺ„Āô„Äā

If you’d like more information about taking part in a trial at HMR, please visit our volunteering website - http://www. londontrials.com

ÁßĀ„Āü„Ā°„ĀĮ2002ŚĻī„Āꌹ̄āĀ„Ā¶śó•śú¨šļļ„Āģ„ÉĖ„É™„ÉÉ„āł„É≥„āįŤ©¶ť®ď„āíŚģüśĖĹ„Āó„Āĺ„Āó„Āü„Äā„ÉĖ„É™„ÉÉ„āł„É≥„āįŤ©¶ť®ď„Ā®„ĀĮ„ÄĀśó•śú¨šļļ„Ā®ÁôĹšļļ„ĀģśĮĒŤľÉŤ©¶ť®ď„Āß„ÄĀśó•śú¨„Āß„ĀģśĖįŤĖ¨„ĀģÁôĽťĆ≤„āíŚģĻśėď„Āę„Āô„āč„āā„Āģ„Āß„Āô„ÄāŚĹďśĖĹŤ®≠„Āß„ĀĮ„ÄĀ„ÉĖ„É™„ÉÉ„āł„É≥„āįŤ©¶ť®ď„ĀęÁ≤ĺťÄö„Āó„Āü„Éź„ā§„É™„É≥„ā¨„Éę„Āģśó•śú¨šļļÁúčŤ≠∑Śłę„Āä„āą„Ā≥„āĶ„ÉĚ„Éľ„Éą„āĻ„āŅ„ÉÉ„Éē„ĀĆ„ĀŅ„Ā™„Āē„Āĺ„Āģ„ĀäšłĖŤ©Ī„āí„Āē„Āõ„Ā¶„ĀĄ„Āü„Ā†„Āć„Āĺ„Āô„ÄāHMR„Āß„Āģśó•śú¨šļļś≤Ľť®ď„Āę„ĀĒŤąąŚĎ≥„ĀĆ„Āä„Āā„āä„ĀģśĖĻ„ĀĮšĽ•šłč„Āģ„ā¶„āß„ÉĖ„āĶ„ā§„Éą„āí„ĀĒŤ¶ß„ĀŹ„Ā†„Āē„ĀĄ - http://www. japanesetrialslondon.com

Hammersmith Medicines Research - Hmr - エイチ・エム・アール Description

HMR (Hammersmith Medicines Research) is arguably London's leading research unit doing trials with healthy volunteers. We've done over 550 trials, with an exceptional record for safety and putting our volunteers first. If you would like to find out more about HMR, or are interested in placing a study with us, please visit our website - http://www. hmrlondon.com

HMR („ā®„ā§„ÉĀ„ÉĽ„ā®„Ɇ„ÉĽ„āĘ„Éľ„Éę) „ĀĮ„ÄĀšłĽ„ĀęŚĀ•Śļ∑„Ā™„Éú„É©„É≥„ÉÜ„ā£„āĘ„ĀģśĖĻ„ÄÖ„āíŚĮĺŤĪ°„Āę„Āó„Āü„É≠„É≥„ÉČ„É≥śúČśēį„Āģś≤Ľť®ďŚįāťĖÄśĖĹŤ®≠„Āß„Āô„ÄāÁßĀ„Āü„Ā°„ĀĮ„Āď„āĆ„Āĺ„Āߍ®ą550šĽ∂šĽ•šłä„Āģś≤Ľť®ď„ā퍰ƄĀĄ„ÄĀ„Éú„É©„É≥„ÉÜ„ā£„āĘ„ĀģśĖĻ„ÄÖ„Āä„āą„Ā≥ŚģČŚÖ®śÄß„Āł„ĀģťÖćśÖģ„Āę„Āä„ĀĄ„Ā¶śäúÁ姄ĀģŚģüÁłĺ„ā퍙á„Ā£„Ā¶„ĀĄ„Āĺ„Āô„Äā

If you’d like more information about taking part in a trial at HMR, please visit our volunteering website - http://www. londontrials.com

ÁßĀ„Āü„Ā°„ĀĮ2002ŚĻī„Āꌹ̄āĀ„Ā¶śó•śú¨šļļ„Āģ„ÉĖ„É™„ÉÉ„āł„É≥„āįŤ©¶ť®ď„āíŚģüśĖĹ„Āó„Āĺ„Āó„Āü„Äā„ÉĖ„É™„ÉÉ„āł„É≥„āįŤ©¶ť®ď„Ā®„ĀĮ„ÄĀśó•śú¨šļļ„Ā®ÁôĹšļļ„ĀģśĮĒŤľÉŤ©¶ť®ď„Āß„ÄĀśó•śú¨„Āß„ĀģśĖįŤĖ¨„ĀģÁôĽťĆ≤„āíŚģĻśėď„Āę„Āô„āč„āā„Āģ„Āß„Āô„ÄāŚĹďśĖĹŤ®≠„Āß„ĀĮ„ÄĀ„ÉĖ„É™„ÉÉ„āł„É≥„āįŤ©¶ť®ď„ĀęÁ≤ĺťÄö„Āó„Āü„Éź„ā§„É™„É≥„ā¨„Éę„Āģśó•śú¨šļļÁúčŤ≠∑Śłę„Āä„āą„Ā≥„āĶ„ÉĚ„Éľ„Éą„āĻ„āŅ„ÉÉ„Éē„ĀĆ„ĀŅ„Ā™„Āē„Āĺ„Āģ„ĀäšłĖŤ©Ī„āí„Āē„Āõ„Ā¶„ĀĄ„Āü„Ā†„Āć„Āĺ„Āô„ÄāHMR„Āß„Āģśó•śú¨šļļś≤Ľť®ď„Āę„ĀĒŤąąŚĎ≥„ĀĆ„Āä„Āā„āä„ĀģśĖĻ„ĀĮšĽ•šłč„Āģ„ā¶„āß„ÉĖ„āĶ„ā§„Éą„āí„ĀĒŤ¶ß„ĀŹ„Ā†„Āē„ĀĄ - http://www. japanesetrialslondon.com



Ť°Äś†ď„āíśļ∂„Āč„Āô„ĀäŤĖ¨„Āģś≤Ľť®ď„ĀꌏāŚä †„Āß„Āć„āčŚĀ•Śļ∑„Ā™śó•śú¨šļļÁĒ∑śÄß„āíŚčü ťõÜ„Āó„Ā¶„ĀĄ„Āĺ„Āô„Äā10„ÉĽ11śúą„Āč„āČŚßč „Āĺ„āč10 ś≥ä11 śó•+ťÄöťôĘ 6 Śõě + šļčŚĺĆŚĀ•Śļ∑Ť®ļśĖ≠„ĀģŤ©¶ť®ď„Āß„ÄĀŤ¨ĚÁ§ľťá Ď„ĀĮ3,670„ÉĚ„É≥„ÉČÔľčšļ§ťÄöŤ≤ĽÔľą75„ÉĚ„É ≥„ÉČԾȄĀę„Ā™„āä„Āĺ„Āô„Äā
„É≠„É≥„ÉČ„É≥Ś§Ė„Āę„ĀäšĹŹ„Āĺ„ĀĄ„ĀģśĖĻ„ĀĮ„Ä ĀťÄöťôĘśôā„Āģ„É≠„É≥„ÉČ„É≥„Āĺ„Āß„Āģšļ§ťÄö Ť≤Ľ„āíśČē„ĀĄśąĽ„ĀóŤáī„Āó„Āĺ„Āô„ÄāÔľąťÄöť ôĘŚŹĮŤÉĹÁĮĄŚõ≤ÔľČ http://hmrlondonchiken.com/current-trials /


17-004 Ť©¶ť®ďŤ°Äś†ď„āíśļ∂„Āč„Āô„ĀäŤĖ¨„Āģś≤Ľť®ď„Ā ꌏāŚä†„Āß„Āć„āčŚĀ•Śļ∑„Ā™śó•śú¨šļļÁĒ∑śÄß „āíŚčüťõÜ„Āó„Ā¶„ĀĄ„Āĺ„Āô„Äā14 ś≥ä15 śó•+ťÄöťôĘ 5 Śõě + šļčŚĺĆŚĀ•Śļ∑Ť®ļśĖ≠„ĀģŤ©¶ť®ď„Āß„ÄĀŤ¨ĚÁ§ľťá Ď„ĀĮ3600„ÉĚ„É≥„ÉČ„Āę„Ā™„āä„Āĺ„Āô„Äā


17-004 Ť©¶ť®ďŤ°Äś†ď„āíśļ∂„Āč„Āô„ĀäŤĖ¨„Āģś≤Ľť®ď„Ā ꌏāŚä†„Āß„Āć„āčŚĀ•Śļ∑„Ā™śó•śú¨šļļÁĒ∑śÄß „āíŚčüťõÜ„Āó„Ā¶„ĀĄ„Āĺ„Āô„Äā14 ś≥ä15 śó•+ťÄöťôĘ 5 Śõě + šļčŚĺĆŚĀ•Śļ∑Ť®ļśĖ≠„ĀģŤ©¶ť®ď„Āß„ÄĀŤ¨ĚÁ§ľťá Ď„ĀĮ3600„ÉĚ„É≥„ÉČ„Āę„Ā™„āä„Āĺ„Āô„Äā


2śúą16śó•„Āč„āČŚßč„Āĺ„āč4ś≥ä5śó•x2Śõě„ÄĀŤ ¨ĚÁ§ľťáĎ1700„ÉĚ„É≥„ÉČ„Āģś≤Ľť®ď„Āę„ĀĒŤąąŚ Ď≥„Āģ„Āā„āč„Éú„É©„É≥„ÉÜ„ā£„āĘ„Āē„āď„ā팧 ߌčüťõÜ„Āó„Ā¶„ĀĄ„Āĺ„Āô„ÄāŤ©≥„Āó„ĀŹ„ĀĮ„ÄĀ „Āď„Ā°„āČ„Äāwww.hmrlondonchiken.com


1śúą19śó•„āą„āäťĖčŚßč„Āģ16-016Ť©¶ť®ď„ÄĀ„ā į„Éę„Éľ„Éó3„ÄĀśÄ•Śčüšł≠„ÄāšļčŚČćŚĀ•Śļ∑Ť® ļśĖ≠1śúą13śó•„ÄĀ17śó•„ÄĀ18śó•„Äā
šĽä„Ā™„āČšļčŚČćŚĀ•Śļ∑Ť®ļśĖ≠„Āꌟąś†ľ„Āô„ā Ć„ĀįŚŹāŚä†ŚŹĮŤÉĹ„Āß„ĀôÔľĀ Ť©≥Áīį„ĀĮ„Āď„Ā°„āČ„Āč„āČ„Äāhttp://www.hmr londonchiken.com/current-trials/


1śúą19śó•„ÄĀ2śúą2śó•„āą„āäŚßč„Āĺ„āč4 ś≥ä 5 śó•x 2 ŚõěÔľčšļčŚĺĆŚĀ•Śļ∑Ť®ļśĖ≠„ĀģŤ©¶ť®ď„Äā Ť¨ĚÁ§ľťáĎ„ĀĮ1700„ÉĚ„É≥„ÉČ„Āę„Ā™„āä„Āĺ„Āô„ Äā Ť©≥„Āó„ĀŹ„ĀĮwww.hmrlondonchiken.com


1śúą19śó•„āą„āäŚßč„Āĺ„āč4 ś≥ä 5 śó•x 2 ŚõěÔľčšļčŚĺĆŚĀ•Śļ∑Ť®ļśĖ≠„ĀģŤ©¶ť®ď„Äā Ť¨ĚÁ§ľťáĎ„ĀĮ1700„ÉĚ„É≥„ÉČ„Āę„Ā™„āä„Āĺ„Āô„ Äā Ť©≥„Āó„ĀŹ„ĀĮwww.hmrlondonchiken.com


Interested in being paid to help with medical research? Are you a healthy Korean man, and a non-smoker or a light smoker?
Are you aged 18 to 60? Are both of your parents and all your grandparents also Korean?... If you answer is ‚Äėyes‚Äô to all these questions and you are not taking medicines, you might be suitable for one of our studies starting in March. The trial involves 4 days and nights residence in our wards, and 3 out-patient visits.
In return you will receive a free medical check-up and, if you complete the trial, a payment of £1,350 for your time and inconvenience.
For more information, please phone 0800 783 87 92 or 020 8963 4502 or email recruit@hmrlondon.com or visit our website www.londontrials.com Hammersmith Medicines Research (HMR) Cumberland Avenue, Park Royal, London NW10 7EW
See More


15-017Ť©¶ť®ď „ā§„É≥„Éē„Éę„ā®„É≥„ā∂ś≤ĽÁôāŤĖ¨„Āģś≤Ľť®ď„Ā ꌏāŚä†„Āß„Āć„āčŚĀ•Śļ∑„Ā™śó•śú¨šļļÁĒ∑śÄß „ÉĽŚ•≥śÄßÔľąťĖČÁĶĆŚĺĆ„Āĺ„Āü„ĀĮŚ≠źŚģģ/ŚćĶ Ś∑£/ŚćĶÁģ°śĎėŚáļŚĺĆԾȄāíŚčüťõÜ„Āó„Ā¶„ĀĄ „Āĺ„Āô„Äā5 śúąŚßč„Āĺ„āč4ś≥ä5 śó•„Ā®ťÄöťôĘ3Śõě„ÄĀšļčŚĺĆŚĀ•Śļ∑Ť®ļśĖ≠„ĀģŤ ©¶ť®ď„Äā Ť¨ĚÁ§ľťáĎ„ĀĮ1200 „ÉĚ„É≥„ÉČ„Āę„Ā™„āä„Āĺ„Āô„Äā


Interested in helping medical research into a vaccine for Ebola virus, and being paid for your help? Are you 18‚Äď65 years old and in good health? If the answer is YES, then you might be suitable for a study of an Ebola vaccine that‚Äôs ongoing. The latest outbreak of Ebola in West Africa is estimated to have caused more than 11,000 deaths, and there‚Äôs an urgent need to develop a vaccine to prevent future outbreaks. We hope that the study vaccine will prevent people becoming in...fected with Ebola. You won‚Äôt catch Ebola if you take part in this study. The study involves up to 12 short outpatient visits, and might last up to 1 year. If you take part in the study, you‚Äôll receive up to ¬£1,200 for your time and inconvenience. For more information, please phone 0800 783 87 92 or 020 8963 4502 or email recruit@hmrlondon.com or visit www.londontrials.com
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Do you have coeliac disease and follow a strict gluten-free diet? Are you interested in being paid to help with medical research?
We‚Äôre looking for volunteers aged 18‚Äď60 years, who are otherwise healthy, to take part in a study of an experimental new medicine. We hope that the medicine will prevent symptoms when someone with coeliac disease eats gluten by accident. The study involves 3 overnight stays and 4 outpatient visits.
During the study, volunteers will need to follow... their usual gluten-free diet, but also eat about 3 slices of bread every day for 13 days in a row. If you take part in the study, you will receive a free medical check-up and up to £1,800 for your time and inconvenience.
For more information, please phone 0800 783 87 92 or 020 8963 4502 or email recruit@hmrlondon.com or visit www.londontrials.com
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Do you have stable asthma or COPD? Are you 18 years old or older? Have you taken the same daily dose of one of the following inhalers as prescribed by your doctor, for at least 6 weeks: Salmeterol, Formoterol, Vilanterol or Umeclidinium? If you answer is ‚Äėyes‚Äô to all these questions you might be suitable for one of our ongoing studies. The trial involves one single visit about 3 hours long. In return you will receive a payment of ¬£150 for your time and inconvenience. http://www.londontrials.com/


Interested in being paid to help with medical research?
Are you a healthy Korean, Chinese man, and a non/light smoker? Aged between 18-60? Are both you parents and grandparents Korean, Chinese?
... If you answer YES to all these questions you may be suitable to earn up to £1,350 on one of our current studies.
The trial involves 4 day stay and 3 outpatient visits. For your time and inconvenience we will provide a payment of £1,350 and a free medical check up.
See More


Interested in being paid to help with medical research?
Are you a healthy Korean, Chinese man, and a non/light smoker? Aged between 18-60? Are both you parents and grandparents Korean, Chinese?
... If you answer YES to all these questions you may be suitable to earn up to £1,350 on one of our current studies.
The trial involves 4 day stay and 3 outpatient visits. For your time and inconvenience we will provide a payment of £1,350 and a free medical check up.
For more information click below now!! 0800 783 8792 or 02089634502 Email: recruit@hmrlondon.com website: www.londontrials.com NW10 7EW
See More


Interested in being paid to help with medical research? Are you a healthy Korean man, and a non-smoker or a light smoker?
Are you aged 18 to 60? Are both of your parents and all your grandparents also Korean?... If you answer is ‚Äėyes‚Äô to all these questions and you are not taking medicines, you might be suitable for one of our studies starting in March. The trial involves 4 days and nights residence in our wards, and 3 out-patient visits.
In return you will receive a free medical check-up and, if you complete the trial, a payment of £1,350 for your time and inconvenience.
For more information, please phone 0800 783 87 92 or 020 8963 4502 or email recruit@hmrlondon.com or visit our website www.londontrials.com Hammersmith Medicines Research (HMR) Cumberland Avenue, Park Royal, London NW10 7EW
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„ÉÄ„ā¶„É≥ÁóáŚÄôÁ姜ā£ŤÄÖ„ĀģŚ≠¶ÁŅíťöúŚģ≥„ā íśĒĻŚĖĄ„Āô„āč„ĀäŤĖ¨„Āģś≤Ľť®ď„ĀꌏāŚä†„Āß „Āć„āčŚĀ•Śļ∑„Ā™śó•śú¨šļļÁĒ∑śÄß„Ā®Ś•≥śÄß„ āíŚčüťõÜ„Āó„Ā¶„ĀĄ„Āĺ„Āô„Äā8śúą„ĀęŚßč„Āĺ„ āč1ś≥ä2śó•„āí2Śõě„Ā®šļčŚĺĆŚĀ•Śļ∑Ť®ļśĖ≠„Ā ģŤ©¶ť®ď„Äā Ť¨ĚÁ§ľťáĎ„ĀĮ1150„ÉĚ„É≥„ÉČ„Āę„Ā™„āä„Āĺ„Āô„ Äā Ť©≥„Āó„ĀŹ„ĀĮ„Āď„Ā°„āČ„Āģ„É™„É≥„āĮ„Āĺ„Āß„Ä ā http://www.hmrlondonchiken.com/current-tr ials/


We are recruiting again!
14-019 - £1,950 Healthy men needed for the study of a potential new treatment for C. difficile (a type of bacterial infection). You must be 18 to 45 years old,... A non-smoker or a light smoker. It involves 3 periods of 4 days and nights residence in our unit, and 1 outpatient visit. This study starts on the 13th of July.
For more information, please call 0800 783 8792 or 020 8963 4502 or email recruit@hmrlondon.com
See More


We are recruiting!
14-017 - £2,450 People with mild asthma needed for the study of a potential new treatment for some types of asthma.
... You must be aged 18 - 50, A non-smoker for at least 1 year. If you're a woman you must be postmenopausal for at least 1 year or have had a hysterectomy. It involves a screening visit, 14 days and nights residence in our unit and 1 outpatient visit. This trial starts 15th of June!
For more information, please call 0800 783 8792 or 020 8963 4502 or email recruit@hmrlondon.com
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We are recruiting!
14-030 - £2,800
Healthy male volunteers needed to take part in a study of a new medicine to treat serious fungal infections.
... Aged 18 to 45, A non-smoker for at least 3 months.
It involves 2 screening visits, 13 days and nights residence in our unit, and 1 follow-up. It starts 8th of April.
Please contact 0800 783 8792 or 0208 963 4502 for further information.
See More

More about Hammersmith Medicines Research - Hmr - エイチ・エム・アール

Hammersmith Medicines Research - Hmr - エイチ・エム・アール is located at Cumberland Avenue, NW10 7EW London, United Kingdom